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Everything posted by villa89

  1. Two separate mistakes from Emi Martinez for the goal. Poor.
  2. From one mind numbingly boring style of play to another.
  3. Like man united used to be able to do. Thank god those days are over.
  4. villa89


    I know plenty of lads in their 70's/80's enjoying life and retirement. Travelling, boozing, golf, etc. If you look after yourself you can be very healthy later in life. It's easy to say when you are young that you're not bothering about being old and wrinkly. I bet when you're 60 you wont be saying I've only got 5 years left in me. You'll be saying you've at least another 20 years.
  5. villa89


    Ask alex popham or steve Thompson or the whole host of other players all with permanent debilitating illnesses in their 30's/40's all as a direct result of playing rugby.
  6. Athletico are rubbish. Constantly giving the ball away. They look like crystal palace tonight.
  7. villa89

    Ezri Konsa

    That's good news so, I thought he only had 18 months left.
  8. I'm just surprised players dont have security on their houses already. With the money they earn they can afford to have a security lad knocking around. Especially when they are away playing matches. Shouldn't have to of course but that's the state of law and order we have these days.
  9. He can't play as the sitter IMO. The game passes him by, he can't tackle at all and has zero physicality.
  10. Georgia, Romania, Spain, Russia etc. should all join the Pro14 and play against the club sides. It would give them all games and might create a bit of interest in rugby in those countries. As for Italy they need to find a way to get more people playing the game so they have a bigger playing pool. The current setup is not producing any talent at all.
  11. Next to no chance Madrid sell him. They need him for their own squad.
  12. He is definitely at his best as a Frank Lampard style midfielder who gets into the box and offers a goal threat. It's just too bad he was a mid table championship standard player. No where near good enough for the premier league.
  13. Far far too much kicking by Ireland. So many up and unders, it was like the 1980's. Lucky their lineout won the game for them.
  14. Playing a side better than us allows us to counter attack and defend deep which is when we are at our best.
  15. No but you should have seen some of his runs. They were better than goals, so clever.
  16. Just sits in front of the back four. I assume that's was he's told to do but we need more from him than that. No chance city buy him back on his recent form.
  17. They are both championship standard at best. Hopefully both leave this summer.
  18. villa89

    Ezri Konsa

    We are in danger now of losing him because we didnt sort out his contract early enough.
  19. Thank christ it wasn't a permanent deal. Awful again
  20. He's a coward plain and simple. Weak as piss. Pulled out of multiple challenges as he does in every game he plays. Can't wait to see the back of him.
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