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Everything posted by tinker

  1. Seen an interesting theory on Prigozhin being sent to Belarus, is he going to back door the Ukraine from there? Its 155km to Kyiv from the Belarus border.
  2. Putins influence over social media is a dangerous weapon, it needs to be stopped.
  3. Are you sure? I have a hunch Doug has one in his, one of the conditions on him signing his last contract, it was in his final year.
  4. In a years time Tammy will be back fit, we can sign him then (rumour is we was about to sign him this summer before he got injured) and whoever we buy this summer will be up and running plus Duran/Archer may have developed No rush to sell Watkins even if he doesn't sign an extension. If he wants a release clause to resign then it's got to be £100m plus. Ultimately It's no good building around a player that's not committed to the project.
  5. Seems the sub was damaged a few days before the fatal trip to the titanic "A YouTube star rode in the Titan sub days before it went missing. His footage shows OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush discussing control issues with the 'brains' of the sub." https://www.insider.com/stockton-rush-discussed-control-issues-with-titan-sub-youtuber-2023-6
  6. Didn't he say something along the lines of lefties are typically knocking innovation? He's a moron, should be on the next sub down there.
  7. A hunch based on the facts I have seen unfold. Putin wanted him stopped , threatened him, but he couldn't stop him and gave him assurances that things will change if he stopped his forces entering Moscow. Not sure what happened to the Russian military, their air force especially could have stopped the convoy in its tracks.
  8. Putins brought himself some time and stopped Moscow being overun with little or no defense, he had no choice tbh. He won't make that mistake again, Prighozin is a dead man walking.
  9. Glastonbury suddenly seems like a minor distraction now we can watch this unfold.
  10. He's in a war zone and anarchy is about to kick in, I'm sure Putin or one of his mates will pay the bounty and I would not be surprised if they have undercover people close to Prighozin already. Interesting to see how this unfolds but I can't see how Prighozin can get to Putin and once Wagner are isolated they will be attacked from the air and wiped out, unless Prighozin has alliances within the Russia military, specifically the air force.
  11. I dont think Prighozin will last a week, the bounty on his head will be enough for one of the mercenaries to take a chance and get to him.
  12. 2nd , we could finish 2nd. Chelsea are going to be better but who knows how much better. Spurs, can't see them being any better, why would they be? Newcastle, we have their number, Manure and Liverpool are both beatable and so are Arsenal.
  13. If the truth of what this government has done and not done was given the media attention labour would get under similar circumstances then the public would be marching on the streets for an election.
  14. No you don't and we never voted for Truss either but she started this shit show with her experimental economics that somehow escaped any scrutiny before it was announced causing economic panic within the markets. The media are avoiding blaming the government for a number of complete mess ups, the brexit deal, truss economics, ppe scandal, sewerage in our water ways, HS2....a railway from Birmingham to nowhere, the list is endless. I'm pretty sure if we had a decent media this government would have been forced out long ago and this is the most worrying thing about it all, that and the moronic electorate.
  15. He's an idiot , his savings won't match the inflation that's depleting his wealth as each month goes by. Vote for clowns and you get a circus..
  16. I had a mortgage rate that was 0.29% above the bank of England rate 8 years ago, no bank would get that close to it now, why? The banks, like the water companies, energy companies, supermarkets are all greedy.
  17. Arnold on Netflix, what a life he's led, shocked at how clever he is. Well worth a watch 9/10
  18. My guess is its trapped, probably by the titanic. I have read an account of another Sub that visited the wreck and was pushed into the prop by a current, they freed themselves by manoeuvring out of it. The reported auto ballast drop after X amount of hours could have further compounded the issue and trapped them underneath a structure with no way out. The whole idea of going that deep for what amounts to a leisure activity is absurd. Risk versus reward ratio is hugely one sided. I do wonder who governs this type of vessel, is it covered by a regulatory body that inspects its engineering and its operational standards. I doubt the engineering has failed, its going to be human error ( getting to close) or maybe a failure after damage to the structure,.most likely an unreported event that has happened on the surface, an impact to the carbon fibre , a faulty torque wrench..... The father and son aspect of it is tradgic, I hope a miracle occurs and they are all found safe and well .
  19. Doesn't look any better than what we have.
  20. I don't want him out the door for anything he's done or indeed not done. It's his capability that's the issue, he's got skills to die for but 60 minutes every 3 or 4 games for such a huge outlay, wage wise, is a big drain on our resources. Swap him for Barnes or Maddison and you have immediately improved the squad. He's here now so I will get behind him and hope his fitness can give him some decent game time but his history shows us it's highly unlikely to happen.
  21. I was, stupid signing at the time. Gerrard and Purslow for letting him do it. 4 years, inept.
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