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Everything posted by Paul33

  1. Smith simply went left-sided for left-sided but Anwar was still looking a threat whereas Ollie was spent and Traore running down blind alleys. Got away with one there !
  2. Yes ..... has looked jaded for a few games now. Ollie Watkins minus a yard of pace is simply a lightweight, ineffective frontman. He struggled to stay with the pace tonight and I think Smith should have subbed him after 60 mins because everything was bouncing off him when we desperately needed to keep hold of it.
  3. Tactical victory for Smith who won the game before it started by bringing in energetic players to stay with Leeds. In the end it was an easy win !
  4. If Tammy was right for Villa, he'd be playing every week for Chelsea ..... as was/is the case with Barkley. If he's not good enough in the eyes of numerous Chelsea managers then I think there's more than a clue there !
  5. We have to start thinking bigger than the likes of spent cast-offs and aim for the top class players, potential will do for now, that will secure us a consistent top ten finish or better. I hold my hands in despair when I see Villa fans reaching for the box of tissues whenever the likes of Tammy Abraham's name is mentioned ..... a player who was less than convincing even in the Championship. Having said that, Berge may be the real deal potentially but him aside, fans are missing the point with some of the players they are getting excited about !
  6. Difference was I felt for Drinkwater because he had the passion for Villa and gave all he had - which wasn't much sadly. There is zero evidence that Ross sees himself as a Villa man now or in the future and that ain't for me !
  7. Nah ..... he had his mate Ross with him who was having a meltdown because they had no saveloy. Threw his chips everywhere so I left fast !
  8. Was on crutches in my local chippy at lunchtime ..... just saying !
  9. One of the many FB groups carried a story last week that he had been involved in a bust-up at training and was not exactly popular in the camp. Desperately trying to find the story but so many groups !!!
  10. Not sure you could motivate Barkley if you wired his goolies to the national grid !!!
  11. Energy is massive in this one. To even compete, Barkley has to stay at home. 4-5-1 with Luiz, McGinn, Nakamba, Ramsey and Sanson in midfield !
  12. That's completely antagonistic irrelevance. I buy a music CD on the basis I've heard good things about a band then the album is shite and I say so ..... no big deal. Barkley has a CV featuring Everton, Chelsea and England so why shouldn't we have expected great things ?
  13. Leeds will work their bollards off against us so if Barkley plays then (a) we will lose badly and (b) it proves we are tied to a must play contract !
  14. He also threw his pads up into the Holte followed soon after by his socks !
  15. I can't get out of my head Danny Drinkwater's manic celebration from the dugout for a Villa goal and my genuine belief that had Villa equalised at 90+4 today, Barkley would have just been sitting in the stands with his head in his hand. No matter how tough it is, no matter how frustrated you are, you show up for the team on or off the pitch. Barkley is not Villa and had there been fans in today, he'd have been jumped and given a pasting if he had the bottle to throw his gear in the Holte. He will drag us down fast - please get rid !
  16. The two are obviously linked. All of his theatrics and moodiness "off the pitch" provide a valid insight into his mentality and attitude and both those things obviously will impact on his contribution on the pitch. Get rid !
  17. I know it is superficial gibberish but Sanson looks like he wants to be here and play his part every bit as much as Barkley doesn't. Much rather start Sanson than Barkley but, in truth, would put Ramsey ahead of both for now !
  18. Drop Barkley even if he is on a "must play if fit" contract, play Nakamba alongside Luiz to give us greater mobility and energy, move McGinn to attacking midfield which is where he should be playing and start Ramsey alongside McGinn, again for the mobility and energy he provides.
  19. That ten minutes it took for him to leave the pitch side when subbed completely sums him up. Any other team player would have gone off sharp and encouraged the sub but all Barkley wanted was attention with all his drama and posturing on the touch line. He simply is everything we do not want at this club, he's not a team player, his personal reputation is all that matters to him, he is as lazy as %$£$, his attitude is shocking and he should never start another game. Ramsey and Sanson immediately showed the sort of sharpness, pace, energy and commitment that Barkley is devoid of. If he starts at Leeds, it proves 100% that he is on a "must play if fit" contract as many fear ! His presence is a greater handicap to Villa than Grealish's absence !
  20. Was told by a Chelsea mate when we took him on that Barkley will always play for the name on the back of his shirt, not the badge on the front and I can totally see that. He really is not very good beyond the odd moment of skill on the ball. He is lazy, his work ethic off the ball is shocking and he seems the opposite of everything Smith is trying to create at Villa. His hissy fits and cold stares when he gets subbed are the final straw for me. He's not Villa and never will be ..... just get rid before he does damage in the locker room.
  21. Shame Olly gave Wet Spam two goals on the night but great finish otherwise ..... just needs to work on his hold up play.
  22. We actually looked tired out there but fair play to Wet Spam who were better in all departments ...... we go again !
  23. We have enough good options now not to have to carry anybody. No point in buying Sanson if you are going to slavishly play the four who started today !
  24. He is way off the pace and to be frank, Villa are better than giving game time for one of Chelsea's under-performers. A few fancy flicks is all you get from Ross ..... doesn't defend at all, bottles out of tackles and is simply not worth the shirt. Get Sanson in or Nakamba and send him back to Chelsea ..... please !
  25. Decent performance bordering on brilliant in first half. Grealish outstanding, Barkley rubbish once again !
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