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Everything posted by tinker

  1. I'm not sure of the details tbh it was few months ago and I'm 55 years old so things tend to fade quickly. The point is there are some very clever people out there that can help us all maximise our finances and pensions are an area where knowledge can make a world of difference, rather than just plodding on and following the masses.
  2. This is a rough guide as to what I think he did. You can pay into your pension 100% of your salary let's say 50k per annum, but you need that to live on so you remortgage your house interest only say 6% interest rate, you get out 200k, stick £150k in a high interest account and pay 50k into your pension. Your pension gets the 50k plus any income tax you paid on it so 2k for every 10k you pay in after the first 12k. So your pension fund gets rougly 58k paid in, you do this with the full 200k over 4 years and you end up with 232k You get interest earned on the pension fund which is around 4% a year ( depending on what investments you or you financial advisor picks) . I can't be bothered to work compounds out of the £232k but 4% of it is £9280 per year going into your pension after the 4 years. You have to deduct the interest paid on the mortgage but you still get capital gained on the property, its a win win as far as I can see.
  3. I thought you had withdrawn the 25% tax free, if you pay this back into a pension then if he pays income tax he gets the tax relief back on what you pay in. 20k income, 20% tax paid on 8k = 2k tax, pay in 8k( if you can there's limits) and his pension pot gets 10k paid into it.
  4. Ĵ You can invest your sipp pension into whatever you want, emerging markets, 500, Europe index, and get relief at your tax rate to boot, 20% or 40% extra per year is a hard return to match, property doesn't get near it but you can invest in property through a sipp as well if that's your thing. Someone has actually sold their house to pay into a pension fund and get the tax relief, its on the pension page on money saving experts forums. The maths add up , it's a real eye opener on how some people play the pension system.
  5. I'm no expert but can't you pay back into a pension, at reduced amounts , and get tax relief on it even if you are drawing on it? I'm certain the amount has been raised recently from £2800, if the money is sitting around getting poor returns then it might be an avenue to explore.
  6. I'm 55, I pay 30% of my salary into my pensions, one a DB and another with Scottish Widows. I check my pensions weekly, would like to retire ASAP but unfortunately my lifestyle would have to take a right hammering to do it. Realistically it's going to be around 62, health dependent. The most important thing, for me, is to have a plan on what your going to do. I plan to buy a narrowboat and tour the UK for a couple of years at the start of retirement. Then maybe a touring caravan, stick it on a site in Dorset, Devon, Cornwall for the summer months and live between that and home. I did plan to long term rent a villa in greece but brexit sort of torpedoed that idea, with the 90 day rule. Could get a visa but it complicates matters. I can't retire and have nothing to do other than sit around and watch the TV and drink 7 days a week or look after grandchildren, life is to short.
  7. They NEED him, they have just got £170m and want him on the cheap, getting him in 12 months time will be no use to them at all, we hold the cards. £12m
  8. If they won't pay then don't sell him, we hold all the cards they ain't getting any player like him for less than £20m in the open market. Its just the way business works, what's the interest on your mortgage, 10%?
  9. £12m a fair fee, he's helped them get promoted and will be vital if they don't want to be a laughing stock. I'm happy for him, he seems a nice bloke but we have paid his wages for 3 years and we deserve a bit of a pay back, we ain't a charity.
  10. £15 in the Belfry and that was 5 years ago.
  11. Yellow card, went on to score the winner, jokers.
  12. Well immigration from the EU has dropped , no invasion of Romanians to burden our NHS. Another Brexit benefit. I'm sure this has pleased the majority of leave voters. By Gurpreet Narwan, Business correspondent @gurpreetnarwan Monday 22 May 2023 18:07, UK "Britain sees surge in migration despite Brexit - as skilled workers from Asia and Africa plug staff shortages" https://news.sky.com/story/post-brexit-shift-sees-workers-from-asia-and-africa-plug-uk-staff-shortages-12886995
  13. tinker

    Unai Emery

    When he was coming to the end of his Arsenal career he spoke about players and the team (him?) losing confidence. I'm not sure what good comes from having that conversation, does it help build confidence? Its nothing I have seen here and i want to stress that he's the most complete manager I have seen since MON / Gregory / Big Ron. Just give him the players he wants, ( i think he wants more aggression in the middle and a forward player/ winger who creates and doesn't lose the ball cheaply) I think if we get no major long term injuries and 3-4 top quality squad players we can get top 4 next season, unbelievably from where we was a year ago.
  14. tinker

    Unai Emery

    He appears to have an answer to everything football related and remains calm when winning and losing, he has a plan and understands when things go well and when they dont and has an explanation to both. These are the signs of a great manager. The only slight thing in question is his confidence and this isn't anything I have seen with his time with us but Arsenal. The players obviously respect him, he has improved all of them, why wouldn't they. I see great things ahead, if he can get the players he wants to come to us. If he can't and or others interfere in our signings then his job will be made more difficult.
  15. In your opinion? Purslow can't be described as horrendous, as we dont know his involvement in a number of questionable decisions we can only assume from the information we have and our own opinions on how bad he has been, or how good. If he sticks to the politics of the game then maybe he's is good for us. IMHO. We will see what happens, my opinion is hes been marginalised by a least one appointment and more could follow.....we will see.
  16. If they want Purslow out he will not be sacked he will be marginalised. They will employ other people to do his job while he's still here.
  17. He had 4 years left on an existing contract, a new one at that point wasn't required unless he wanted a pay rise which meant we had the upper hand.
  18. Ramsey is left sided , Bellingham is central, he's running the midfield similar to Doug/Kam , tbh Bellingham does abit of everything and very well. Aran is closer to what Bellingham offers, obviously at a lower level.. Its hard to compare them as Bellingham is in the German league, it would be interesting to see if he is as affective in the prem, I doubt it tbh.
  19. He's nothing like Bellingham, other than he's from Birmingham, their clueless
  20. You just don't see what others do. Let's see what he offers with a full season under Emery. I'm not interested in stats tbh, I watch him play a full game and he's a real handful for defenders , his running stretches defenses and makes space for others. At the moment we have Bailey and Buendia who are both struggling to add goals and assists using the space Ollie provides.
  21. I get this with a manure fan at work, reckons we should replace Mings with Mcguire. Clueless tbh, had to explain our high backline and Mcguire would be a complete disaster.
  22. We had the best chances to score in the last 10 minutes, McGinn made the wrong decision on 2 occasions when we had men over on the edge of the box. Fabinho constantly stopping breakaway chances with cynical fouls cost us this game, he did it in our half so avoided a card but he should have been booked in the first 20 minutes regardless. When he was finally booked Klopp took him off as he needed a player on who could stop our breakaways with more cynical fouls. It's a method in dealing with our formation ,one that Spurs tried as well. We need to speak to the refs and raise the temperature on this type of cheating.
  23. tinker


    They just wasn't good enough. Their offside goal against us was one of the worst decisions I have seen this season, unbelievable. Next season is going to be very interesting if they don't strengthen their first team, they could really struggle mentally after this seasons disappointment. Arteta could be gone by Xmas.
  24. The ref allowed Liverpool to foul us ,unpunished, when their attacks broke down time and time again. It changes the whole game as they can high press our back 4 and not get punished on the transition. I can think of 2 strikers i would have rather than Ollie, one plays for City and the other is a cheat.
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