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Everything posted by Paul33

  1. I see the banner ad that says all academy games are part of the VillaTV+ subscription (which I have) but nothing else suggesting the game is going to be on !
  2. Exactly this as I said when he left and its also the reason why he'll never be anywhere near as effective for England as he was with Villa. He needs to be your quarterback, your heartbeat, your main axis or you are wasting his talent. Watching him offer no more than simple square passes when he has the talent he has is such a sad waste. City have got and are getting this horribly wrong !
  3. Spot on ..... those three were gash. Worried about Emi ..... looking like another Barkley !!!
  4. No Keinan ? WTF ? Where are the goals going to come from ?
  5. Wouldn't expect any of Smith's favoured starting XI for Saturday to play tonight ..... its just not what he does !
  6. Paul33

    Louie Barry

    That's five years of Keinan Davis and we always shoot him down all the same !
  7. Paul33

    Louie Barry

    Have a couple of Ipswich ST mates and they don't rate Barry ..... say he's way too lightweight and looks like a 12 year old playing senior football. They also say he plays with his head down, doesn't read the game, doesn't see team mates and basically offers next to nothing. Sounds like he has moved up too soon !
  8. Villa fan in exile here but make the 200 mile round trip to Villa Park with my Villa mad daughter as often as I can ..... so we both have years of booking history. This year, I'm a Claret Club member too as I figured it would make buying tickets a little more relaxed ! I logged on about 90 seconds after tickets went on sale (for Claret members) yesterday afternoon and there were virtually none left as in no pairs of seats together ..... especially on the Holte. Elsewhere there were restricted views but that was about it. When I found a pair near the player tunnel - rubbish seats but was desperate - I couldn't get a seat for my daughter as she is not a Claret member so I had to give up. Am I missing a trick here or is it basically impossible to get a pair of seats now unless you are a season ticket holder ...... even if you are both Claret members ?
  9. 1977 League Cup Semi Final at Highbury - massive Villa day out and a hat-trick from Brian Little. One of those nights !!!
  10. Sadly, it won't be a return to standing as those of a certain age remember and miss big time. These "standing" plans are simply fans pinned in by crazy numbers of barriers and are probably far more dangerous and restrictive than standing in the seated areas as we do now. No (good) news here !
  11. I think we've seen a lot of consistent evidence over the last year or so that what Smith says in interviews/press conferences has more to do with broader club strategies than providing the media/fans with the truth. Not saying we'll be in for anybody but Smith's comments have no value whatsoever in determining that !
  12. ..... but did look out of place none the less ! Potential there but he's a lightweight at 17 and will struggle against seasoned pros at this level. Would prefer to get him out to a Championship side and, hopefully, get him playing every week. At the moment I've been more impressed with one or two of the other youngsters when they've been given senior chances. NB: Grealish was right here before spending a season at Notts County where he toughened up !
  13. Just pray Smith does not report that it is a minor knock or you can kiss Konsa goodbye until after Christmas !
  14. I wouldn't go that far, he's not THAT bad ..... he'd be okay for Carabao Cup games, just not the league stuff !
  15. If Tammy hadn't played for Villa in the Championship, I doubt you'd look twice at him as an option. Sentimentality fuels the love in for Tammy, not his fit with the current team and its ambitions or needs. His stats are swayed by lots of goals in "B-Squad" cup games.
  16. He really hasn't ..... half of his goals have come from filling his boots in cup games against Championship level players ..... which is where he is at home !
  17. Don't get people jerking off over Abraham ..... has consistently failed to prove himself at the top level. We need and deserve better !
  18. Is that the "Dean Smith confirms that the injury to Jack Grealish is not long term and is not a recurrence of an old injury" type of reassurance ? If so ...... expect Ollie to be out until after Christmas !!!
  19. I agree ..... apart from one is a dynamic, positive, improving midfielder and the other plays for Villa !!!
  20. Matt plays narrow so that he's always between winger and the danger zone which is fine against most wingers but on the rare occasions when he comes up against real speed merchants, like Sarr, it is a weakness because he's gifting the wide man possession and making him an easy out-ball for the opposition. What Ash did in the second half was stay much tighter on Sarr so that he was rarely a decent out-ball option for Watford and he hardly touched the ball as a result. Targett and/or our coaching team should have realised during the first half that playing narrow against Sarr was suicidal and changed it but they didn't and nor did our new captain who was well placed to see what Targett was doing wrong but did nothing to organise his defensive unit !
  21. He's also not very good !!!
  22. No Gresford ?!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Not assuming anything but saw Ward-Prowse in a chippy in Erdington last night ...... Saveloy and Scraps which was a bit of a let down for a decent baller !
  24. No way should we be touching any player for whom you can't create a chant for ..... we are bigger than that ...... and as for Chukwuemeka ...........
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