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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. I did use the words "or something like that"....honestly, some people just love to nitpick. Mate
  2. I read that as "windy roads" and not "windy roads"
  3. Yeah, Bryan Savin who was a fellow BRMB presenter. I think it was more grabbing Savin by the lapels and lifting him out of his wheelchair. Something to do with Savin's show encroaching or overlapping on Butler's and TB got the hump when Savin complained.....or something like that. I got the impression that Tony Butler is or was a difficult character to work with
  4. The worst dogheads I've heard on that phone in are some smug lil yam yam called Phil who can barely hide his hate for us and also P(r)at from Warsaw.....I used to think he was from walsall until I saw a tweet from him with his location as Warsaw.....anyway, what a ungracious, dull, monotone person I've ever heard ! Don't think he's been on for a good while - which is nice - unless he's resurfaced this year ?
  5. Millwall -> SHA of the South.
  6. Brian O'Driscoll did a programme on the national rugby team, with a focus on players from both "sides", including some players of a loyalist background, some who were in the british army & those from republican roots.......... very interesting
  7. If "Jukey" (proppa blose mate) walked into a pub I was in I'd have no bloody idea who he was. I'd only recognise Hogan and the brothers Grimm....the rest of em....not a clue. Then again, I wouldn't be allowed in town, mate.
  8. I had a tesco delivery cancelled 90 mins before it was due. Driver shortage apparently. Great. However I was relieved when they confirmed that I wasn't going to be charged. Gee. Thanks. Got on to amazon fresh and got the lot more or less delivered 2 hours after placing the order.
  9. I do this quite often and it works. However, I also have a big no cold callers sign on my door and it winds me the eff up when they still knock it, canvassing or selling or what ever !!
  10. Slightly OT but this post reminds me of a groany joke I used to tell : Q - Who was the father and son to play test cricket in the same game ? A - Miandad.
  11. Started watching Fauda on Netflix. Palestinians vs Israelis. Mostly in arabic so it’s not one for you subtitle haters but in an odd sort of way it’s quite compelling.
  12. Patrick was a “different” brand at the time to the usual Umbro, puma and Adidas so that’s why I went for it. Their soccer boots too were unusual with the two stripes at the side of the heel - think Kevin Keegan wore them at the time. Your memory at the sty reminded me of a ground staff kid who used to replace turf divots at half time down the villa. He wore one of those Patrick jackets and had a ginger wedge haircut which bobbed forward as he stood over a difficult bit of pitch as he stamped it back down. The things you remember eh ? But even back in 1983 I knew I wasn’t allowed to spend that £10 drinking in town. Mate
  13. This. I found a tenner walking along Bristol road back in to town, from a day at Matthew boulton college and went straight to Harry Parkes and bought this bad boy ! I bought the navy waterproof bottoms too and I felt I was the bollox ! it all cost more than a tenner but it was 1983 so £10 went a long way to paying for it
  14. Nice lil thread, this. My superstitions were more when I was a spotty oik teenager. Buy a bag of American hard gums after getting off the bus at Perry Barr dog track, from some mad little newsagents. Enter holte end from witton lane side but would stand on the left side of the holte, so I’d work my way across the right side to get to the top of the left. Looked out for a bloke and his family who were there every game. He looked like Woody Allen so me and my mates used to always sing Woody woody, give us a wave” and we’d get blank looks back from Woody, every time. Bus back home in time to get the sports Argus and a 1/4 of aniseed balls from the local newsagents, then read all about the game on my way back home, my tongue going dark red from the sweets. Every game. Happy and uncomplicated times.
  15. First I was ….then I was …..then I was again !
  16. When selling my last house, I used to go all MTV cribs when showing the ladies my bedroom by proclaiming “…and this is where the magic happens !” Took me 15 months to sell it…. and only then to a bloke with a chihuahua called Sebastian
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