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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. newcastle owners watching the Mancheatster City events unfolding:
  2. i hope they get thrown to the wolves (ie: relegated to League 2 or something). My head says they will fight it with the money of a literal state and get off with some bulls*** fine, or something similarly pointless.
  3. If our form drops off and we revert to our previous managers average PPG (Smith = 1.15, Gerrard = 1.16), then we are looking at a 47/48 point season. Currently, Emery is averaging 2 PPG in the PL (even with the Leicester loss), but i think that's almost certainly unsustainable, if we set a higher end target of 1.5 PPG, that would give us a season total of 53/54 points. So, depending on form, somewhere between 47 and 54 points is the most balanced view i think, anything above that would be exceptional, and beyond any reasonable expectation. Anything lower in terms of avg. PPG for the last 17 games, would be mind bogglingly poor form, even 0.8 PPG between now and the end of the season would put us on 41/42 points for the season (ie: 0.8 PPG over the season, is a 30/31 point season total).
  4. i read somewhere that when Cash came on versus Leicester, Emery at some point started getting a bit upset by what Cash was doing, waving his arms about and getting frustrated with him, did anyone else actually see this?
  5. i doubt they are doing this specific thing in training, well.....they clearly do......but not in the way the players do it in that specific moment. i imagine they do pass it to the central player a million times, and to the wide CBs etc. I think the problem in that picture isnt "i hope they dont do that in training", but more "yeah you may have made this pass in training, but in this moment, you need to be intelligent and make the right decision" (ie: one of the wide CBs - not to kamara). All this smells of to me is, they can learn to draw dot to dot, but sometimes they arent yet at the point of making an in game, live, intelligent decision, they just do dot to dot without thinking.
  6. kamara wasnt pressured easily, Emi made a hospital pass, Kamara was too confident and didnt offload when he could have, got swarmed and dispossessed, it was the good old swiss cheese model scenario. (ironically it was very similar to both the Dendoncker one versus Stevenage, and the Luiz one versus Brighton), we really need to learn from these mistakes, 3 players have effectively made the same mistake in 3 different games, and Emi made the poor pass twice, Olsen made one of them.) If you look at a freeze frame of the Kamara one, Emi shouldnt have even passed to him, he was surrounded by 3 Leicester players, where as the CBs were completely open and free either side, even then, Kamara should have realised immediately that it was a bad pass and offloaded it to the left or right CB, its just multiple mistakes leading to one outcome, and we need to learn from them and not continue to do it..... We just need to make better decisions, be less complacent, etc. emery wont change his tactics, he had implemented them everywhere he has gone, if the players cant play his system, they wont be here long. I know Kamara was a bit silly trying to hold on to it (but he usually can), same as Donk and Luiz, but the GK shouldnt be making that pass (either Emi or Olsen), they should have chosen a different option. The other thing i have observed generally with Emi 1, is he slows it down too much, allows the opposition to close players down, close passing channels and allow them to set for their press, rather than recycling the ball and keeping things moving, i love Emi 1, but he needs to stop standing on the ball and allowing all the opposition players to set themselves, it would be more effective overall if we kept the ball moving, kept pulling players around and didnt let them settle or set a press.
  7. MaVilla

    Jhon Durán

    im not going to pre-empt his level of success with us, however..... It is nice to see a wide forward type who has genuine speed and physicality, someone who seems decent at holding the ball, laying off, going past players and having the physicality to brush defenders aside, or hold on to the ball, he looks a physical specimen. I know Bailey has his pro's, but one of my annoyances is watching him blow over like a leaf and be unable to beat a man and physically retain the ball, Duran looks like the real modern, technical and physical type inside forward. Obviously, time will tell how Duran develops, and whether he can/does develop in to a good player, fingers crossed hey.
  8. MaVilla

