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Everything posted by Enda

  1. Nothing negative about it, all the options are from previous seasons
  2. Please let's not turn this into a "MON OUT" thread. I think he's the man for the job. I want us to play less hoofball, but that's a pretty small complaint in the grand scheme of things. However the man has made many decisions that could probably be called mistakes: effectively swapping Cahill for Knight, sending out kids to the UEFA Cup, insisting on 4-4-2 last season, etc. Of course all of these have other sides to the coin: Cahill wanted to leave, we needed to focus on getting fourth, Heskey could have been a sensation, etc. But what, in your opinion, was his biggest mistake? Why? For me, it's letting Mellberg leave too easy. This is rarely talked about, but he could have been immense for us last season and possibly provided the stability to bring us Top 4. Once Juventus called, he was gone. And fair dues to Olof, nobody begrudged him that move. But what does upset me is that a couple of months before all that, while in negotiations about renewing the contract, Mellberg was put to RB. I think it was pretty clear he wasn't happy to be doing this, but soldiered on anyway. We let a top-class CB leave without much of a fight. (Sorry if a poll like this has been done before, I couldn't find one.)
  3. I think that's six corners we've had already.
  4. What a pass by Milner. Pity about the outcome.
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