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Everything posted by legov

  1. How does Cattermole keep getting picked i have no idea.
  2. legov

    U.S. Politics

    Yeah, 'cos what if the British come back, or the Red Injuns, or Martians, or .... All utter danglies, no civilian anywhere needs to own an assault rifle unless your entire population are army reserves - see Switzerland (virtually no gun crime). Not saying it's rational, just saying that 1. it makes sense to the individual who's been brought up in a certain surrounding and 2. solving the problem isn't as simple as implementing laws, assuming you can even get those laws passed.
  3. When living in Korea, I got invited by a friend to join him and his mates and their table. He asked them to guess how old I was. They spent a good thirty seconds looking me up and down, and finally one tentatively ventured '. . . 45?' I was 23. I am originally from Singapore but live in Australia now (moved 2 years ago for study) and...yeah, I've noticed
  4. legov

    U.S. Politics

    I'm not saying I'd enjoy living under such gun laws, but it's not quite as simple as saying that it's loony, one has take into account all of the sociohistorical forces that have shaped societal norms and thus understand 1. how freedom to unfettered gun ownership makes subjective sense within a certain worldview and 2. how laws are (often anyway) a reflection of societal norms and hence solving societal problems isn't as simple as implementing laws to ban this and that. Obviously you could write entire libraries of books on such subjects, but I'm just saying...it's not that simple.
  5. legov

    U.S. Politics

    <a href=http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database#> People who've been killed by police gunshot in the US this year.</a> Thought this was interesting.
  6. Sunderland to go down this season, surely.
  7. legov


    That's the modern definition of the term though, one suspects "nation" meant something subtly different back in the day (the term appears in the King James Bible for instance). Damn it I came here to distract myself from uni by reading shitty transfer rumours, screw you
  8. legov


    Hell, all of us haave probably said stupid and inadvertently offensive remarks in the past.
  9. Quite the opposite. I've gone through similar issues in the past so I thought i might be able to offer some insight from a personal perspective about how to help.
  10. Simon, is her social anxiety a recent thing or has it been an issue since you two got together?
  11. Actually Mike, I'm interested to know what you think about this, given your greater life experience.
  12. I suspect that's why player exchanges don't happen that often as well. Armchair fans often suffer from, er, Football Manager syndrome.
  13. Its like the People who complain/get pissy because theyre in another country and natives cant understand English. Some guy repeated the same question 20x to this girl in phils, Phrased it the same each time, she started crying because he ended up shouting at her and proceeding to ask how she doesnt understand what hes saying. Assholes When a footballer changes his boots in game and commentators make the same 5min rant everytime about how they cant believe it. Strange. Which part of the Phils was this?
  14. legov


    There's pretty much a good chance of rain any day of the year. Forget planning for rain, and bring a good umbrella or raincoat just in case. Keep me updated...I might be able to bring you around (i'm Singaporean...we're just south of the border.)
  15. legov


    Hi Tom, When will you be going?
  16. legov

    General Chat

    If by mad you mean being able to put forth a cogent argument and being acutely aware of the nuances of semantics, then sure.
  17. Not an album strictly speaking, but Alt-J is just ****ing good.
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