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Everything posted by legov

  1. VTers who have a SO who does not speak English as a first language, what are your experiences regarding maintaining a relationship where both people don't share a first language in common? How does humour etc get across? My experiences growing up with two parents who didn't share a first (or even second) language were not great, but I'm trying to be open-minded.
  2. Oh no I agree with you about May, it's Corbyn I'm not so well-informed about so I don't really understand what you mean when you call him an ideological Leaver.
  3. Not sure there would ever be a world in which the Tories would vote for Remain while Labour vote to leave. Sorry if any of these questions sound silly, I speak merely as a clueless outsider.
  4. Man Soton are shit, can't defend for toffee
  5. You sure it isn't the accent? (for both Dier and Pickford)
  6. Still early of course but England look a class apart so far
  7. One of these awful sides will be in a World Cup quarter-final ?
  8. So? Spain hardly looked like scoring.
  9. Had no idea the great Martin Tyler was now with SBS. Wonderful.
  10. They are just really really really bad. Good grief.
  11. Literally! The England players are just walking around and yet they are racking up a cricket score.
  12. My friend is Iranian so was quietly supporting them. Chuffed
  13. Oi, thought you were done with football :)
  14. Where are they shipped in from, in general?
  15. Relax guys, I was playng devil's advocate, I'm no gun advocate. Thanks for the thought-provoking responses.
  16. I don't know about that - London now has a higher murder rate than New York City
  17. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-43624392 I was shocked to read this. Could anyone tell an outsider like me what the gun laws in the UK are like? How is it even possible to obtain a firearm other than for hunting purposes? It makes me wonder if it is unfair for those of us living outside the US to deride American gun laws so much. Are we that much safer and free from violent/gun crime?
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