    Matty Cash

    i dont think he has gone backwards tbh, i just think that as the players have been asked to play a more technical/intelligent style, he is becoming exposed. I think his early good performances with us were as a basic up and down full back, last ditch defending at speed, throwing himself about, sliding tackles, low tactical nuance type stuff, he was very Roy of the Rovers and decent at it. Over time, and more so under Emery, the players are being asked to be tactically aware, positionally aware, be technical, intelligent and composed, and all these things are exposing his weaknesses. He just isnt that type of full back, and it shows.
  9. If our form drops off and we revert to our previous managers average PPG (Smith = 1.15, Gerrard = 1.16), then we are looking at a 47/48 point season. Currently, Emery is averaging 2 PPG in the PL (even with the Leicester loss), but i think that's almost certainly unsustainable, if we set a higher end target of 1.5 PPG, that would give us a season total of 53/54 points. So, depending on form, somewhere between 47 and 54 points is the most balanced view i think, anything above that would be exceptional, and beyond any reasonable expectation.
  10. Interesting. I think its fair to say that we should mix it up as required, even if you play out 90% of the time, there are times where being more direct is required, or even preferable, maybe its that some of our players are acting a little like robots at times, following dot to dot, rather than intelligently being able to see and decide when playing out is the right choice at any given time. tbh some of our goals conceded are just plain mistakes/stupidity, or even other players not showing/making themselves available, meaning we paint ourselves in to a corner i dunno.....we will see i suppose!
  11. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    i have thought this for a while, but never quite decided how to put it in to words, here goes tho..... We look good defensively when we play Emery's defensive style (away from home tactic), but our defence is actually pretty poor (we just dont see it with this style of play), as those defenders are bolstered by the low block, high numbers in defence and they are nearly always "looking forward", which makes it much easier for them to do their job etc. When we are at home under Emery we try to be more aggressive, play a higher line etc, then the defenders get less support, have to use their intelligence, and be aware of what is in front, alongside and sometimes behind them, and i think we have seen time and again it isnt something a fair few of our defenders can do, they simply arent good enough to do it. my point is, the defensive tactic greatly hides our defensive weaknesses, and the attacking style greatly exposes them, its very similar to the problem Gerrard had, when we tried to play expansive, our defence got spanked over and over, then Gerrard reverted to defensive, and it improved, then he tried offensive after a while and we imploded again, not defending Gerrard at all, but i think both Gerrard and Smith suffered from this fact, and now its something Emery will have to contend with for now. The positive though, is that Emery will stick with his style regardless i think, and over time the players that cant play the style(s) as required will be moved on, and im more than happy for us to instil a style and improve over time, i just hope we dont go back to flip-flopping between styles, i hope Emery sticks to his guns, which im almost certain he will, it might be painful to watch at times tho lol (until we iron out the problems).
  12. yeh, i'd keep him as 1 of 4 central defenders fighting for the 2 spots, the problem right now is that he has zero competition, same for Konsa tbh. I think 4 CD's of Mings, Konsa, Carlos and another (Torres type?), would be just fine, the problem now is just that our central defenders have no genuine competition for their places.
  13. MaVilla

    Matty Cash

    he's just not good enough, that simple really.
  14. with the football IQ of some of our players, i fully believe, that they believe, thats what they are doing.
  15. amazing how this ends up 2-4.... I would say im surprised, but im just not, a lot of these players do this ALL the time, a few good games here and there, then a complete brain fart, unprofessionalism, weak mindset, not sure what to even call it. All data for Emery tho tbh, at least he gets to see what we have seen for years, some of these players regularly flatter to deceive, then revert to type...over..and over...and over.
  16. now the window is closed, some of the players are clearly now relaxed that they arent being replaced for at least another 6 months, and are reverting to type.
  17. ofc he does, he just leaves the ball behind.
  18. yeah i dont think its a shock either, but i did wonder if maybe Cash wasnt fully fit after the WC or something so i wasnt 100% sure it was clear Young is preferred. I do think it seems clear now tho, which is fine by me, i dont think Cash suits Emery's style tbh.
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