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Everything posted by Paul33

  1. We were going nowhere under Davies - the playing style was sterile and ineffective. I think the new guy is an upgrade but the players are still not good enough to compete with the top sides. Avoiding relegation is all that matters this season so we have to turn up when we play those around us ..... which I think we will !
  2. In fairness, I'd have my neighbour's gerbil ahead of Barkley at the moment ..... and that died about six weeks ago !
  3. Could also have something to do with making the Brazil team. Sometimes international recognition can change attitudes in club football.
  4. Play him central because the one thing he can do is use fast feet to beat his man. What he doesn't have is pace and crossing ability so playing him out wide is pointless. At least central he can get a shot away and he has a decent shot on him. Personally think he is physically too weak for this level but would like to see him in a #10 role.
  5. He suddenly (this season) looks old and jaded. No spark, no pace, no drive, no vision, no passion. He has much to learn still but I'd get rid of Luiz in a flash and play Ramsey.
  6. Based on what ? He's not had one hour of game time this season which compares to many hours that Watkins has had. Its tough to score from the bench !!!
  7. Absolutely THIS x 100. Jack is a massive and totally essential part of the way we have set up first half of the season and when we lost him, we should have changed the approach instead of hoping that somehow we could continue without him. McGinn should have been given the freedom to play the #10 role and Davis should have partnered Watkins in every game.
  8. Best Villa player by a mile at the end of last season and probably our worst player throughout this season. He is slow, he is sloppy, he has lost his ability to run with the ball and he actually looks like he can't be bothered anymore. Truly awful player !
  9. Davis made him look pants in just ten minutes. Keinan has the strength and power Olly lacks. The obvious thing is to play them both. Keinan on one leg is more dangerous than Traore, Trez, Sanson and Anwar combined !
  10. There are better teams in the bottom three at the moment. Our team is full of either poor players or good players playing poorly. Why do we continue playing McGinn as DM when he should be AM as he has the creativity and drive to make things happen ? What is up with Luiz ..... he is Championship standard at the moment. Traore is complete w*nk and Davis did more in ten minutes than Watkins did in 90. Really poor performance from so many tonight.
  11. Have heard we are going Full Bruce ..... Emi Cash Elmo Konsa Hause Mings Taylor Targett Luiz McGinn Watkins
  12. Its actually 7:30pm ...... not 7:15pm !
  13. Shockingly careless with the ball, Watkins was awful beyond belief. Barkley did well when he came on - fair play - but pathetic across most of the team. Should have pulled Watkins early and played Davis - it was obvious we needed to hold the ball up. Tactically bleeeeuuuuurrrrggghhhhhhhhhh !!!!
  14. Very talented player but awful application and questionable attitude. Personally I'd prefer a player with potential who works his nads off and demonstrates desire rather than one who perhaps doesn't feel he needs any of that.
  15. Worldie after lockdown last season but - to my eyes - generally poor, off the pace, sluggish and just lacking all round throughout this season. Not sure what the issue is but I suspect its all in his head ..... something is not right and I would definitely put Ramsey and Nakamba ahead of him at the moment.
  16. Jack's the glue that holds the team together, he's the heartbeat and he makes everybody around him 10% better. There are several teams who also have similar catalyst players so little surprise it doesn't look so good when he's out.
  17. Top six first 45 minutes, bottom six second 45 minutes. Key man ..... McGinn 10/10 first 45 minutes and ...... did he go off at half time ? Luiz a liability ..... get rid now !
  18. Traore v Elmo ...... I'll just leave it there !!!
  19. Paul33

    Keinan Davis

    Corrected for you !!! Ollie is averaging one goal every 240 minutes, Keinan has only played 49 minutes in total this season ...... you can't compare unless you give Keinan 240 minutes and I would take a punt that he may well more than match Ollie if he was given that opportunity !
  20. Actually he is a Chelsea player ..... but then I guess you did know that ..... didn't you ?
  21. Smith simply went left-sided for left-sided but Anwar was still looking a threat whereas Ollie was spent and Traore running down blind alleys. Got away with one there !
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