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Everything posted by villa4europe

  1. Seems when I looked at wiki earlier they hadn't updated it Witsel is in too, katelaere and verschaeren both out, both need moves to the PL...
  2. Chelsea! He signed a daft contract with them nearly 2 years ago now, then got his injury Maybe there will be a deal to be done there and he's another emi, reserve player that we get something out of that they can't but I really don't see it
  3. £100k a week... Chelsea have done him big time, should have gone to bayern He'll be a typical English tricky pacey winger with no pace and had his tricks sussed out by 24
  4. That under the arm stuff on the puma template is straight out of PES
  5. Last summer when we signed emi there would have been very very few of us on here that would have suggested he was half as good as he ended up being We need more like him, players that our staff can see what's there whereas others can't, it's good scouting and good management by the club Its not in your face blindingly obvious potential to be world class or already world class, they cost money and don't join villa
  6. Him and Shakespeare getting ready to drop the vid on the official social media account
  7. You're setting yourself up for a disappointing summer
  8. From that stat no From the perspective of putting 10 men behind the ball, having 25% possession, 1 shot on target and getting 3 points... At home to Burnley...then yes it has Same as when he was at villa, even when they win there's no enjoyment in watching it
  9. Kiddy and I'm the same, didn't meet a Jewish guy until I started working at an international factory at 19 and one of the bosses was a South African Israeli Its not really a thing in my life, not just Jewish but religion in general, its not the badge on the sleeve that it is in say the states, there might have been some kids at school but they never declared it and I never asked (because I don't care...) Didn't see a "proper" Jewish guy with payots etc until my mid 20s and even that was at a airport, don't think I've ever seen a guy in brum who I would identify as Jewish, not even any kippahs from memory
  10. They'll have some mechanism that results in that fans opinion and voting resulting in just about **** all They'll get a 5 minute section just before AOB
  11. The money we've spent is largely irrelevant unfortunately, our squad still isn't relatively speaking in terms of the PL an expensive one Our improvements haven't been marginal they've been substantial As for being happy mid table... For me I'd now take marginal improvements, made with my own eyes rather than necessarily the table or stats, the midfield has to improve, so does the attacking play and play without jack I personally think we need to put ourselves in to a position where we can launch ourselves up the table following the integration of the young players that we have coming through, that probably means 2 years aiming for top 10 flirting with EL, Barry, chuk et Al hit 20 and we can start making good progress up the table, give ourselves a good stable launch pad The obvious flaw with that idea is Jack grealish hanging around to see it happen
  12. Koeman did well to ride the season out to be fair, they were garbage at times before Xmas
  13. No hazard, injured, also missing vanheusden and witsel, origi didn't make the cut Got some exciting youngsters though, Doku, saelemakers, verschaeren, keltaere... Bastard to spell
  14. They're fighting over land rights Due to their religious beliefs Palestinians don't have any, due to their religious beliefs the Israelis do...
  15. Don't get me wrong it used 10+ years ago, then I went through a phase of win or lose on the booze, then I walked away under Bruce, then I came back and I watch every game and I get invested in the games and my wife will moan that I spend hours on here afterwards but general mood and cat kicking not anymore The main thing for me is I think the whole thing is rigged, before the ESL probably even before FFP I think the whole "competition" is a load of bollocks, I love villa but detest the PL, so I'm not going to get pissed off that we don't win a competition that's designed to stop us from winning it and that I have absolutely no control over it all I'll admit that bad refs can still get to me though I wish I could watch football in the same way that I do the NFL, like an invested spectator rather than a proper fan
  16. Called up to the argue squad again Ledesma has 0 caps, Musso has 1,not sure who the FA will pick out of the 3 of them but this might be his best chance
  17. I always worry about people that say "thanks villa that's my weekend ruined" As Xela says that level of attachment for something you have no control over is a bad way to live your life
  18. They could have spent more and won more if only the glazers didn't take money out... More than the billion they've spent in the last 10 years and 5th highest wage bill in Europe... Woodward is the problem there not the glazers, they spend more than enough to compete, him going could be huge, get rid of ole, bring in some proper players rather than shirt sellers and marketing tools, change the culture of the club, get pogba off the adverts for Nigerian fruit juice and get him to focus on football Utd could very quickly turn it around imo
  19. My dad's old atari out of the attic so probably something like pong or breakout, pitfall was my favourite but I doubt it was the first one I played Then a Gameboy with tetris, my brother got crash test dummies for his birthday Then Mario on a mates nes Then my mom got me and my brother a snes which came with street fighter The first game I bought myself with pocket money would have been a snes game but I can't remember which, maybe buster busts loose in 92, hard to remember cos there was a big borrowing scene with family and neighbours at the time, I didn't play that many Gameboy games but I played tons of snes games
  20. Can only speak for us but it's a mental thing, we probably would have been relegated anyway but our lot completely gave up and it was **** embarrassing, no fight or pride just a shrug of the shoulders and a jog around VP for 90 mins every other saturday afternoon
  21. Sounds like wolves fans 2 years ago Its something the PL and the likes of sky are very good at, telling you that everyone has this chance, everyone is competiting and then hoping that no one notices that its the same old faces come the end At the moment we're sat at Leicester once as the only none "big 6" team since Everton went out in the qualifiers in 05/06, 15 years, 4 entrants per year so that's 60 entrants, 1 of them... We could now be looking at 2 out of 64 but because its Leicester and West ham also came close nothing is broken and its all exciting!!! Its broken as **** and I don't know what it will take for the media to admit it, their "product" isn't what they sell it as Unfortunately I also think the other European leagues whilst better for CL teams are worse for champions so comparatively we don't at least have that problem
  22. I'm sure barca have lost out on a title due to losing to celta before recently Maybe with Luis Enrique involved and some story there
  23. So in this crazy exciting anything can happen one of a kind season... Man City win it, utd, Chelsea, Liverpool to get the CL spots Part of me hope it happens because same as every year I'm half convinced someone will smell the coffee and say its actually all a bit shit and predictable Liverpool and spurs being shit for much of the season and still getting CL / EL would say it all Leicester need a result Tuesday vs Chelsea or it'll happen imo
  24. That's the thing though, Smith sees them both every day... And when you say hasn't taken it how do you quantify that? What does he have to do to be declared as taking his chance? He's a young central midfielder he's not there for 20+ goal contributions a season, he's there to get the ball, give the ball, move in to space and do it again, which isnt flash or fancy but it's pretty much what he's doing and he's doing it about as well as mcginn or sanson
  25. Or the opposite... A kid that was a year ahead of him in the academy is getting minutes in the Premier league thanks to villa and Smith, the opportunity is there for the others too So what's he doing in training, how's he living, how's he look after himself? Role model Or he could think what's the fans reaction to him...
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