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Big Salad

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Everything posted by Big Salad

  1. Maguire is overrated but nowhere near as overrated as John Stones, God's Gift to the centerback position
  2. Yeah I really liked it, the color, the interior, and everything else besides of course the issues mentioned. Gonna keep an eye out for another one for sure and hopefully turns out better.
  3. Obviously from my user name (For those who have seen it you will be itk) Seinfeld is my favorite show of all time. It was funny throughout the series which can't be said for a lot of sitcoms and has too many memorable quotes to even count. Their is a reason it won so many awards and tops so many greatest sitcom of all time lists, it is that good. I implore people to watch it and give it a chance. Serenity Now!
  4. Welp @Phil Silvers and @Genie Went to test drive it... and its a no go unfortunately. Brakes will need be replaced before too much longer as well as the tires. Even though those are not too costly of things to do, its the whole point that nowhere in the listing is that noted and can't obviously tell from the pictures. Also, the seller is a straight prick to be honest, no negotiating on the sticker price what so ever. Ah well, appreciate yall's input and will just my eye out.
  5. Massive 3 points for us. Gave up an early goal but then rattled off 4 in a row. Really impressed by Brendon Aaronson also would love love him at Villa.
  6. Just got off the phone with the seller and told them I will be over later to test drive it so we shall see for sure! Also, gives me an excuse to try the new Italian restaurant in town which is on the way lol.
  7. Nah pal its not. Wish it was though after watching that video!
  8. Appreciate the reply pal.Yeah I've always liked the look of Jags and really good deal on this one. I usually go ahead and opt-in on an extended warranty when I get a car also. Will look at that system as well if I decide to go look at it
  9. Appreciate the reply pal.Here is one I am looking at to give you a better idea. Broken link deleted by mods
  10. Their is a really good deal on a 2011 Jaguar XF Sedan near me and I am seriously considering it. Before I do though,any on here ever had a Jaguar? If so do you recommend them? Cheers
  11. Yeah that wouldn't totally shock me either bar(Knock on wood) as you say an injury forces us to least explore the loan market. Hopefully also by January our spot in the table is a decent one and we wont feel the need to panic buy.
  12. Well my grandma has tested positive for COVID. I'm worried about her as she's 91 years old. More worried than she is anyway as when she called and told me she said I've survived way worse than this in my life and would I bring her some KFC please, I could just leave it on her front stoop lol. Bless her heart, I just hope she takes the right precautions and measures to beat it.
  13. Jesus lay off the pipe pal. The only thing laughable here is that you just seem to want to bash the club for every little thing. They have pride in their **** country and wanted to represent them. Messed up situation, but I am proud that we have internationals on Villa. And what the hell does another club coming in for them have to do with anything? They got a call up from their national team not Atletico **** Madrid
  14. Yes 100000000000000% back this sentiment. Why the hell they even have that as an option? Ridiculous. I hate the ones as well who have it where an offer emailed to them and they have a certain time to get back to you...but never **** do. Assholes. I also hate on Ebay where I can be winning an auction for literally 5 straight days as the only bidder and lo and behold someone comes in with just seconds to spare to snipe it away. Grinds my gears something fierce. Dickbags* *If you tend to do this pal no offense meant I promise lol
  15. Because one of my best friends is Turkish I'm gonna throw in the Altintop's also
  16. Well I got offered both the mental health job and the teaching asst position as well. When it comes to money, the mental health job is a tad more money but the shift they want me to work is from 4pm-12am and that is an awful shift. Very reputable company however with some fantastic benefits. The teaching asst job will enable me to deal with many different kind of student and a choice to be a coach of one the sports teams there. Really only downfall is the commute(45 minutes there and back). Tough decision. My heart right now is saying even though I love working in the mental health field, I also have always wanted to coach and help school kids achieve their goals as well. I'd say right now its 70/30 going to take teaching job. They both want an answer by Friday so can start next week. Either way it feels good to have two quality jobs offered, now time to ponder and make the best decision.
  17. I'm sorry but if we sell Mings than those in charge are dumbasses and they are far, far from being that
  18. He was fantastic in Boardwalk Empire and Hap & Leonard as well if yall haven't seen those. Fantastic actor. RIP
  19. Started watching Club de Cuervos last night. Really enjoying it so far, its about a fictional team (Cuervos FC) in Mexico and the ups and downs after the owner dies. Very well done so far, with some good comedic moments and when their is drama, its not over the top.
  20. Tbf I've had a wrist injury while watching Mia Khalifa on Pornhub so couldn't blame him.
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