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Everything posted by Enda

  1. Those shakey 1-0 leads used to end up all square at the end. Now they are ending up 3-0. Thank you Unai.
  2. You know it’s a good day when Buendia is useless but still gets on the score sheet. Top half here we come!
  3. Stretching the limits of off-topic here, but…
  4. Blur were the more creative art school version. Cracking band. But I’ll be honest, now in my mid-30s, I love it when Oasis come on the radio. Bangers for long drive to work, brings me back.
  5. Eight points between us and Palace with twelve matches to go. I’ll be very disappointed if we finish 12th. I just don’t see it happening. But 9th or 10th? Loads to play for against the likes of Fulham and Brentford. I think we’ll pip 10th.
  6. I think his ceiling is higher than Bazunu’s, who will comfortably have a decent mid-table career. I can see Kelleher fitting the club’s idea of a good signing. A similar pattern to EM before we signed him, but younger. That’s if we sell Emi, of course.
  7. Agreed that he’s not there yet, could be a top 6 keeper in 2-3 years though.
  8. They launched some Kinzhal missiles at Ukraine. Mach 12 top speed.
  9. Bailey’s never played the game then.
  10. The ref was overly “generous” yesterday but I think a few are over-reacting a bit. It was a modest enough foul. A million miles from Ben Mee.
  11. He’ll be out a month I’d say.
  12. Imagine if there were a war and Coventry suddenly left the UK. The Coventry First Party drew a border around their estate and held a 55% majority inside their border. Would we, one hundred years hence, be talking in hushed tones about the will of the majority in Coventry?
  13. If it’s a vote of all Ulster, it’s already comfortably ~60% in favour. The discussion of 51% only comes about when we focus on those six counties. But those six counties were designed to have unionist majorities. They excluded the rest of Ulster precisely for that undemocratic reason We need to respect the borders and be adults about it, of course, but let’s not pretend the majority of a manufactured state has some great democratic importance. It was undemocratic at birth, by design.
  14. Every major political party in Ireland supports unification. From SF to FG and everyone in between.
  15. That deficit exists under the UK system. It wouldn’t apply in our system. For example, VAT is 20% in UK but 23% in Ireland. Not a massive difference but it means that deficit falls even without any change in our taxes. Would we accept 25% VAT rates for the restoration of the national territory? Of course we would.
  16. Because they’re our cousins up there, they’re Irish citizens, it’s traditionally our territory, and 100 years of unionist (mis)rule up there doesn’t mean the status quo is somehow acceptable. The concept of NI only originated a hundred years ago. Its borders were drawn in such a hasty way and an ad hoc fashion that both parties to the Anglo-Irish Treaty agreed they would be changed within five years (but that never happened). It’s literally there in the Treaty. Thus NI is an absurd, artificial, gerrymandered statelet. If there were an all-island vote tomorrow, NI would cease to exist. It’s madness.
  17. Sinn Féin are the largest party in the North. That’s the clearest indicator of NI’s preference for reunification. There are other more subtle indicators too, like the most recent census recording more Catholics than Protestants, and the surge of Nordies claiming their Irish passports post-Brexit. There is momentum towards a majority, but not there yet I don’t think. The south absolutely can afford the North. That’s exaggerated imho. The Republic is one of the richest countries in the world, no bother to us.
  18. Fwiw no shortage of tomatoes in our local shop here in the west of Ireland. I do think it’s a Brexit thing.
  19. To be fair we’re about to get a “new signing” in CB in the next couple of weeks.
  20. I really dislike the mortgage agreement I negotiated, put to a vote of my people, and voluntarily signed into law. So now I will shout words like “sovereignty” until the bank gives into my requests.
  21. Enda

    Cameron Archer

    He would absolutely eat up the passes given to him from Buendia/Coutinho/Kamara. He could play off Ollie in games where we are not too concerned about wide forwards tracking back.
  22. ‘Bout time Brits realized Ireland is a different country, in fairness.
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