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Everything posted by villakram

  1. I was at 189 and 194, but a I'm a bit burnt out, so I decided off going to this as 3rd event in 9 months... thank foook, more juiced up Brazilian bs. Bisping should have a good shot at Silva, gonna be a fun fight.
  2. The year 2017: President of the USA: Donald Trump PM of UK: Boris Johnson (aka British Trump)
  3. villakram


    what darren said... a few bad/hard runs are to be expected. I'd be more worried if all your training went without a hitch.
  4. Economic governance: Strawman. There is no rule whatsoever stating the U.K. would have to contribute financially to E.C.B. related folly. Now given the globally connected economy, if for example Deutsche Bank went south, you can be gauranteed that the Bank of England will be contributing one way or the other... to help the people of course. Competitiveness: Neocon, trickle-down bs. Immigration: This is currently up for debate across the entire E.U. with no consensus whatsoever. Special flower U.K. wants to be recognized as a special flower or Cameron is playing politics. Sovereignty: Strawman. The U.K. parliament has the final say on this already.
  5. Soz for the confusion, I have been following and was aware of your position, my comment was more of a general statement as an amused non-brit onlooker.
  6. It was outlined in the Snowden cache how the NSA+5eyes had a specific online strategy for trolling, character assassination etc., and this was all circa 2010/2011. I'm sure it's much more sophisticated now. Taxdodgers... bwahahahahahaha "Aaaaand the real #1? Clue: It’s not Switzerland." https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/the-worlds-15-biggest-tax-havens/ This should be required reading.
  7. The legal letters say you cannot confirm it's existence or some such but you can not-deny it's existence or some such as there was one of the anonymous communication sites that took this approach around Snowden time a few yrs back. They did shut down and walk away though. Yay for freedom and McDs! It doesn't really matter though as .gov has the dollars to make your life a misery if they so wish, so you'd be doomed. Does saying mean things about Randy make us terrorists?
  8. Well, that's what Erdogan has claimed, being such an honest guy and all. Regardless, I do worry what kind of stupid assed crap the proto-Sultan will attempt to pull now.
  9. I love how the leave side are able to say this but if Scotland had abandoned the UK then death doom rape pillage destruction etc etc...
  10. Way out of order that, I only drive a little Honda
  11. Home defence.... ya, keep telling yourself that.
  12. as bad as anything Grealish has done given his experience, a week or two in the u21s please.
  13. Given our penchant for donating points to plop I decided to go for a run instead. Arrive back and see 0-6, started laughing and I wasn't even in the slightest way angry or surprised. Saw the goals and boy oh boy, what a shambles, reminiscent of the Southampton nonsense under Timmy. Roll on next season...
  14. so much of politics comes down to having that "it", that hollywood dreaming types like to talk about. Particularly in the uber media managed US presidential election system, e.g., see Bush vs Kerry/Gore. Hillary is simply one of the really boring people that people don't particularly like. Also doesn't help that she has zero substance whatsoever and all sorts of stink hovering around her. Bernie, at a minimum has substance and is a good naturally empathic speaker.
  15. per the LIGO team paper on GR tests/implications "The constraints provided by GW150914 on deviations from GR are unprecedented due to the nature of the source, but they do not reach high precision for some types of deviation, particularly those affecting the inspiral regime. A much higher SNR and longer signals are necessary for more stringent tests. However, it is not clear up to which SNR our parameterized waveform models are still a faithful representation of solutions of Einstein’s equations. Furthermore, to extract physical effects we need waveform models that are parameterized in terms of those physical effects. We hope that, following GW150914, further efforts will be made to develop reliable, physical and computationally fast waveform models. More stringent bounds can be obtained by combining results from multiple GW observations [58, 82, 83, 93]. Given the rate of coalescence of binary black holes as inferred in Ref. [101], we are looking forward to the upcoming joint observing runs of LIGO and Virgo. So, yup... all good for GR but much more stringent tests to be done/required.
  16. A ~36 M_sun BH and a ~ 29 M_sun BH merged to form a ~62 M_sun BH hole. You'll notice that 3 M_sun went missing, i.e., this mass powered the gravitational wave emission. Using mc^2, we get of order 1e55 erg/s. The sun has a luminosity of ~ 4e33 erg/s, and the largest O star might have a luminosity of 1e39 erg/s. There are very few O-type stars relative to sun like stars and very few sun like stars in comparison to stars with luminosity much less than the sun. For reference a typical SNe would generate 1e51-53 erg/s in the electromagnetic channel, and gamma-ray burst have been seen to do similar, which shouldn't be all that surprising as BHs are being formed in lots of them also. Orders of 10 are fun!
  17. There is a real lack of appreciation for the complexity of this race in the main stream reporting bordering on blithe acquiescence to a Clinton win, but storms are brewing, e.g., see the below piece by Michelle Alexander. Nobody expected her to lose like she did in NH, i.e., losing the female vote which had been assumed to be a sure thing for her. Destruction of the the Bush/Clinton power structure would be a very positive thing for American society... fingers crossed! "From the crime bill to welfare reform, policies Bill Clinton enacted—and Hillary Clinton supported—decimated black America." http://www.thenation.com/article/hillary-clinton-does-not-deserve-black-peoples-votes/
  18. Why would a Sanders presidency be chaos? His positions would be pretty much middle of the road in most European nations.
  19. Don't rule Sanders out at all. As the run to NH Kasich demonstrated (and roboRubio's death spiral), huge swings are very very possible and Hillary has a huge likability problem.
  20. Not even remotely surprising. As some smartass over here said the other day, can you imagine how many wrong countries the US would be bombing to bits if ISIS had poisoned the water supply in Flint? You can bet Hollande and his folks have had the strategy discussion about using this to show strength (e.g., see how fast he ran from the Stade de France), and leadership etc. to beat back Le Pen. A thoroughly sad state of affairs. Pity all those love to protest Frenchies wouldn't get their pitchforks out when their rights are being torn up right in front of them.
  21. I'd love to be able to claim that I meant to say that given the colonial scumbaggery of them, maybe on a subconcious level or something, hungry now though...
  22. Dortmund fans have spammed the pitch with tennis balls tonight protesting tix prices... clever Germans!
  23. So further to this. It appears that the LIGO team have directly observed the gravitational wave signal from a pair of merging black holes. To be announced on Thur 10:30 EST... nobel prize wining science. Not currently clear how much info. this will have regarding testing GR right now, but exciting times!
  24. and to follow on from this @Awol, could you please explain the ideas that the UK has form at? The Eat India company was a good one I'll give you that, but for as long as I've been alive the UK has been nothing but a neo-con inspired, let's privatize everything and try impress our American friends as much as possible hole! And now pretty much the entirety of UK policy is framed around keeping those charming chaps in the "city" happy... because of all the awesome things they produce, of course. Now, gambling on the other hand, that's bad, you hear that peons!
  25. I'm assuming that as we speak you are on your way to Buckingham palace to free your fellow downtrodden Englishmen (and ladies!)... Beware, I've heard Lizzy is a dab hand with a cutlace!
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