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Everything posted by Jonesy7211

  1. At the start of last year I paid for a test to check my antibody levels, and because it was low a few weeks after having the jab my GP gave me another booster. The test results went on to my medical record so the GP was happy to do it. I'm having my booster next week and will get an antibody test in December.
  2. There's a really simple rule that could be implemented that would allow a level playing field and also reduce risk against the clubs. Stop letting owners leverage debts against the clubs. If an owner or owners want to have a crack at challenging the Sky 6 and Europe, then let them spend their own money when the club reaches the limits of what they can realistically spend. The financial risk is purely against the owner and not the club then. If the owner decides they can't afford it any more, they're going to sell as quickly as possible instead of floating around for years like Lerner or Ashley whilst the club remains risk free. By the same token, they could then be allowed higher bonuses should a club achieve success, so long as the club retains a significant percentage to cover running costs. Won't happen though, as the big teams would never allow it. Wouldn't matter who owned the club. Any team could grow quickly to challenge. We'd see more teams fighting over the trophies instead of the usual cartel.
  3. As with the police, I was informed that it's a civil matter. From the website it seems they're more keen to prosecute people who don't pick up their dog's dumps. That's £100 right off the bat.
  4. I've contacted them in the days since and they said dogs only have to be on a lead in playgrounds and specific areas. Not in the fields where we walk our dog. Useless guidelines really.
  5. I often have my dog off lead, but if I see other people around he goes straight back on. I know dogs aren't for everyone. There absolutely must be more accountability on bad dog owners. No such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners. What happened to my dog simply wouldn't have happened if the mastiff was on his lead.
  6. My cocker spaniel was attacked by a mastiff last night, and received two puncture wounds to the face and neck. Thankfully he's ok, after a good few hours in the vets, stitches, and antibiotics, although quite obviously now in shock. My wife and 11 year old lad were with him at the time, and they're both still quite distraught. I called the non emergency police number today to log this incident, however was informed that this is a civil matter and there's nothing they can do as my dog isn't a service dog and mastiffs aren't on the dangerous dogs list. My concern with this is that I genuinely worry that if the dog were to attack again, then the next victim could easily be a child or the next dog may not be so lucky. Obviously I'm quite keen to ensure that the dog is destroyed, and spoke to the owner at length about this (no angry words spoken, just a level headed chat). The owner doesn't know what they'll do. Does anyone know if there's any legal course I can take to make sure the dog is reviewed by an authority so that there is a correct outcome, regardless of what that is? Regarding the attack, my dog was on his lead and the mastiff wasn't. He just bounded up, my dog hid behind my wife, and then the mastiff locked onto his skull. My wife kept my dog as still as she could so thankfully his wounds were not as severe as they could have been.
  7. 19th for expected goals. We really do have a problem at both ends, this is relegation form
  8. Woeful first 10 minutes. Midfield absent as usual. I fear we're going to be embarrassed tonight.
  9. Agreed, he's been very good this season. Seems to be able to bring the ball out of defence too, I'd have liked to have seen him next to Stones. Also would have liked to see Mitchell from Palace in ahead of both Shaw and Chilwell. Shaw because of his form and Chilwell is still playing his way back after his injury. Mitchell needs to be in the squads as both Shaw and Chilwell are injury prone. I guess GS sees Trippier as a better option there though.
  10. No Ben White or Sancho? But GS picks his mates Trent, Maguire, Phillips, and Shaw who are short of form and/or minutes. Jack gets in because of the city factor. I honestly don't understand his thinking. I get that you want players who know your system, but you have to select based on club form or there's no point. Bellingham has to be a starter now, he's the best midfielder we've got. Hope GS starts building around him and Foden in the upcoming games.
  11. In my opinion, kayfabe is something that's missing in the current market. Suspension of disbelief and all that. It's a shame he won't work with AEW, I think they could really benefit from his knowledge. Some of his views are a bit outdated but they've got nobody like him that's seen and done it all.
  12. I agree regarding his values, but I love it when he talks about old school wrestling. The man is a human library. I've watched so many of the matches from the 70s and 80s he's spoke about that I'd have otherwise never seen.
  13. Anyone else listen to the Cornette podcast? Apparently there's rumours abound that the Elite have been upsetting a lot of the ex WWE locker room. There's also apparently a lot of stories not come out regarding the behaviour of twinkletoes mcfinger bang and the kookamunga kids (his words) that's fairly negative too. I know Corney doesn't like them at all, but I wonder if there's any truth in this, and Tony Khan is pushing them out?
  14. The back slapping and guffawing is sickening. Wish they'd all disappear.
  15. They were great all night, right from "heeeeyyyy bailey". I don't think the commentators or the wrestlers knew how to respond at times. Good ppv, the crowd made it a great one. Really thought Roman was going to drop one of the belts now he's gone part time and out till the survivor series build, but I guess they're saving it for Cody.
  16. I hope it's just a cold, but we had this with my boy from about 5 months old. Would wake up every few hours screaming. We went back time and again to the GP and eventually referred to ENT. Turns out he had enlarged adenoids and tonsils which were removed when he was 18 months old. He would wake up every few hours simply because he couldn't breathe properly, and developed sleep apnea. My point is if this doesn't go away keep on pestering your GP. My boy is now 11 and still now really struggles to go to sleep because of all the issues he had when he was very small. Wish we were more pushy so he got sorted more quickly.
  17. McGinn isn't a bad player. Gerrard's system is making him look terrible though. I think McGinn gets more stick than others due to being made captain. He just doesn't seem to know where to stand or what to do with the ball. He's not showing anything like the form he's shown under Dean Smith. After playing this badly for so long you have to question whether it's the player or the system.
  18. Hopefully that was the last time we see Gerrard in the dugout at Villa Park. Only positive I can take from that.
  19. Red Bull have been masters of the undertake this season, so if Max starts on the mediums I'll say lap 14, fasts lap 9.
  20. What a performance today by Argentina. Seismic result. Don't think Ian Foster will be in charge of the All Blacks for the world cup. He was already under massive pressure.
  21. I think Fury avoided AJ when he was undefeated. AJ is a better fighter than Wilder in my opinion. But I agree AJ also was protected. Nobody wants to lose that '0'. Devalues them.
  22. I think you're being a bit harsh there. Usyk is not just the best heavyweight but also one of the very best pound for pound fighters in the world. AJ is a very good fighter. Fury has avoided him as much as AJ has.
  23. I'm proud that as a Brit he stood at the top of the boxing world. Just think he acted in a very petulant manner tonight. I also think his journey from a potential life of crime to a top level boxer is an inspiration to so many children who don't have access to the advantages some people take for granted
  24. Last time we see him? Sounded like the rant of a man that's broken. I hope not, would love to see him fight some of the British heavyweights.
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