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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. Adomah should count himself lucky he wasn't booked.
  2. I don't dislike him at all, but give him a clear cut chance, and even though he's scored loads, I never expect him to. It feels like he misses 2 or 3 golden chances a game. He keeps his head up though, so hopefully he's got a goal or two in him tonight.
  3. "You can normally rely on this man", is the commentator taking the piss?
  4. They should have shuffled their fans in to one end, we could have sold this out for them.
  5. if they pan out to view the whole stadium? About 5k?
  6. It'll never stop being stupid that UK fans can't just pay to watch the game be broadcast in 2019.
  7. I think Wolves might have been the only win I watched under Bruce after which I left the ground feeling genuinely pleased I'd gone to watch. There were certainly no more than a handful. Most of the time we seemed to win ugly, or I'd wonder how we'd managed to get the points at all. Don't get me wrong, I'd still go mental when we scored, but once that initial euphoria wore off, it was always still a bit depressing to watch even when we were winning, for me. I can't imagine how bad it must be watching Pulis' teams every week.
  8. Yeah, I've seen it a few times. Oddly, they still have stewards up there. Can't remember for many recent games, but I know against QPR on New Years Day, there wasn't a single away fan up there, but there were half a dozen stewards sat up there on their own watching the game. Nice work if you can get it! I'm not sure how the away ticket allocations work though, perhaps the away club keeps all of the tickets and can keep selling them even on the day so we have no say in the matter>
  9. What could possibly be the safety reasons? We used to have away fans in the lower north and home fans above them every match.
  10. A baggies equaliser would really make this a good night of results.
  11. Shouldn't have changed their manager, they'll definitely regret that.
  12. Literally just finished watching this episode. "Well, it's a hospital, the window won't open" pipes up the girlfriend. "Her partner will get up and save the day, obviously", I think. "...Oh." One question...At what point did you think the guy who's clearly a man wearing an ill-fitting wig decided to get in to his ensemble? Surely it would have drawn more attention to him walking through the hospital than him just walking through as a normal looking guy?!
  13. I'm far from "posh", but I seem to have a habit of making a bit of a nob of myself whenever I talk to anyone who works in a typical "bloke" job. any kind of interaction with tradesman, and I channel my inner-dickhead. I took my car in to have its alloys redone this morning. I was waiting for the mechanic guy to turn up, and when he did, I introduced myself, and he held out his hand. I couldn't decide whether he was going to shake my hand or take the key, so I reached out mine, put the key in his hand, and shook his hand in one gesture, like I was tipping him a car or something. The look of "wtf" on his face is going to pop in to my head and taunt me occasionally for years to come.
  14. Not seen anything to come out of Hollywood lately? At most, wrestling is acting with slightly more steroids.
  15. I started Season 1 on Sunday, finished it last night, it's not bad at all! It's one of the few shows that ticks the boxes for both me and the other half, I've got a massive backlog of brilliant shows I need to finish that she's not interested in (Band of Brothers, Handmaid's tale...". I need to kick her out for a weekend.
  16. Davkaus


    I can't see how this has anything at all to do with what I posted. Why would you counter my post about it being absurd to mock a team for losing a semi final based on us winning a semi final years ago, with a post about how we also lost another final 20 bloody years ago? Losing in a final that I seem to recall being suggested was one of the worst ever FA cup finals, so long ago that even Blues have won a trophy since then, hardly seems like something to brag about.
  17. Davkaus


    Yay...we got to a final....A few years ago...For a cup we've not won in 62 years. Not to mention the absolute battering we got in the final. Embarrassingly small time, but I've come to expect nothing less from @villareport. Meanwhile they're comfortably in the top half of the PL and we're hoping to get in to the playoffs. Not a good time to be taking the piss, lads.
  18. Or cross. Glad he got his goal, but I won't be sad to see him gone in the summer.
  19. Not sure if there's for some reason a different rule for the young player, but one of the nominees for the young player of the season is on loan from Liverpool. Tammy's younger than him as well. Pretty surprising, but hopefully he'll score plenty of goals right up to the end of the play off final and show them they can shove their PotS nominations up their arse.
  20. This is the most distasteful thing I've ever heard from a pundit https://streamable.com/xodl3
  21. It's been discussed a lot in the veggie thread, but here's my take on it: What I don't get is why meat eaters feel so worked up about vegetarian burgers and sausages. The sausages example shows how ludicrous this whole discussion is. "Veggie tubes" unless they contain meat? The Glamorgan sausage has existed for 200 years, and people want it to have to be called a veggie tube because they're so insecure they can't have vegetarians using their words? It's absurd. Oddly, I expect there's a significant overlap in facial hue between people that will love this news, and people who get angry about EU bureaucrats sticking their noses in where it's not wanted.
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