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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. Well, I assumed my usual pose of remote control in right hand and left hand down the front of my shorts having a fumble. As you do….noticed the right spud was bigger than the left one and seemed to be heavier. No discoloured skin or pain, just looked imbalanced. Thought it was a build up of fluid and after about 3 weeks of no reduction in size I went to the docs expecting a draining of the sack or similar only to be told after a scan it was a tumour. Fast forward a week and had it removed and sent off for checking. Turned out it was malignant so for once in my life I pulled my head out of the sand and took action.
  2. This. At our place, the one upside to covid is that home working has proved to be effective. I work four on four off and if my company decided to re open the offices, I would only be expected to go in for one of those four (if at all) and any weekend or night shifts would be from home. In addition, I wont have to make the dangerous drive in the snow when the time comes and I am so pleased for that. A 40 min drive to my place took up to 3 hours during the snow & is not what you need after a 12 hour night shift.
  3. Thanks for all your likes and comments. I’m really feeling the man love
  4. Please forgive this lil bit of self indulgence but I got fully discharged from QE hospital this morning after 5 years of observation (scans, blood tests, x rays and consultations) after being diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2016.....at a cost of losing one crown jewel. No history of the big C in my family, so boys...take my advice and make sure you have a daily fumble down there and check your plums (who am I kidding !? )
  5. I wonder if ginger cats get picked on by other cats, for being a ginge ?
  6. West Coast Eagles are my team. I remember that it’s the custom to play the winning team’s anthem at the end of the game, even if it was the away team that won. Imagine that at footy grounds here !
  7. I like to see sandwell town get dicked as much as the next man, but arsenal surely can't take much credit by hammering a bunch of babbies ?
  8. Well, their ticket office distribution of tickets in time for a game has been all over the place according to sha forum, with some saying tickets for a game played last week have only just arrived in the post or email......so i can understand a lot of them not bothering, mate. Christ....it sounds like I'm almost sorry for them....i need a shower, feel dirty, mate !!
  9. IIRC....didn't the geezer who launched said milkshake say it cost him the best part of a fiver and it was from some poncey eaterie ?
  10. Meh. Doug Ellis would've broke the net with his bicycle kick.
  11. I did that in my hotel room in vegas.....ran the hot tub, thought it looked crap and boring so i squirted half a bottle of shower gel to "help it along a bit".....
  12. How - or what - the actual f*** is a vegan hotdog costume supposed to look like ?!? Or is it the person wearing it has to be vegan ?? No offence Mr Salad but....only in America
  13. As long as the nippers are proppa blooze, mate. I will admit to reading a few posts on sha forum about their ballot for tickets, rubbish PR from the club, STHs being relocated, tickets being emailed out too late, disrepair of the ground, no catering at the ground, some inhouse fighting about some getting tkts and not going....better fan than you, blah blah blah.... Then again, i honestly believe that they'd object to not having a bit of crap (off the pitch) cos it's what makes them proppa blooze, so a well run club where the customer comes first (KW) wouldn't work for them.
  14. Sorry to burst your bubble but i have it on good authority that JLR imposed a compulsory overtime period which included last night's ding dong clash at Stans. Otherwise there would've been the usual 40,000 inside with another 20,000 trying to desperately get in, including some old boy and his son, from erdington. Mate.
  15. Double click her mouse !! Great saying ! I really can't believe my appalling behaviour that night. Honestly, it was SO not me and i laid low for weeks afterwards in case this lad rounded up a few mates to dance on my head, just to prove to his girl that he really WAS angry at my actions. She was dead fit, mind...
  16. Can't believe i forgot this pearler of a story: Back in the late 90s i was going through a crappy divorce so a work mate said I should go out with him, his brother and their mates in tamworth. It was his brother's bird's birthday so we all met at his house and were necking loads of fruity cocktails before we headed off to their version of town (mate). Anyway....after a few of their local haunts, we eventually ended up in a nightclub (embassy ? Kube ? On the corner of a street, above a bar)....so, in the club we're drinking away and standing in a group of about 7 when my mate introduced another pal and his pal's girlfriend. I cheerily shook his hand, turned to his missus and whilst shouting "wa-HEEEEY !!!" at the top of my voice, grabbed both her boobs, then made a honk honk noise. I then finished off by giving her front bottom a playful tickle and staggered off to the toilets. On my way to the toilets, i bought a £2 bottle of hooch and told the barmaid to keep the change (from £20). I was then discovered by the bouncer 90 mins later asleep on the toilet and was gently kicked out. The next day my work mate told me that his mate had simply burst out laughing at my sexual assault on his girl; she got the hump with him and stormed off home. I blamed the cocktail mixture i had, too much too soon but as memories gradually came back to me it eventually dawned on me how close i got to getting my head kicked in or being arrested. Naturally, i never saw that lad ever again, or his missus when out in tamworth
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