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Everything posted by Nicho

  1. Based on the Wheel of Time production this will be shit aswell.
  2. You can be both. The American problem is a cultural one. The British one is a brexit one for me, that moment of self harm by people with half an idea of what they were voting for let in a man with half an idea of what was required/hat he was capable of.
  3. I actually want to see this, backed by MPs who still support him against the rest. Him holding on, others selecting a new leader and him telling them to sodd off essentially becoming a dictator is nightmare stuff. But the kind of damage that needs to happen to the conservative ideal and ethos for it to take a very long time to recover. Or on the other hand people applaud Boris for it as they love him no matter what and we fall further into the abyss. Can this country handle some really catatrophic short term political horror to improve. Probably not.
  4. I actually want to see this, backed by MPs who still support him against the rest. Him holding on, others selecting a new leader and him telling them to sodd off essentially becoming a dictator is nightmare stuff. But the kind of damage that needs to happen to the conservative ideal and ethos for it to take a very long time to recover. Or on the other hand people applaud Boris for it as they love him no matter what and we fall further into the abyss. Can this country handle some really catatrophic short term political horror to improve. Probably not.
  5. I actually want to see this, backed by MPs who still support him against the rest. Him holding on, others selecting a new leader and him telling them to sodd off essentially becoming a dictator is nightmare stuff. But the kind of damage that needs to happen to the conservative ideal and ethos for it to take a very long time to recover. Or on the other hand people applaud Boris for it as they love him no matter what and we fall further into the abyss. Can this country handle some really catatrophic short term political horror to improve. Probably not.
  6. The next episode is some disgusting self serving propaganda for the leadership. Expect that to be a good end to the season. Or he clings on to until the summer recess, cliff hanger, east Enders music kicks in.
  7. Great end from Norrie, if he performs like that in the next he’ll lose in 3 sets to Novak.
  8. I want more resignations but want him to cling on. We thinks it’s shit now….
  9. I dont know what your general political leanings are but this comment is a hook line and sinker of the "they are all the same" mantra. There will always be scandal as the MPs are people and can and will make mistakes (do things on purpose aswelll) but this lot are off the scale, to suggest that others are the same just on less of a scale is wrong for me and a way of essentially keeping the tories in power through apathay.
  10. The problem being if he comes out right and says the truth about brexit, you have lost the vote of every person that still believe in brexit (and that is a lot) including members who wouldn’t usually vote against labour. Unfortunately it’s the way it is. I do truly believe we will return to the EU, it will take multiple governments about 15 years to come to a clear consensus.
  11. Yep, midfield wise we have Nakamba, Kamara, Luiz, Sanson, McGinn, Ramsey, Chukwuemeka and Iroegbunam. Buendia and Coutinho can also play in there if needed. So we have numbers at the very least. I want Sanson to have another go and I think based on his use last season Nakamba will stay. Rumours about Luiz persist so if he goes then we need a replacement. I dont think we will sign a replacement for Chuk or Tim if they go out on loan.
  12. I imagine we’ve all played sport with someone who doesn’t fancy it. Kyrgios holding his should really looking like he can’t be arsed.
  13. Being a liability when losing the ball doesn’t have to cause something catastrophic. I suppose the comment really means I think he needs to pick his opportunities better and not force it for the sake of it. That is just maturity as a footballer. United struggled with Pogba and Fernandes constantly playing risky balls, giving the ball back to the opponent is the way to allow them to score. He’s been towering over his counter parts in height, physicality and ability for about 3 years. Of course he tries things as he’s usually the best player. Youth football is about honing your talent not necessarily always winning games. He’s playing in the big boy game now.
  14. He reminds me so much of Pogba, hes got so much ability that hes a joy to watch when the things he tries comes off. When they dont hes a liability. Can work harder off the ball and to be fair to him he was coming back to make challenges in the England game, its quite clearly not a natural instinct for him.
  15. Obviously not good for your daughters situation so sorry to hear that. But in general I think looking back on the lockdowns in hindsight is really not useful, it was completely unprecedented and ultimately had it been more deadly (potentially as deadly as they thought) then not locking down could have been catastrophic. Better safe than sorry approach was the only approach, regardless of what we may think of how the government handled implementing it (acting late, not following rules ect). I think on the basis of its actual impact the lockdowns will be shown to have been overkill with a dramatic impact on the NHS. My dad is still waiting for checks on bladder cancer that should have been done in March.
  16. Wow I absolutely love this to the point where if it isnt this I will be disappointed
  17. Do you mean Lewis-Potter? Im hoping we sign Alex Scott.
  18. 10lbs lost in 3 weeks, I can’t keep that loss up but feeling good. Knocked the drinking and takeaways on the head, some intermittent fasting but pretty much just eating very very well. Daily exercise of either HIIT training or weights alongside the daily 5 miles with the dog. Another 12lbs or so to go and expecting that to be much harder to lose, be happy to get to that by the end of August. Back to the regular running is next but pre season football training starts in 3 weeks.
  19. The same as others I generally get the training tops to train in (I also usually like them better). Also have a large Kappa shirt that I am too chunky but funky to fit in.
  20. The return of the lovely ladies thread
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