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Everything posted by Hornso

  1. For those who are interested in this, might be worth watching the documentary "The King of Kong" also...
  2. I’m keen to go again. Happy to drop to Div 2 after my performance this year.
  3. I have a soft spot for the Timbers. Their home normally quite nice.
  4. Olof has hauled his lads out of the relegation zone.
  5. I’ve got about 9 games to play now. Just conceded a 91st minute equaliser at Anfield to draw 4-4 to remain 3 points off top. Would have been 2nd on GD if I’d won. My run home is much harder than theirs though so I think I’ll be settling for 2nd. I tried to sign Bellingham in my game but he wouldn’t even enter negotiations with me. He’s ended up at Bournemouth!
  6. It’s not SHA blue. Our away kit this year was sky/light blue.
  7. Welcome to the outcast club! Don’t worry, there’s talk of a pointless, second hun for Chicago, Detroit and all the other outcasts.
  8. That’s modern sport. It’s the same all over the world. But yes, it’s rubbish. Plus awards decided by fan voting is **** idiotic.
  9. Didn’t think he was Villa, but whilst he is covering them he’d want them to be as good as possible to help his exposure. Plus I’m sure he’s got a bit of a soft spot for the club after covering them for so long. He certainly speaks fondly of various people at the club.
  10. Straight to the Classic Football Shirts Hall of Fame.
  11. I don't believe this at all. I think he'd rather be watching him week in, week out for seasons to come.
  12. That's because the clubs had to vote on it with a 2/3rds majority to keep it
  13. Anyone been getting into the hub ball? Personally can’t get into it until the playoffs begin.
  14. Hornso


    Saw a tweet saying Kroenke had done extremely well out of the pandemic also.
  15. Getting back into this after taking a break. Quick catch up, playing with Villa. Have gone 14th, 6th & 8th in my 3 seasons plus losing in the Europa League Final last season. Halfway through my fourth season and I am somehow challenging. The season is messed up because of the Qatar WC and I don't think my small squad can hack the full season. For instance, my back up striker got injured so I just brought back Louie Barry from on loan in League 1. Scored on his debut off the bench against Palace.
  16. I must be getting old. I was all "this kart is amazing...". I've since reverted to my favourite Blue Falcon. Think I've got 3 stars on 5/6 of the 200cc cups. Need to knock it over so I can give something else a go.
  17. As I saw somebody say on Twitter, why have we got the sponsor logo on that, but no AVFC badge?
  18. 1. At what date do we sign our first player this summer? August 14th2. How many players have signed for Villa within Oct.5? 73 When the transfer window slams shut Monday, Oct. 5, what is Villa's gross expenditure on incoming players? £117m
  19. A table they're near the top of... https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/53604028
  20. Was happy to see Hibs got off to a winning start with 'Aussie' Martin Boyle bagging a brace.
  21. Not sure if you are on Spotify, but if so... https://open.spotify.com/episode/7ADuxdjT77LpgqPNQJ196i?si=8fBaJz7uTWOkXTUDHb9nuw
  22. Excellent interview with him on a recent Football Ramble podcast.
  23. Very happy with what I'm hearing, but as always the proof will be in the pudding. Welcome Johan.
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