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Everything posted by AlwaysAVFC

  1. Just to rub it in, I get Friday, Mon & Tuesday plus had yesterday off with time owing. Although having said that, I had a horrible 3 days this week and the 3 next week are looking pretty bad too.
  2. Hotels will often do it. When I worked in one I hated it, working out who was the best to book out to another hotel. The best case scenario was we booked them in another hotel and got in touch with them so they could go straight there. Sometimes they didn't find out till got to reception.
  3. I think John Squire was still there, It was their first gig after they had to cancel Glastonbury because he broke is collar bone, but yes no Reni.
  4. Bloody hipsters, I knew they were using those beards to hide something.
  5. My parents are going, my mum has always wanted to go to New Zealand and they've both wanted to do a Lions tour for ages. They've paid off their mortgage so taking the opportunity just before they retire and have less money coming in. It's extortionate with the way you have to do it, there's no way (or at least very hard) to get tickets, flights and accommodation yourself, it's all through tour operators. I'm sure they will have a great time though.
  6. I'm not sure if I miss the days at uni or not when pre drinking was 2 big bottles of Stella each and sharing a 1 or 1.5 litre bottle of vodka between 4 of us with a few cans of red bull. We didn't particularly go out late either. If I pre drink now it's just a few bottles of beer while getting ready.
  7. First time I had that I was expecting to be disappointed but enjoyed it.
  8. Can't remember if I commented when it's been spoken about before but this is how it should be done. Sausage sandwich, butter & English mustard. Bacon sandwich, butter & brown sauce. I'll mix it it up occasionally but that is my standard if I'm making it.
  9. Just finished work and popped into the shop on my way home. Not sure if I'm going to like the apple pie one but expecting to enjoy the other 2.
  10. Well its not particuarly normal but I got drenched this morning on my way to work, and with no spare ones I had to dry my socks under the hand dryer in the changing room.
  11. I've just accidentally text my Mrs that I have been drying dicks under the hand dryer at work. There's a lovely image for her to wake up to.
  12. Glad I've not had much money to put on this year, it's more been a bit of fun. I've been been awful at selections. Typically I usually have a great Tuesday and the rest of the festival ticks over. Hopefully I'm doing it in reverse this year and Gold cup day will the profitable day.
  13. Just read on the BBC site that someone had £500k on it, oops.
  14. Pretty sure you can just sort out the extra insurance for yourself, which is defintely worth doing if it is more than a day or 2 as their fees soon make the car very expensive to hire. Although you probably would have to pay the excess until your insurance paid out so £1k is a pretty big hit even if temporarily.
  15. AlwaysAVFC


    Think I figured it out last night. The link seemed to be pointing at Facebook as that was where the adverts appeared usually I've never had Facebook so was still baffled, until I checked my iPad. She was still logged in from using it a while back. So after resisting the urge to post something on her account I logged her out so all being well I can go back to searching wifi enabled sex toys and such like. A bit boring and a little less sinister than it was appearing apart from the fact we are all being watched in some way or another.
  16. AlwaysAVFC


    I've done nothing of the sort God knows what adverts have come up for her, she has only mentioned every day ones like the Halfords adverts. Villa talk and work conversations gets me looking up all sorts.
  17. AlwaysAVFC


    No nothing has been shared that I'm aware, don't think we've ever even used each other's phone.
  18. AlwaysAVFC


    Both iPhones but seperate accounts and different networks.
  19. AlwaysAVFC


    Does anyone else have target marketing shared on their partners phone? My Mrs keeps getting adverts related to what I search I thought it must be down to being on the same wifi, but I've just been on Halfords site looking at bike tyres as I've just discovered a bit of puncture on my way home and now straight away she's getting adverts for bike tyres, despite us being 25miles away.
  20. Check his Twitter & Web page out https://twitter.com/cvbyrne http://jumpsadviser.com/cheltenham-tuesday/
  21. When you say we won't do it, is that get promoted or make the play offs at all? I think as this season has shown the playoffs should be extremely reachable next season. I think as a club, if we don't get promoted next season we are in serious trouble. If we don't even make the play offs then we are f*****d!
  22. Even thinking optimistically, there is too much to do, catching Wednesday or Reading may be possible but there's too many teams between us and them for us to end up in the playoffs. It's a forced way of thinking but I don't think it's a bad thing having to wait another year. Give this team time to gel and players to make a name for themselves. The last thing we want is to go in to the premier league and make loads of changes (again), granted some will be needed but if we can put in a confident season at the top of the league, it will put us in good stead for a premier league return. Although however we do it, we need to go up next season.
  23. Yeah I got sent it the other day. Lovely, lovely, lovely
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