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Everything posted by MNVillan

  1. I am firmly Southgate In until after the World Cup
  2. Don’t you dare come after biscuits and gravy! That stuff is delectable
  3. Frankly if the monarchy vanished and the palaces did with it, I don’t think that would change our decision to visit at all. The Palace was cool, but after two minutes of standing outside the gates you continue on your way. She was much more interested in the ritzy, high end shops and areas. Same with the food. A bit like visiting NYC. I was interested in pubs and football.
  4. Probably more interested if they started giving tours
  5. No, but tbf the first thing my wife wanted to do (which means it’s the first thing we did) was see Buckingham Palace. The royals were (obviously) not a deal breaker, but a fun thing to see. Mind you, I’m not the one paying for their castles
  6. I definitely didn’t travel to England for the weather.
  7. There’s a lot more room to drive over here. The vast majority of European cities were built well before cars and America (minus the East Coast) isn’t the same way. I shudder at the thought of trying to drive a truck on the roads in Italy. England isn’t as bad, tbf. I personally would never own a traditional truck because they guzzle gas, but Ford is introducing an electric F150, and I would love one. Even if you don’t typically haul stuff around, they come in massive handy occasionally.
  8. This thread is pretty incredible. I started reading VT in 2013, and it was full of relegation predictions. Now we’re demanding top half. Don’t get me wrong, I think top half should be the expectation with an outside chance at Europe. But damn, what a journey it’s been.
  9. That’s a very bold statement about religion. It plays a very important, and positive, role in millions (if not billions) of people’s lives.
  10. It is. That’s not the current lion on the badge.
  11. About as boring as you can make a Villa home kit
  12. Probably not next year, but I’ll be back
  13. Hit the nail on the head here. I think people in general love to watch celebrations because we see normally straight laced people let loose. Tom Brady winning the Super Bowl in Tampa and throwing the trophy from one boat to another comes to mind. It’s relatable. Who doesn’t celebrate big moments in life? But seeing someone who is often pissed up “celebrating” way harder than anyone else isn’t nearly as fun. In fact it’s pretty cringe.
  14. Sometimes I come read this thread just to reminisce on how beautiful my pilgrimage was.
  15. We’re, by definition of being in the same league, competing with Citeh
  16. El Ghazi having a higher goal contribution rate than Philippe Coutinho. Un*******believable
  17. I love Ollie, but his trampoline feet are infuriating. Zero touch
  18. Don’t forget their idea for “Manchester Mondays” a few years ago where NBC Sports would just replay old ManUre and £iteh matches
  19. I still don’t like him. I’m still bitter. He’s a traitor. He was quite literally bought to go to a competitor. When someone flips side in war and their side wins, losing generals don’t go “sucks we lost, but happy for that traitor, he put in good work for us.” You’re either with us or against us, and he chose to be against us.
  20. Looking back, losing Grealish, especially in the way we did (publicly and close to the season start) really stunted any chance we realistically had at improving on 11th. That’s not exactly earth shattering news, but we had no time or plan to replace him. That’s not a knock on Purslow, I don’t really know how you plan to replace the face of the club. The January window treated us well. Chambers, Coutinho, and Digne all seem to be quality additions. There were glimpses of brilliance, and plenty of lapses. This season was a rollercoaster. Hoping (and expecting) more consistency next season after a less tumultuous summer.
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