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Everything posted by villa4europe

  1. Yeah that gif is perfect for what I experienced last night, 1am my head was going crazy with nonsensical numbers like code combinations, 3am my head started the first draft of a romantic novel set in 1840s Russia Today I'm OK, I'm not sick touch wood but I'm groggy and tired like a hangover, I can feel that there's something going on But if you're going to feel like you have a hangover then you might as well have a few beers....
  2. Thats where the infrastructure comes in to play, I agree we probably don't have that pulling power (although big club and stuff like that is a myth, it's all about the £) The scouts need to unearth gems, purslow needs to do deals that no one else thought was possible I'd love at least 1 signing this summer where fans of Everton, arsenal, Leicester etc take one look at it and say we should have done that, it's not about having more pull than them it's about being where they're not That imo is what Leicester have done incredibly well for a while now And that's why I don't want us just going after Abraham or Sarr or ASM
  3. Very low We'll be 6-0 up by then and he won't need him
  4. We have works councils, a group of elected employees who have a say in everything For example me getting a job... My boss had to show them my CV and prove there was no German applicant who was better They've also reviewed stuff like short working during corona (our furlough) when corona broke out last year my company spent 2 months negotiating it with my work council meaning that I only actually had 6 weeks of it My company can't do anything major in terms of HR without their approval, so that would include the pay offer
  5. Looks like a £100 training top And the collar looks very similar to this year's Nike template too so that's really poor if they're keeping that and the stripe (mainly cos both are shit)
  6. He's the worst offender imo They look like those glasses that don't actually do anything, just plain glass, glasses as a fashion accessory, get them from somewhere like river Island
  7. Yep Interception stats > tackling stats Its what made busquets the best in the world in the position, with the ball or without the ball he was always stodd exactly where he needed to be
  8. If they get CL I can see West ham going for him, Antonio hasnt got 50 games a year in him Someone is going to get stung... He's not a £40m player but that's where I can see Chelsea pitching him
  9. Block the view of the keeper, move or influence the oppositions wall, seen a new one recently where a team put a 3 man wall of their own players in front of the 5 man wall of the defenders, they all then ducked last minute In theory the defenders put up say a 4 man wall, the attacker puts a 5th man on the end, the take puts it over his own man, stops the wall playing the ball and the keeper from seeing it
  10. We keep kappa and cazoo Maybe this year is the year where we announce it early, launch it in a decent time frame and have plenty of stock Absolute witchcraft
  11. I had AZ yesterday, no way am I sleeping tonight, had it at 11am,fever started around 10pm, headache kicked in around midnight, the main problem is my head is **** tap dancing, it's going at a million miles an hour, I'm out here solving quantum physics problems in my head, having full blown conversations with myself, I can't settle and I'm fidgeting like mad Wife had biontech and has a sore arm...
  12. Have you ever done the rolling stones top 500? I did 2 albums a day, sometimes it's a grind but you'll find some absolute gems, Elton John and Sam Cooke were the big winners for me Might try and do the new list but I think it set out to purposefully offend with its ranking and get trending
  13. Maybe at the top of the list of bands that I just don't get, never found even 1 song that I really like, got nothing from them
  14. Not everyone, Ford are popular here and tesla are getting big, but yeah in general the big 4 are crazy popular but also there are a hell of a lot of porsches, the crazy thing is where people park, basically there is no parking, it's all apartments and everyone just leaves there car on the path outside as a free for all, its like what you'd see outside terraced housing in the UK, opposite my flat now is a 80.000€ etron, on the street up the kerb without a care in the world, down the bottom of my road there's a 120.000€ porsche, there's an RS6 somewhere too, you can probably tell from that it's not a rough area but it still seems mad to me parking your fancy car around the corner wherever you can find a space, loads of cars with dings in them My wife has a VW golf, I usually walk to work but the one day I had to go in to collect all my screens and shit so I can work from home for 2 months I got caught speeding
  15. Whoever said they were off to buy the new squid album My ears hate you
  16. Beyond the Manc thing I don't really see it either, he's got the same thing as kasabians Tom where he's trying to be a front man with a bit about him (but he's not as bad as Tom, and by bad I mean coked up confident) and you can say that both of them in that regard are influenced by Liam But musically they're not
  17. Did his job, we stayed up last season, it's a shame he got injured, Reina came in and did his job too, both were short term fixes, glad we had him and I'm now glad we have emi Crazy if utd sign him though, they produce and don't use so many keepers (Inc Heaton himself obviously) maybe cash in on Henderson
  18. not nineteen forever is a great song for somewhere like snobs tbf
  19. You've been in the things you don't get thread... You get a like for bee gees but you're not having one for the courteeners, great first album but shit after that
  20. "we have to cut our cloth accordingly" Signs Ross Barkley
  21. They're a good band, probably my favourite "new" band, they're a throw back (because oz is 25 years behind us...) lead singer has a great voice, the mtv unplugged album is brilliant, been around for about 5 years now and have a good following but never made a big breakthrough, not a clue if they get radio support or not, they'll sell out O2 academies easily and get good support slots when courteeners or Liam plays to 60k people*, there's nothing exciting or different or anything edgy about them so I think they get lost in the crowd which is a shame * courteeners playing to 60k crowds is one of life's greatest mysteries
  22. Same with a lot of the older bands I'm not getting involved with the vinyl, would like them in the collection but I kind of know I'll never get the full set and even if I tried I'd end up on ebay or back to black or for completion reasons I'll end up chasing one of the inevitable really shit albums Lesson learned from fleetwood mac, bowie and Elton John
  23. Been caught doing 62kmph in a 50 zone Got a £12 fine...
  24. Bee gees for me currently, watched the hbo documentary and loved it, going through their early stuff, flirting with the disco stuff and one or two songs from the 80s
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