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Everything posted by Enda

  1. The Rock. Dwayne Johnson. Do we have wrestling?
  2. Bloody hell, some match if players die on the field.
  3. Car was ransacked this weekend. It was parked in our front drive, we must have left it unlocked. Cops said it’s a common petty crime in our area. Thankfully there was nothing of value in the car so all they got was about €4. They even left my sunglasses.
  4. It’s not an odd rule at all. We’re scummy if complaining we actually fouled him twice and only the first counted. Fair play to the Stevenage player. Also, Olson not at fault. Donk should have played it first-time to the corner of the box near Cash and it was a breakaway.
  5. Enda

    Unai Emery

    It’s not on Unai until he’s had at least one transfer window.
  6. As it happens, my grandad also fought in a war against oppression from another country. That oppressor was very close to home. France and Germany have of course played soft. I can see that. I’d applaud them if they did more, but that’s different than the tanks coming from the EU. Not being rude here, but you can see why I make a fuss between the tanks having French or German flags on them versus them having EU flags, yeh? Once it’s an EU flag, I’m involved. I don’t want the EU making that decision for me/my country.
  7. Strong disagree. I’m Irish, and Ireland (rightly or wrongly) is neutral. That’s our decision. Brussels can f-off if they think of doing anything militarily we don’t agree with. We retain a veto on military action. Foreign policy is rightly devolved to the member states. Now I’m actually against Ireland’s defence policy and think we should join NATO, but it’s not the EU’s place to tell us different.
  8. The EU as an organisation, intentionally, has very little military capability. I don’t trust the EU with war anymore than I do tax policy, which is why both are largely left up to individual member states Individual EU members (e.g. Poland and Finland) have given quite a bit of support.
  9. Cost us five points with that miss.
  10. Enda

    Cameron Archer

    December 9th, https://www.premierleague.com/players/25281/Cameron-Archer/overview
  11. No advice but here to say I am very sorry for your friend, and well done to you for being such a good person for her.
  12. Absolute genocide of a pass for Villareal’s goal tonight.
  13. “Expansionist” NATO. Remarkable how the fellas who use that phrase don’t distinguish between expansion via mutual agreement, and expansion via invasion and annexation.
  14. Interesting article in The Spectator yesterday about China’s role in the background. Apparently Xi cut a deal with Biden: NATO provides no fighter jets (remember Poland’s offer?), and China uses this to pressure Putin to avoid non-conventional weaponry.
  15. Enda

    The Royal Family

    If you’re a minority “Where are you from?” = “You’re not from here.”
  16. …Leon Bailey is a useless footballer and he’ll never amount to anything and he has bad haircuts and he smells funny.
  17. Sticking around a club because you hate the fans is definitely an innovative approach.
  18. Nah, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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