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Everything posted by Paul33

  1. In fairness she has been very poor to my eyes since she got here. Not sure what she brings other than a reputation. Very weak on the ball, easily bullied out of the game. We can do a lot better and need to do a lot better !
  2. What exactly did he do wrong ? He was strong, held the ball up well, was tough to knock off the ball and more. If you say "well he didn't score" then I don't recall you saying that after most of the games Ollie has played when he never scored either !
  3. Must admit, he hasn't really mastered the skills needed to score a goal a game from sitting on the bench so I applaud your analysis there !!!
  4. Same as we have or will because the playing style would have evolved differently and our team make up would have been different ...... ie: we'd have bought differently.
  5. He's at an age where he should be steadily improving and he's going the other way which doesn't bode well for the future.
  6. In terms of comparison between this season and last, Luiz has been our worst player and by some distance. He has lost at least 20% of his pace, his distribution is too often sloppy and he's forgotten how to shoot or even what a shot is. I wouldn't fear losing him to City, indeed I would absolutely rip the arm off anybody who offers decent money for him as I think he is holding us back in midfield and we can and need to do so much better in there.
  7. My answer to that - and I suspect some others - is that he showed a very poor and disrespectful attitude to both the team and the club when he was substituted a couple of times. That screamed out "I'm bigger than this club is ..... how dare you sub me ?". So yes, definitely shades of Lescottitis there ! Thought he had a decent game yesterday. Certainly a talented player in terms of his distribution but way off the pace - whether that's a physical or mental thing - so needs to repeat that application but with greater industry. With Luiz playing so poorly this season and McGinn not sure if he's coming or going, there is a huge hole that needs filling and he could be the perfect fit but only if he gets the wheels turning and quickly !
  8. Because he let JJ do the defensive midfield work and gave McGinn room to play up top. Once again, why can't Smith see that McGinn is an attacking midfielder and, especially while Gresford is out, he MUST play up top where he can make things happen ?
  9. Watkins is nowhere near strong enough to play up top at this level on his own. Maybe on the road in a counter attacking game but not at home with the opposition sitting back. Davis simply has to play in the target man role with Ollie feeding off him ..... not sure why Smith can't work that out !
  10. Southgate is employed by the FA and can simply not choose players from certain clubs. No ban needed !
  11. None whatsoever for the long term. Rest of this season, yes, we don't have a backup and we need one so you can bet we'll be getting one in the Summer. We've made significant progress this season no matter what happens in the last few games and we'll progress further next season ..... with Dean Smith !
  12. This result means Villa still need two points to be safe from relegation ...... just saying !!!
  13. So many pages about our manager and speculation that is based on what exactly ? Some tin pot clickbait websites that have no credibility ? Steven Gerrard inbound ? Based on a season of success in a tinpot league ? Dean Smith is going absolutely nowhere but Villa Park. He is part of the long term plans at the club and will be here for many seasons to come and if anybody doubts that, I'll take any wager you want to make. Progress this season has been very good and that progress will continue next season so strap yourselves in, stop whinging about the last few games and start thinking long term and beyond the end of your noses because we are going places ..... trust me !
  14. Given the severity of the injury, have a little respect. People like you make me embarrassed to be a Villa fan !!!
  15. Maybe some can see the bigger picture and are not as superficial as to judge the manager or the team based on a couple of months of form. This season has seen massive improvement on last season and if we improve again next season then we are top 10. The manager has a huge part to play in that improvement.
  16. McGinn was knackered in the #10 role, he wasn't able to track back so the move made sense. Drop McGinn back to #6 role with Luiz and hope Ross could make that one killer pass for Ollie. I want rid of Ross asap but lazy though he is, he has that quality that can bring off a Jack like pass and it was worth the gamble.
  17. I always wonder what the critics would say had Trez's effort gone in off the post and we'd won 1-2. Would the critics still be slagging us off because the performance would have been the same, just the result that would be different. For me, frustrating result but an okay performance against a CL side who are 4th in the table, who completely routed Arsenal last week and who SHOULD beat a mid-table Villa at home by some margin !
  18. Liverpool 1 Villa 4 (Davis 3, Konsa) ..... just remember where you heard it first !
  19. Shin splints are dodgy to heal and in reality you can't rush them. It requires the damaged tissues to heal themselves and only complete rest will achieve that. Jack's injury is 100% a repeat of his injury two seasons back and it will not recover this season. The question is not will he recover this season but can he play through it with pain killers hence Smith's repeated references to attempting to "control" the injury. He needs to rest but I'd be gutted for him if he misses the Euros and I can't see Southgate going near him unless he proves he can play and play well through the pain.
  20. In fairness Smith has not said at any time that Jack was recovered or even recovering. His terminology was all about "controlling it" which means playing through pain either with or without pain killers. I fear its exactly the same injury as last time and he is not going to recover for very many weeks ..... the only question is whether he actually can play through the pain. Feel for the lad ..... what a time to fall apart !
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