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Everything posted by Enda

  1. Enda

    Douglas Luiz

    From this to split up within a week. They’re like teenagers!
  2. Now now boys you both have very long willies.
  3. Spot on. Same as some islands off Argentina as well.
  4. Mad respect for standing up to racism @ccfcman, but Zaha being an unlikeable prick has nothing to do with his skin colour.
  5. I had a small cry to myself last night.
  6. Ran himself into the ground. The jersey was dripping with sweat when he was being subbed off. I hope he donated it to Oxfam, that thing could hydrate the entire Nile basin.
  7. Not even on the bench. Is he injured?
  8. Enda

    Douglas Luiz

    I agree with everyone that it was a nonsense red, btw. Mitrovic was very “clever” and Doug was stupid. Can’t argue with the ref’s decision, especially after being asked to look at the monitor by the VAR check.
  9. Enda

    Douglas Luiz

    It’s a red in the modern game and has been for 10+ years. Stupid from Dougie.
  10. If we concede a few, we’ll be in the relegation zone. Wonder if there’s a clause in his contract.
  11. Can you sack a man at half time?
  12. If Liz Truss is gone, how can this chap still have a job?
  13. I am surprised how casually people are responding to Putin’s threats. I know it wasn’t a bomb, but the guy has already technically used nuclear weapons on civilians. On British soil. This is much closer to WWIII than I think a few of you are ready to acknowledge.
  14. Enda

    The Royal Family

    I really love my wife more like. She’s far less republican, and less suave and cool and arty, than my good self
  15. Enda

    The Royal Family

    Mostly brought it back to Dublin. We didn’t buy stuff with physical notes but instead used the card. So we could have spent more and not really noticed, and in that sense London did not maximise its revenue from us. But in accounts it would like the Monarchy has some sort of net contributor.
  16. Ah jaysis. Yes and the USSR broke up. We’re not debating about Yugoslavia here. The relevant timeline for territory here is unambiguously 1991.
  17. I know yeah, I agree it’s “multiple identity area” if we want to call it that. But the entirety of the post-War consensus is based on territorial integrity. Russian tanks rolled in a couple years back. We can’t just use ex post justifications on language usage to offset that.
  18. Enda

    The Royal Family

    Myself and herself visited London earlier this year. Did the open top bus tour, London Eye, etc. Wife wanted to see the Palace instead of the Tate. We’d have visited London anyway, but instead of paying into the Tate we stood at some gates and looked at a man in a stupid hat. Economic loss for London, and was bloody boring.
  19. Enda

    The Royal Family

    Would else you sell if it attracted high enough tourist revenues?
  20. Nearly everyone in Ireland is English-speaking.
  21. This has all the signs of a torn ligament. Surgery in London this week I bet.
  22. We won, but I feel like I no longer enjoy football.
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