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Everything posted by AlwaysAVFC

  1. Yes I think if I can avoid it, I'd rather not go down the help to buy route. It's just from what I've seen, houses round here that still need modernising are mostly still quite expensive. I think I first just need to see what I can realistically afford and then just see what's about. The deposit isn't so much an issue, it would be the actual mortgage. I'm happy to do some work as long as it would be something we could move into while it's being done. The third option for us is, we live in a housing association house, which my Mrs has been here for 3 years. There seems to be lots of conflicting information about right to acquire in terms of time in the house and even if right to buy is possible in the future. Although either way this would be if we couldn't afford anything else as we could really do with an extra bedroom.
  2. Any advice on who to speak to initially look at the finances before actually applying for a mortgage, the bank or someone else? I think I'm seriously going to have to look at doing a help to buy on a new build as house prices by me are pretty steep. It's only been recently I've even been looking at what the market is like round here and what's available, and not really worked out what I might be able to afford.
  3. Mine is getting extremely close now, I'll be a dad in less than 2 weeks.
  4. My mum and dad arrived in NZ today, they are going to have a great time I'm sure.
  5. Quite a lot of nice beer comes out of Bristol.
  6. I'm currently at a train station drinking the beer I bought for this evening as couldn't get on the train as it was too full. Too tempting not to as I got it from the fridge. Drank a Beavertown-Gamma Ray and now on Moor-Hoppiness
  7. Just bought a bottle of that on my way home
  8. I just walked past a Lamborghini, with a Ferrari air freshener dangling from the rear view mirror.
  9. Can always see if they would be willing to change dates depending if its somewhere you will go another time. I used to sort this for people when I worked in a hotel depending on how they booked and the rates on the new dates, wasn't really meant to but hotel was still getting the money and made the customer happy so was all good in my eyes.
  10. I didn't find it especially quick and always quite far away up until 10/11 weeks to go. It's flying now, today is 6 weeks to go but more likely to be 4 as it's looking like a planned c section. Although not actually had that conversation with the doctor yet, which I thought was surprising.
  11. Working at a university when the weather is good, is fantastic viewing.
  12. Wasn't a massive Audioslave fan but the first album has many memories of uni, especially first year when it was played an awful lot by a couple of mates when we were stoned and another time while tripping on mushrooms.
  13. I only went and ordered an engagement ring yesterday. Might be a little while till I get round to it and pick the moment. Possibly not till at least the end of August once things have settled down a bit after the baby is born and the ring might not be ready much before she comes anyway.
  14. First day on the piss in ages tomorrow and possibly the last in a little while too with the baby's arrival getting closer. Going to Twickenham to watch Droitwich who have got to a national final.
  15. I had a choice of 3, I think they all lived in the area pretty much. The Conservative one ruled himself out by dropping a flyer through the letter box, which said he came round to anwer any questions. It helps if you ring the door bell or knock on the door you dick! if you want to listen to people. I went non political really and just went with the one that actually lived in my Village, in the hope that he would be keen to put pressure on Wiltshire council to sort the road out. Fed up with my brain rattling and wear it does to my bike as I ride though the high street.
  16. Sound pretty common as my Mrs had the same thing. We thought she was about 8 weeks, went to an early pregnancy clinic where they did an internal ultrasound and confirmed baby was fine and there was a heartbeat, but she was only about 6 weeks gone.
  17. Good luck today Joe, the script is written (hopefully)
  18. I've not actually seen it, it was sent to my mum and step dad as they are the executers but I think it was just a covering letter, any actual paper work has been in order and certainly for anything that i've received.
  19. Thankfully not as we received the cheques last Friday.
  20. On the subject of wrong names, the solicitors who have been sorting my grandads estate have been sending mail in the name of the deceased being my step dad rather than my Grandad.
  21. Defintely one of the main things that pissed me off working behind a bar, similarly someone that comes to the bar stands in front of the lager taps (none of which are Carling) and asks for a pint of Carling, actually while i'm at it someone that comes in and ask for a pint of lager. This day and age there are very few pubs that have one lager on.
  22. It's a massive inconvenience but WMP have found a method which works for them. So if we do play next season, expect the same unfortunately. The plans were pretty well advertised on social media though.
  23. Thankfully i'll get full pay for the 2 weeks I'm having off. I'm not sure if it was just showing over keenness to help work out or pressure from my boss but a colleague agreed their paternity leave and the dickhead stuck with the date given of the due date, the baby was 2 weeks late, I'm sure his Mrs wouldn't have been best pleased. I'll be doing nothing of the sort, with my 2 weeks starting from when she's born (which I think is legally the earliest it is meant to be from anyway) If it is a planned C Section they will get a couple of weeks notice from me that I'll be off earlier than expected barring the unexpected and that will have to do.
  24. RV having his has made it a little bit more real for me, mine is also due July, so has seemed ages away but the weeks are nearly into single figures now. Although June is looking a bit more likely now as my Mrs is suffering a bit with various things and had an emergency c section with her first so a planned c section is looking increasingly likely. If it works out as it looks, my boss is going to hate me, as the end of June is crazy at work. So more than a week early and she is not going to like the conversation when I tell her I'm starting my 2 weeks off during one of the busiest times of the year.
  25. RIP Ugo One of my favourite players.
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