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Everything posted by Jonesy7211

  1. Hope he does go back and Postecoglou can show him up even more. No ill will against Gerrard, but hopefully then the love in from the media will stop.
  2. More needs to be made of it, but it shouldn't be down to the players. With the banning of the armband Qatar are effectively saying it's their right to be homophobic and Fifa are accepting of it, and in my opinion they're now enabling it. It shouldn't be down to teams to make a statement and wear the armband regardless. Homophobia is wrong no matter which country you're in and Fifa should acknowledge that. By focusing on the armband we're missing the point of what it stands for and Fifa's duty to support it.
  3. So Fifa banning the use of the Rainbow armbands because their intolerant paymasters say so. https://www.fifa.com/social-impact Their social impact statement is utter, complete, and total horse shit. I could not hold them in greater contempt. Any decent footballing and political organization should kick Fifa into touch. Walk away from the shameless cash mad bastards. Also, I don't see how wearing the rainbow armband is a political gesture. It's just a decent way of showing support for equality. What's political about that? You're either in support of homophobia or you're not.
  4. Linked to Chelsea in the Heil... No direct quotes from Leon of course. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11447557/Chelsea-set-Leon-Bailey-USMNT-star-Christian-Pulisic-leave-Stamford-Bridge.html Load of balls but he has a few good games and he's linked away already
  5. Not sure I agree with this, they've been the best of the rest for a while now. Some of their players are at some top clubs across Europe too. I do agree about protecting the heritage fixtures, just not sure it can be achieved whilst growing the game and protecting player welfare. Some things will have to give.
  6. I don't necessarily think you need to demote/relegate anybody. Make it two pots with a pot of 3 teams each, then a semi final and final. Granted no guarantee of Calcutta cup games each year but they then become more special. Also doesn't increase number of games, which is crucial for player welfare.
  7. Bye bye Pivac. Seriously though, this result is a long time coming and Georgia should be offered at least a route to the top table. They're competitive, and the game is in need of it.
  8. Install DOSBox and download the files from here. https://www.the9llamas.com/retro/championship-manager?fbclid=IwAR2dTyWhlYb5CeZR9Ks9oGaSxy_ILQLSZhnNVLUVmDsGK3iLw8g2qS3etOM Still play these wonderful early CM games. On the link there's multiple versions of 93/94, CM1, and Italia, and Norge. There's an offline save editor in one of the downloads too which works on all the English versions of CM 93/94.
  9. Kevin Conroy, legendary voice of Batman since the early 90's. Aged only 66, short battle with cancer.
  10. Watched the Lost King earlier. Not bad at all, both the wife and I enjoyed it. It's not a particularly good film, but it's got a very good cast and the subject/plot device was fascinating enough to keep me watching. Definitely worse ways to fill a couple of hours. Would recommend as a 7 out of 10.
  11. I have got my PCR test, had it in the post months ago. Really glad you were okay, the more I read about people not suffering that badly it gives me more optimism.
  12. I take tofacitinib to control my IBD, leaving me at higher risk from any virus as it suppresses my immune system. Generally it just takes me longer to recover from most things, but I really struggled with pneumonia last month. Fingers crossed it's mild for me if I get it, thank you for sharing your partner's positive outcome.
  13. I'm the same. Watching with my 11 year old and I'm telling him off every time he gloats and says it's in the bag.
  14. My dad tested positive today, and I spent a few hours with him at his house yesterday. Bit worried as I've still not had it and I'm immunocompromised. Up to date with jabs.
  15. If he's still here tomorrow afternoon for the first time I'll be seriously worried about the people running the club. Nothing personal, but Gerrard is a very poor manager. His coaching team is also totally inept.
  16. Nothing left in it after the last bill. No appointment, but they said they'd emailed me...
  17. Had a knock at the door earlier today, my energy supplier came for a chat to tell me what to do to keep my bills down. I thought I'd covered most things but they still told me a few more things to check, like the combi boiler settings mentioned earlier in the thread. Whilst I doubt the energy suppliers are on our sides, I think this is a fantastic effort on their part. The lady who came to the door explained that most people she had already spoken to had no idea about how to lower their gas and electric usage.
  18. Rugby is light years behind football and the NFL for identifying brain injuries caused by the game. Players are so strong, fast, and powerful that the collisions have incredible force. I hung up my boots a few years ago now, but heads were always targeted by dirty players, and there were lots of incidents of accidental contact too. Safety has been improved over the last few seasons. Any contact above a player's shoulders is usually an automatic red with a multiple game ban. Even in the breakdown players are being rightly cited for illegal contact and rolling. Players are supposed to be protected in the air, and tip (spear) tackling has long since been outlawed. There's still a massive, massive way to go though.
  19. I agree with this, but the clubs from France and Ireland would blow us out of the water in Europe. I also think that the influx of foreign talent has vastly improved the skill level in domestic rugby. Some of the players I've seen recently are incredible. I think a big help would be to reduce the necessity of having a huge squad. Most teams now have 3-4 players per position, granted the level drops off, due to the amount of injuries, number of games, and the international calendar.
  20. This is a really sad day (again) for midlands rugby. I've probably been to Wasps as much as Villa over the last 5-6 years and it's a great day out. What always strikes me though is that for top level rugby the crowds are so small. Even Tigers and Quins only get a little over 20k on average, Wasps is less than 10k. There just isn't the money coming into the clubs to pay the high salaries for the top level players. It breaks my heart to say this, but rugby just doesn't have the numbers in comparison to football, so it doesn't generate the income it badly needs. Every club is millions in debt, it's just not sustainable. I don't know what the answer is, but I hope English rugby finds its way out of this mess.
  21. I've watched it twice and I'm still not sure if the car's driver is too angry or too stupid to speak. Glorious though.
  22. Kyle Sinckler preferred playing football until his mum pushed him into rugby. Not a bad change, playing top level rugby for England and the Lions.
  23. Changes coming this week, Wade Barrett to Raw is one of them. He's good on the mic.
  24. Feel sorry for the Irish fans. Hope they pull off a shock but France and the Netherlands have to be favourites there.
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