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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. Were you sat in the car park of your shiny, new and local Lidl ? Just to let you know, i intend to visit that place very soon....and yes, i WILL be wearing you know whats !
  2. Right....here's my very own "never touching that drink ever again" story... My mate's 23rd birthday in the lovely warm month of july (back in 1984). He has a gathering in Beaumonts wine bar which was above and near the snow and rock store and around the corner from harry parkes shop on corporation st. Anyway, he gets me on the sangria, which tasted like pop. Usual story, drank loads of it, end of the night i walk outside to make my way to the night service bus home (no.46 to great barr). Night air hits me but i still get on the bus. At 12.30 am i think I'd better get off said bus cos i was gonna puke. I get off - at Newton, by the baths. There was a west indian takeaway kiosk there and both servers just watched in disgust as i chundered and chundered. Despite my near blind drunk state, i could definitely hear the kissing of teeth from their direction. Don't blame them ! I then get approached by a young man who advises i should get a taxi home and that i should follow him to the other side of the dual carriageway to the phone box outside the elbow room - via the underpass. I duly staggered after him without thinking and lucky for me, he was genuine and not out to mug me. 30 mins later I'm home and telling my teetotal irish mammy what had happened and that a nice young man had took me in the dead of night down a subway to call a cab. After dousing me in holy water, she sent me to bed with a bowl and a few gaelic swear words ringing in my ear. 37 years later i can remember it as if it was last month. As for sangria.....it can get in the effing sea !!
  3. Ah feck it. I'm off to watch Rashica have a stormer We go again...
  4. "Pashun" - no one else has it like SHA ! They really will put up with no end of being dicked about by the club on and off the pitch ! As for walsall, well they're just like an annoying little brother who no one takes seriously Thanks for the hook up boys, i have registered and bookmarked the page.
  5. I wish that he said "mate" at the end !
  6. Where can i find this please, Mr Foot ? I'm not the greatest at finding podcasts etc.
  7. I've heard his corporate box stories before and it's actually a "mate" of his whose box he's weaseled into in the past. Whether they gave in to his constant blagging requests, invited him in and then regretted it is debatable but probably correct. Mate.
  8. To be fair, he is in his 60's son/mate.
  9. Could be worse; could be Mel "always a pleasure Franksy" Eves
  10. What was that gob almighty saying, yeah ?
  11. I am at work so i will miss it but i am relying on my learned friends @Follyfootand @rjw63to post the "high" lights !
  12. Same as every one of their phone ins then. Proppa phone ins. Mate
  13. I asked my employer a question about increased electricity bills cos i am still wfh and will be for months to come. In fact, it is almost becoming the preferred way to work at our place. His answer ? "How much you saving diesel/petrol ?' In other words....eff off !
  14. A nose i used to work with is all over twitter rubbing his hands in glee at our fans' meltdown, retweeting some of their postings. No recent mention of his own team though and he has a history of desperately trying to get any, ANY anti greasy, minge, bacon face stuff and repost it. He is the definition of obsessed. He is in his late 30s with two kids so he aint a 14 yr old kid who wouldn't know any better. His best and funniest quote is that "we let Bellingham go with our blessing - them lot are hammering Greasy ! Just shows which fans have class !" "Let him go" ?!?! Hahahaha yeah ok then ! Honestly, they put more effort and passion into hating us than supporting their own team.
  15. This. Grealish strikes me as not exactly the sharpest tool in the box (not knowing what encyclopaedic meant for example !) so i get the impression that material stuff like wages and what it can buy mean more than trying to get his head around being a potential legend at his boyhood club. He probably already has more money than he knows what to do with but i feel he thinks status and profile will help him in the dick swinging contest he will have when in the England dressing room.
  16. That reminded me of the time they signed Jean Marie Papin from Marseille. Hardly played him. A mate of mine who lived in Milan at the time said it was fairly common knowledge that he was bought so other rivals couldn't have him. From a prolific goal in every 2 games striker he spent 2 yrs at Milan and afterwards - apart from a spell at Munich - he was never the same.
  17. Whereas Konsa seems to be one of our main threats in the opposition box. Good call on Hause.
  18. Is he the geezer on the right ? Mmmmm bop !!
  19. Yeah but i won't believe he's signed for them until he's seen wearing a kagoul. Zipped up to the top. Mate.
  20. I want him to stay, of course I do. However, when i see comments about him being in training with us so he can't be leaving only reminds me of dwight yorke playing his face up whilst still at villa and starting the season under us. Hope I'm wrong.
  21. Just wondering if (god forbid) covid has taken care of Erdo Pete therefore we'll never hear his (and his son's) expert opinions on sha on WM again....would it be okay to still use the word "mate" as a tribute to him on here ? Asking for a mate. Mate.
  22. @Xela probably has one of those in the courtyard of his gated community
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