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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. MaVilla

    Matty Cash

    the thing is tho, Cash isnt that good in an attacking sense. He is quick, which is a huge asset, but he is very uncomfortable on the ball, not a technical player, and he cant cross for toffee. He isnt a bad player tho, he is decent, but he defo isnt a great "attacking full back", other than his pace.
  2. kind of fits the Emery mold i guess. quick, decent finisher, fairly strong, fairly technical and comfortable on the ball. 21 in 30 games last season, but when you equate it to minutes played (2210 minutes), thats a goal every 105 minutes, so a goal every 1.17 games. During his time at Lyon he has 55 goals in 120 games, but again, thats actually in 7682 minutes, so a goal every 137.8 minutes, so a goal every 1.55 games, on average, over his 4-5 years with Lyon. obviously wouldnt manage that goal record in the PL, but he does look the type of player profile Emery likes up front, in terms of skills, speed, strength etc.
  3. pretty sure i saw someone say this guy is a complete fraud, and about as legit as Xia.
  4. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    Amazingly, Emery still made more sense there, lol.
  5. MaVilla

    Matty Cash

    i think his days are numbered as a first choice 11 player. im not sure if that means he will be sold, or act as backup/competition, but looking at Moreno i dont think Cash is an Emery type of player at all. We may go for a more defensive right back to balance the left back/right back thing, but i just dont see that being Cash long term under Emery.
  6. got a link mate? seems a few "spam forums", and they all look a bit of a mess....
  7. the Southampton win over Everton was big for them, they will have their tails up. I dunno, its a hard one, our league form is superb under Emery, and i think we are becoming a different team under him (but nowhere near the finished article), but historically this is exactly the type of game we would normally lose with some wappy performance. The losses to Watford, Sheff utd, Bournemouth, Burnley, Fulham etc in the last couple of years give me PTSD.
  8. yikes. That must have been a real rush of blood to the head for that to happen. i am assuming it was Deano, and i cant imagine Deano standing for that, Smith seems soft in a lot of ways, but also very principled, and not likely to forgive that kind of event (who knows tho - im totally guessing).
  9. Martinez was a Cutler proposed signing. In a recent interview with Dan Bardell (i think), Cutler spoke how they were looking at numerous keepers, and Cutler wanted martinez, and had to do a full presentation justifying why martinez and not a different keeper (apparently Cutler was allowed a large input in to keeper recruitment), Lange obviously approved the signing, but it was driven/led by Cutler. So, another one that can be chalked off the "Lange transfer" board.
  10. getting old sucks brother, i feel u
  11. MaVilla

    Jhon Durán

    well, im not saying one way or the other if Duran will come good, but..... He isnt replacing Archer, they are totally different profiles of player. Duran in theory is a fast, big guy who can lead the line or drive from wide, hold the ball up, run the channels, cause trouble for the opposition, bring our own players in to the game (if he develops well). Archer is more of the little guy causing a nuisance of himself and being a bit of a fox in the box, or running on to through balls etc, a totally different type of player, he certainly isnt a hold up player, or someone who bullies opponents, or someone who carries the ball and can hold off players until our other forwards join the attack. As i say, i dont know if Duran will end up being the player we want, but i can totally see why Emery might want a player in the "Duran" mold to lead the line, especially as we are a little lightweight up front physically. I can see a Duran type player causing physical trouble up front, with players like Bailey, Buendia, or other players we might buy running off and around him. heck, i wonder if we are hoping Duran will be a better, less injury prone version of Davis.....
  12. MaVilla

    Jhon Durán

    he's gonna get some pelters early on from a section of fans if he plays like this.
  13. MaVilla

    Jhon Durán

    he could be talking about the price of potatoes for all i know , but regardless, wlecome!
  14. MaVilla

    Jhon Durán

    not 33 years old on 180k wages, no bueno. so, will he be the next Benteke, or the next Wesley?
  15. Perejo is 33, he's 34 in 3 months, I would be surprised if he was worth 12m?
  16. im torn with Danjuma, he did play well under Emery, but was that Emery raising his game? Danjuma's performances/goal return isnt that great outside of the Emery/Championship era. I think i would prefer us just buying a better player, and Emery raising them even further than he did Danjuma. I dunno, if we get him, would support Emery regardless.
  17. you know what always winds me up watching Villa on telly, when they show the dugout, and the plastic roof of the dugout is dirty, musty, almost to the point that it looks like the roof of the dugout was installed in 1923, and they have allowed all the dirt and moss etc to just go wild. Looks filthy!, not becoming of a modern stadium at all
  18. nah, they are playing Pokemon with players.....
  19. he does look like a very, very good player, suppose we will soon see if he looks 70m+30m good.....
  20. going to be interesting this season. Fulham definitely arent going down. Forest have a good chance of staying up. I think Bournemouth will probably go down, they are falling like a stone (if it wasnt for our super (not super) performance against them in the first game, they would be bottom right now with 13 points). That leaves "probably" two relegation slots for teams who have been in the PL for a while, its a hard one to call though. Leeds, Leicester, Wolves & West Ham are too good to go down on paper, and will probably put a little run in here and there to stay up. Looks like Everton & Southampton are most likely to join Bournemouth, with Forest as outsiders if they cant continue their good-ish form of recent.
  21. its so obvious why Emery likes Moreno, very good on the ball, mobile, rapid, varied in terms of crosses, runs, breaking in to box, overlaps etc etc. great signing.
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