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Everything posted by tinker

  1. Russia has changed the game since the last sit down, Eastern European and a few Scandinavian countries are looking to the UK for security outside of the EU. France and Germany have been shown as weak when it comes to Russia. Russian war ships are cruising around a defenceless Ireland. The UK has leverage, its not a subject that would be played out in the open but behind closed doors it will be on the table. https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/british-and-irish-forces-monitor-russian-warship-off-ireland/
  2. The world's changed since brexit, Russia started threatening Eastern Europe ( Russia backing brexit makes sense) The UK has a big part to play in Europe's security and history proves that.
  3. I voted remain, i love Europe and believe its easily the best place in the world to live. The deal we have now is the worst deal we could have had and thats down to a few idiots who overplayed our hand to grab the headlines amd the votes. We can have a better deal than we have now if we get around the table and be sensible. Free trade and movement of people would be a start. The world's changed since brexit, Russia started threatening Eastern Europe ( Russia backing brexit makes sense) The UK has a big part to play in Europe's security and history proves that.
  4. Watching city last night, Grealish hardly ever took the defender on or played a creative pass, behind the defenders. He drew the defenders in then passed the ball. Even for him, who was an excellent creative player, the main priority is to keep possession. This is the way forward for us. Bailey isn't grasping this technique, Mc Ginn is a better at it and maybe we will see him back out there if Kamara is fit enough to play..
  5. Bailey is a limited player, offensively, like Bert, they both want to cut in do their thing and its far to easy to defend against. From a defensive point of view they are both pretty limited in the challenging/tacking department, they will close down but not effectively for 90 minutes. They also don't keep possession well enough or know when to pass and keep possession, they take to many high risks with poor returns for a possession based team. You have to keep possession or have players who can gain possession in the team, ATM we have to many players , Bailey, Bert, Buendia and some others who lose possession far to cheaply, you need some chance takers but ones that have the right balance between risk and reward. Losing possession with 2 or 3 opposition players around you 35 yards from goal is a big liability.
  6. Forest will still go down, gonna be quite a finish to this season
  7. I would imagine Emery has a list of players he wants that he's already identified, there's a strong chance that most of them are not premier league players, Moreno is a good indicator on the sort of signings he will bring in. Personally I think we need a RB and another central midfielder to play alongside Kamara, we have midfielders who are very similar to each other and this needs to change. We may see some first team players leaving as well, in order to accommodate a change in character in the team, we need more aggression.
  8. And the handball fiasco, its not time to start panicking, we have improved beyond any reasonable expectations and will continue to improve by becoming more consistent. From the complete shambles Gerrard created, Mings, McGinn, Watkins, Buendia have all been transformed, this is over 6 months.
  9. Mandela was labelled a terrorist and took part in a few terrorist acts. This whole thing stinks, we can see the future with what's happened at this coronation. The powers that be do not want us to protest, as far as I'm concerned, 'he's not my king' should become a trend that destroys this shambles once and for all.
  10. On another day we could easily have won that game, Buendia shot, well saved , Watkins header, unlucky it was straight at the keeper and Mings clearance when faced with an open goal. Their goal was well taken but Mings was a fraction away from it. Sometimes you just lose games. We need a bigger squad and more grit in the midfield, we have some lovely interplay but struggle when we are closed down quickly, Our wingers offered nothing tbh, they both like to cut in and this just crowds the middle of the field. Would be nice if we had a winger who gets to the byline and crosses. We was the better team and this is progress from our home game against them when the out played us for most of the game despite us nicking a draw.
  11. tinker

    Unai Emery

    With our squad Europe may have been a step to far next season, especially the conference league. Emery will know our weaknesses and we will improve next season which means a real go at getting top 4 and hopefully a decent run in the fa Cup, which is the one I would really like to win (Premier league apart). The distraction of flying all over Europe, for a tin pot cup is a high price to pay for such a weak squad. West Ham have suffered.
  12. It might give them food for a week, who cares though ay, nice to have the richest people in our country have a nice day out, just lock away a few protester that might make things awkward for the TV crews. All very Putin like.
  13. It's money he has made himself, we are paying for the coronation while people are starving.
  14. I would say no, apathy will kick in and voters won't turn up at the poll stations at all, lowest turn out figures for years is my guess on the headlines, once the dust settles.
  15. It's an extra day for me
  16. Truss economics dropped the value of the safe bond investments , vanguard and alike, with their higher government bond allocation meant they took a right hammering when she tarnished the UK's financial reputation. She made shares, global, seem like a safe investment.
  17. We more or less agree, I don't think nationalising it would be the right answer now, just make sure we have legal protection against the discharges and make sure they cost the share holders dividends, they will then pressure the management of the company to sort the mess out. As for the natural resources, we have more than enough rain combine that with recycling and we are truly blessed , we need storage facilities.
  18. I'm not to sure anyone who voted for brexit worries about the finer details of SPS alignment and the other complications it has all caused. Starmer needs have these brexit people vote for him rather than against the torys and at the moment he hasn't got those votes. It's my guess the tories will change their leader before the election and then throw Rishi under the bus by blaming him and their new leader with finally "get the deal done", leaving Starmer flat footed.
  19. The industry needs regulation to punish the pumping of untreated waste into our rivers and seas. The reason the companies are not doing it is financial, they don't want to pay for the holding facilities, chemicals and processing equipment that it would require, they would rather please the share holders than save our wildlife and bathers. Waste water, even effluent (biological) is easily recycled back into drinking water. It's not even an expensive process but because we have vast natural water recourses we can just pump this into the fresh water system and discard the effluent for the natural world to sort out, its an absolute national disgrace. Only a government who is completely incompetent would ban production of combustion engines being used from 2030 and yet ignore the environmental disaster the water companies are being allowed to get away with for the sake of money.
  20. Labour should attack the tory brexit deal with similar lines the tories used, "We can deliver the brexit deal we all deserve, a deal the Conservatives have failed to deliver"
  21. Close in the end, great goal line clearance gave them a draw. Disappointing because we have played better recently but they are hard to beat at home, hopefully we can do the double next year. This year we just have to take a 3-2 aggregate score over them.
  22. He's the final nail in the royals. The fact that he's installed Camila as Queen shows the character, or lack of it, he has. I will probably be off the forum for a few weeks, arrested on section 19 laws for posting this comment. I fucXin detest him.
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