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Big Salad

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Everything posted by Big Salad

  1. Yeah singers like Luke Bryan just really irritate me. Just seems like his songs and other similar ones, are geared more towards women and younger males versus performers like Chris Stapleton. If anyone is taking the mantle if you will that Johnny Cash left behind I truly do believe it is CS. That is how much I respect and like the dude's stuff
  2. https://68.media.tumblr.com/253d822ec49fb955deaca06159151517/tumblr_oi4zeezzqa1rp0vkjo1_500.gif
  3. Absolutely pathetic. I hate 'pop country' like this. Luke Bryan, Sam Hunt, and all the rest who sing this kind of crap. My current favorite singer is Chris Stapleton. That dude could sing about literally anything and I'd listen to it
  4. Well after some long, hard thinking over the past couple of days I just called back to the high school and accepted the teacher assistant position. Going there Monday to fill out the new hire paperwork, and the intention is for me to start the following morning. I wouldn't say I am nervous about the whole thing, more just curious and excited as well for this new endeavor. I loved working in the mental health field and helping those afflicted with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, major depression, etc but teaching as I said has always been a passion of mine as well which I helped quench if you will via tutoring but always had an inkling to do it as a full time job. Off here shortly to get me some new clothes and some supplies I will need.
  5. Leon Leon Bailey Bailey Score Score And we'll go crazy crazy Repeat
  6. By Billy Collins, Poet Laureate at the time with the following poem. Just haunting and powerful the affects of these words: The Names Yesterday, I lay awake in the palm of the night. A soft rain stole in, unhelped by any breeze, And when I saw the silver glaze on the windows, I started with A, with Ackerman, as it happened, Then Baxter and Calabro, Davis and Eberling, names falling into place As droplets fell through the dark. Names printed on the ceiling of the night. Names slipping around a watery bend. Twenty-six willows on the banks of a stream. In the morning, I walked out barefoot Among thousands of flowers Heavy with dew like the eyes of tears, And each had a name -- Fiori inscribed on a yellow petal Then Gonzalez and Han, Ishikawa and Jenkins. Names written in the air And stitched into the cloth of the day. A name under a photograph taped to a mailbox. Monogram on a torn shirt, I see you spelled out on storefront windows And on the bright unfurled awnings of this city. I say the syllables as I turn a corner -- Kelly and Lee, Medina, Nardella, and O'Connor. When I peer into the woods, I see a thick tangle where letters are hidden As in a puzzle concocted for children. Parker and Quigley in the twigs of an ash, Rizzo, Schubert, Torres, and Upton, Secrets in the boughs of an ancient maple. Names written in the pale sky. Names rising in the updraft amid buildings. Names silent in stone Or cried out behind a door. Names blown over the earth and out to sea. In the evening -- weakening light, the last swallows. A boy on a lake lifts his oars. A woman by a window puts a match to a candle, And the names are outlined on the rose clouds - Vanacore and Wallace, (let X stand, if it can, for the ones unfound) Then Young and Ziminsky, the final jolt of Z. Names etched on the head of a pin. One name spanning a bridge, another undergoing a tunnel. A blue name needled into the skin. Names of citizens, workers, mothers and fathers, The bright-eyed daughter, the quick son. Alphabet of names in a green field. Names in the small tracks of birds. Names lifted from a hat Or balanced on the tip of the tongue. Names wheeled into the dim warehouse of memory. So many names, there is barely room on the walls of the heart.
  7. True enough;Teddy was either solid one game or utter garbage the next for sure. And yeah I think we are better than that average; think it will be a stretch to make the playoffs but don't see us struggling too bad overall. I'll predict a 7-9 season. If Darnold performs better than I think, then .500 or better
  8. As a Panthers fan I have very little faith in Darnold.We shall see I suppose.
  9. Congrats to her and hope she wins the final.I just wish a young up and comer would do something on the men's side. Same old same old all the time. Either Djokovic or Nadal. Federer is fading somewhat but still relevant also.
  10. It only aired one time so I doubt many on here saw it. I was fortunate enough to see it when came on. Very poignant and brought a tear to my eye without any words even being spoken:
  11. I'm going for a sneaky 1-0 win with Bailey coming off the bench in the 88th minute and knocking it home.
  12. Anyone else really looking forward to the season premier of Goliath here in a couple of weeks? Top top show and Billy Bob Thornton is phenomenal.
  13. If you believe in conspiracy theories it would be much appreciated for you to post in this thread instead cheers:
  14. Anyone else up for having a trophy for the winner at the end of the season for this and the winner of the NFL fantasy as well? I know someone who could make one for relatively cheap if anyone wants to chip in at seasons end and I 'll handle the shipping. Just a thought Of course just put it on my mantel if I win lol
  15. I know the 20th anniversary is not actually till Saturday but I wanted to go ahead and post this as I just signed up to be a volunteer at a 9/11 memorial event in Charlotte this weekend. Some first responders that were there that day will be in attendance along with several local leaders, community groups, etc. The person in charge of it said she expects around 1,000 or more in attendance. I remember exactly where I was when 9/11 happened. I was in my freshman keyboarding class in High School and another teacher came into the classroom and motioned for our teacher to come out into the hall. When he came back in I instantly could tell from his face that something dreadful had happened. He told us all to stop working and then turned on the classroom tv. To say we were stunned into silence and sudden grief is vastly understating it. Not too much longer the principal called a general school assembly where all students and staff got together and prayed. Of course school was let out early as well and I went home and bawled my eyes out along with my family members. A lot has happened in the world since: Wars, terrorism, etc and current society still has similar issues even this many years on. It was a day that truly changed the world and if you ever get a chance to visit the 9/11 memorial in NYC I implore you to do so. It will be a sad experience but also humbling in the sense that we do not need to take life for granted and try to live every day to the fullest. As an American some might say that this day is sadder and more heart-wrenching to think about and reflect on versus other people around the world but I don't think so. This day changed the world period and we all have been affected by it one way or another. Saturday at the memorial event will be sad but also full of joy in the sense that we will never forget and hopefully the world will get better as a whole if we lay our problems/differences aside and try to make it so.
  16. Liam Neeson in The Delta Force. Wow.
  17. One of my favorite actors(Nick Offerman) in of my favorite movies(Sin City)
  18. Bob Odenkirk was great in BB but in BCS he is absolutely exceptional. I am a huge fan of both, but I do tend to leans more towards BCS just simply because most of the characters on BB really got on my nerves towards the end, especially Walter's wife and Jesse **** Pinkman just a big a damn cry baby. Love all the characters on BCS and looking forward to the new ones.
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