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Everything posted by villa89

  1. I agree, you knew signing up to it that you were gambling your money. However as with the people who lost money on poker sites that went bust you do feel sorry for them.
  2. The whole thing was big a pyramid scheme. How they got a licence in the first place is a disgrace. The lads behind it should get time for ripping people off. That said anyone with a large amount of money in this should probably have known better. The stock market works because you own a percentage of a company that exists and is a business. In Football index you owned nothing, just a name on a website.
  3. expected Stephen Ireland's, or Ex. RIP Grannny as it's usually known.
  4. It proves the point though, you are just looking at stats not the 90 minutes on the pitch. He's crap, doesn't matter what stats he has.
  5. There's 3 FFP's, premier league one, UEFA one and EFL one. The only one that's needed is the EFL one to stop clubs disappearing. If a premier league club does a leeds or a sunderland then they will still survive, unless they really go tits up. They will deserve the relegation(s) that they get from gambling. Same for any club in the Europa league or CL.
  6. No. There's an odd obsession on this board with re-signing ex-players.
  7. Pretty easy to modify them to be fully automatic
  8. Zero chance of a law like that being considered, by either party.
  9. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the US, look at their gun death rate. It's easy to travel around different states in america buying guns at gun shows or second hand. It doesn't matter to the school killers what the law is, if they want a gun it's easy to get one. Having a gun(s) in your house is a normal thing in the US, that needs to change first. And it needs to be country wide.
  10. Was it like the statement Obama made back during Sandy hook? It's all just talk, no action.
  11. Problem with that is that we would get nothing for him. We will have to play him or else loan him out next season to prove to other teams he's not crocked. As with all of the extremely dubious Belgian signings we made under Richard Madeley this one looks like another miss.
  12. Too big to fail. The Catalan government/tax payer will bail them out. They are more than a club so it's fine to completely mismanage them into bankruptcy.
  13. Break out the thoughts and prayers. It's pointless trying to implement gun control, the cats out of the bag on that one. The real issue is that so many Americans think guns are great and that they should be freely available. Until you get rid of that attitude nothing will change. Token changes to gun control laws won't work, too many ways around it.
  14. We need to buy two new really good wingers, that would allow us to move Grealish to the middle and use Traoré as an impact sub. Send Ben Ghazi and Hassan to the glue factory.
  15. villa89

    The NSWE Board

    Hopefully they can find the cash to make a real top quality signing this summer. We need another player who's near Jack's level. Otherwise we will just be like Palace who depend on Zaha.
  16. We'd be lucky to get £2m for him. He'll be sold back to Turkey.
  17. His time to go was last summer, it's over due now.
  18. He's as brave as Anwar El Ghazi. Scared of any contact.
  19. There's a bizarre affection for him on here because his stats (goals/assists) are better than you might expect. In open play the game passes him by and he offers virtually nothing. It's been the same throughout his Villa career. I've never understood the praise he has received, he's rubbish. Even now people see him scoring for swansea and assume he's tearing it up in the championship. Watch him play for 90 minutes, not the 30 second clip of him taking a free kick and any one can see he's not good at all.
  20. He looks like he had potential so far. Could be a good signing. Offers miles more than Barkley at the moment.
  21. I think the problem is the players on the bench are all rubbish. We have a decent first XI if everyone is fit, the drop off after that is huge.
  22. One good ball to targett on the back stick. That's all he did all game, apart from give the ball away.
  23. Been poor in 2021, does he have long covid? He was miles better at the start of the season.
  24. villa89

    Matty Cash

    Probably rushed back because Elmo is so bad. Very poor tonight.
  25. Seen enough of him now to see we've been had. The lyon fans were right about him. Totally one footed and apart from the odd bit of good play he's pretty useless. He's better than Hassan or ben ghazi but that doesn't say much.
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