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Everything posted by villakram

  1. yup... god damn, is the Hunt the king of cool or what.
  2. villakram


    @Andy, damn you're absolutely flying, wicked time! My 10k time is molasses like north of 40mins (nov '15) and I'm gonna try for 2:50 in 10 weeks @SteveMac, I think you should be aiming at something closer to 3hrs. A 1:30 half should be good for a 3:10-3:15 full, depending on how all out that was. Congrats either way, sub 90 is a great feeling.
  3. Wouldn't surprise me if his agent is in Jacks head with talk of manure of chelski or some other large commission club.
  4. Coward of the highest order. Absolutely inexcusable to pull out like that. Should never wear the shirt again.
  5. villakram


    Awesome job, you should be well able for a sub 4hr with pace like that. 3:55 is 9min pace, so if you are focussed on beating 4hr go out somewhere around there and you should be good... but, your 1/2 predicts for a 3:42 marathon, so maybe go out at 8:30-8:40 pace? There will pobably be a 3:45 pace group, if so I'd be tempted to hang off them. I was in a similar position when I did my first 6yrs back. I had a couple of 1:48 HM under my belt and went out with the 3:45 group... last 6 miles were a horrible death march, but I still came in at 3:52. What's the point in all this training if you're not going to challenge yourself?
  6. Hope you enjoy watching from your sofa over the summer... muppet!
  7. villakram


    a.m. running, hard as fook in the beginning, but once you get into it, it makes for a great start to the day and there's no chance of the zero-motivation after work issue. The out of bed to run in the dark problem is formidable though! Had a mate who used to love the weighted vest thing too... he was in to lifting and stuff, so could only run with weights or something.
  8. Trump fires an opening salvo at Hillary, 1-0.
  9. "this running at players with the ball is very strange" -- every Villa fan
  10. If only city would do the good deed and balls up the rest of the season and send smug ol' Pep to the europa league next season
  11. A communist on the Villa boards, who would've thunk it
  12. Fox is brilliant viewing right now... Krauthammer looks like he'll off himself later and now one of the Jeb! super PAC head honchos is on MSNBC making a fool of himself, and I thought I'd miss Stewart and Colbert!
  13. He's finally starting to get some bad press over here. Some of the comments in this cleveland based piece show a real sense of shared pain http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2016/03/former_browns_owner_randy_lern.html "But when it comes to operating a sports franchise there's the Midas touch and the Lerner touch. He could buy Lionel Messi tomorrow and watch the Barcelona talisman dissolve into Gerard Warren in a year." ya, I don't know who that is either and am too lazy to Google it, but maybe that's the point!
  14. Regarding WWI and the UK/Ireland, I would thoroughly recommend reading the book "The Sleepwalkers", which does an excellent job of digging into the backgrounds of all the major WWI parties and specifically with regards the UK, how the Irish question almost resulted in what could be characterized as either a military coup d-etat or civil war. As such, one could argue that it was the Irish question that lead to the UK taking its eye off the ball w.r.t. the impending continental situation. http://www.amazon.com/The-Sleepwalkers-Europe-Went-1914/dp/0061146668
  15. I think this is all a bit harsh. He's clearly not doing a good job, but given the scum in our squad, absent clear permission from the board to ostracize 10-15 first team players, he's been kinda doomed. Not that this matters anymore, as given the results his position going forward is becoming untenable. Even if we/he decided to stick together, the pressure he'd be under next season would be insane and likely detrimental to our goal of promotion.
  16. Pants yet again. Rudy should be put down as he's suffering needlessly at the moment. It's heartbreaking watching him trying to control a football.
  17. your fitness gains won't all disappear overnight so don't overly despair. Try and see if your physio will allow you to get on a step machine or an stationary bike to at least get some cardio in, and when your knee is right you'll be back where you were in no time. The post finish brew will taste, oh so good!
  18. It's official policy of the US military to declare all males in the 15-60 age range as non-civilian for counting "collateral" damage, or military age combatant to be more precise. That and the proclivity of their drone operators to do double-tap strikes. Rubio/Cruz/Clinton have all said that they'd happily bomb various parts of the middle east to bits... or should that be smaller bits. But, yes, let's all focus on what Trump says. Please also remember that as of the current time, it is also the official policy of the UK government to murder without trial their very own citizenry, and to not accept any significant amount of refugees because of how super special U.K. inc. is.... and to bomb various parts of the middle east because they were feeling left out. Unfortunately Chindie, I really do fear the horse has already bolted on a lot of this. That it takes someone as loud and obnoxious as Trump to open the eyes of most people to it, is the sad thing
  19. George Bush should be indicted as a war criminal. Donald Trump is an offensive loud mouth. He could have the potential to engage in all sorts of murder ala Bush, but as he is not directly connected to the military/cia nexus as Bush/Rubio and to a lesser extent Cruz are, this is all very uncertain. On the other side, we can be quite sure what way Hillary "We came, we saw, he died" Clinton will play.
  20. Should be able to keep them up. All they have to do is finish above a rotten Norwich side and a Sunderland team who, while improving, are pretty abysmal also. Benitez at least has a pretty decent squad to play with.
  21. How many more of these productive meetings will it require for us to interpret these guys as being full of shit, for example, as their previous actual (not intended!) behavior suggests?
  22. He is very rich. The people who hate him are comparatively very poor. QED See financial crisis and subsequent bail outs etc. for supporting material.
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