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Big Salad

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Everything posted by Big Salad

  1. Just joined and made my picks for Week 1
  2. Yeah not been 'confirmed' persay and never will be but I just feel that is what they had in mind. Biden and Harris don't even really like each other.
  3. All they care about is making the ultimate profit regardless of how it affects the clubs and countries they are supposed to help.
  4. John Anthony Brooks is a free agent next summer. Yes please.
  5. Need to make one of my campaign goals to outlaw vegetarianism or vote for me win a ribeye?
  6. It really is **** pathetic with how many politicians their are in this country and yet none of the ones being discussed impress me at all. Hell I might as well put my name forth at this point.
  7. Oh wow I love the book series but didn't even know they made movies based off of them.
  8. Looks like my long lost nephew. Have to support my fellow gingers
  9. That's been their plan the whole time
  10. As my old Gran used to say he must be a few screws short of a hardware store if he thinks Liverpool will even come close to that amount
  11. Well that was an awful performance again, drew Canada 1-1. Sigh. Have another bottle of Cuervo yet to open though so their is that.
  12. I think Jed called the Brazilian authorities
  13. @dubbs I used to work from home for American Airlines as a support rep and made very good money while doing so. A friend of mine has been working for Amazon remotely for a few years now and from what I understand for him its a good job. You can make decent money working from home, as long as it is a bigger company. Not sure who would be a good employer for this in the UK but sure probably some reputable ones.
  14. I don't really see why Villa is getting a ton of flack on this. The AFA are the idiots in this.
  15. As a lover of the book series I will be there the first night! The spice must flow!
  16. It's just messed up pal it really is. Politicians only job is to pass laws, bills, etc in order to help their citizens but yet all most give a **** about are what you alluded too. The sad thing is that I can see it getting worse before it gets better.
  17. Even with their bad start, I don't think Arsenal will come close to relegation. Not as talented as they have been in years past yes, but still are tons better than Newcastle, Burnley, Norwich, etc.
  18. The sad thing is though none of the other Republican candidates people have been saying may run, I'm not really all that enthused about them either. The whole political arena if you will over here is ****.
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