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Big Salad

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Everything posted by Big Salad

  1. Shouldn't just based on talent alone ya'll should be winning this at least 4 to 5 nil? How has Mings been?
  2. Well tonight we play against Canada. They have steadily improved over the last decade or so,so this will not be an easy game by any means. Was highly embarrasing not to qualify for the last world cup and we got off to a pretty meh start against El Salvador so hopefully we come out and perform better in this one. Gonna go with a tight one and a 1-0 win Reyna with the goal.
  3. People who say they are social media 'influencers' and the people who live and die by what these people say. Only thing they influence to me to do is to punch a **** wall in disgust.
  4. @Brumerican I have been to the Swamp before. A friend of my lived in Gainesville while getting his master's from UF and we went and saw them play Kentucky(This was back in 2016). Was a great experience for sure. If you don't mind me asking, I'm just curious how did you become a Gators fan?
  5. After all the hype and a ton of my friends practically begging me lol to watch it, I started Vikings yesterday and I must say I wish I had started it way sooner. Only 3 episodes in but I am hooked and can't wait to see where it goes.
  6. Well my Tar Heels were supposed to be a BCS contender but totally laid an egg against VA Tech. Plenty of games left obviously to make up some ground but tough start regardless.
  7. Just got home from dropping my niece off for her freshman year of college at UNC-Wilmington. Bittersweet for me as on one hand I am very proud of her for going off to college and pursuing her dreams(Wants to be a marine biologist) but also sad as I will miss her tremendously as she is a very important part of my life. Of course, will call or text her is much as feasible, but also understand she needs room to grow and spread her wings if you will. I have faith that she will be just fine.
  8. I asked the librarian to recommend an author who writes dinosaur books. "Try Sarah Topps," she replied.
  9. Targett was part of that right? Could be wrong
  10. If this happened in any other state I would be highly surprised but with it being Texas, I'm really not too much tbh. As I get older, I suppose I should pay more attention to politics: Taking note of issues, voting for referendums or similar, etc. But to be honest, all politicians absolutely irritate and disgust me for the most part and I don't care to dive too deeply into it.
  11. I've learned that people just always find the littlest thing(Even if they come off to most everybody else as delusional) to fit their narrative. That not only pertains to Dean but just Villa in general from my perspective. Yes he makes the decision about who starts, who gets subbed on/off etc. But this is a team game and he can't make the players get stuck in when they need to, run their asses off when they need to, etc. He is doing just fine this season imo and I have faith that he will continue to do so.
  12. Watching USA vs El Salvador.Oh how much I wish I was there!
  13. That's absolutely heartbreaking for this family and really puts things into perspective. Thanks for making us aware of it @JAMAICAN-VILLAN I obviously can't help with any tickets but more than welcome to donate towards any funeral costs this family may have and just whatever else they may need. To lose a child has to be one of the worst things ever. If anyway I can help this family I will. We are all Claret & Blue.
  14. We all know you don't like Dean at all. I've said myself that he is not perfect, no manager is or ever has been. But he has done some good things for this club and I have faith he will continue in that same vein. Simple as that for me.
  15. Finished Deadwood this morning. Absolutely brilliant show and Ian McShane was phenomenal. Now on to watch the movie that came out a couple years ago.
  16. Are turtlenecks ready for a comeback or do I need to just go ahead and burn them now?
  17. Appreciate it seems straightforward enough. I have never had fennel before(At least in something I made myself) but always up to try something new.
  18. Dean is not a perfect manager by any means; nobody is. But I think he has done pretty damn well here tbh and it will take a lot for me at least, to jump on the let's sack him train.
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