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Everything posted by villa89

  1. Pundits on sky saying traorè lacks confidence, nope he's just shite.
  2. I wonder will they have to close the other two stands so.
  3. Did he not bother when he saw everyone already had their boots on?
  4. Both are at fault IMO. Mcginn didn't track him and Elmo wandered in to stand beside the centre half instead of being in the correct position.
  5. He's been a cheap signing that's played pretty poorly for us overall. He didn't cost anything and he's old so we just got what we expected.
  6. I never rated him as a good crosser. As soon as he gets the ball in the opposition half he tries to hit a big looping cross into the opposition box that 99 times out of 100 is easily defended. That's his signature move and, apart from being a very poor defender, it's all he does.
  7. He's the type of player you want coming off the bench to change a game. That's the role he'd have at Leicester or Everton or spurs. If we want to get competitive for europe he would be a squad player.
  8. Not good enough, was never good enough, never will be good enough. Has done well to eek out a career given where he came from and I hope it works out for him in league 1 or scotland or where ever he ends up. Doesn't deserve any criticism because he tries his best but he's just miles off this level.
  9. He doesn't seem to impose himself on a game at all. It just all happens around him. Every now and then he might get the ball but most of the time he does little with it. He's a number 10 not a midfielder and he's not good enough to justify playing him as a 10 because he doesn't score enough or create enough.
  10. Feel sorry for him, he's being run into the ground in every game and never gets a break. I'd say he'll sleep through the summer.
  11. Doing well with what he has. His use of subs will always be an issue but the progress we are making is very good. Anyone expecting us to really challenge for europe wasn't being realistic. 10th would be fine.
  12. Exactly. We didn't play well today and you can't expect him to perform like Roy Keane and drive the team on.
  13. Stop shooting from outside the box john, thanks.
  14. Excellent summary there. Says it all. We are a side who will be inconsistent and if we want to be more consistent then we need to buy much better players.
  15. We just dont have enough quality to break a team down. Simple as that.
  16. It's a tradition, martin Laursen was the last threat we had from a set piece.
  17. From the bbc: "Scott Hogan could have won it late on for City, but he put an effort over from close range." Agent hogan.
  18. Yes. All double barrelled names should be banned. Alex oxo-cubes etc can all do one. Pick a surname or bog off.
  19. I'd love to see him at celtic, it would ensure their demise.
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