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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. It's not the plants that are grown in the location that's the problem, it's that animals bred for food consume a huge amount of resources. I was replying to a post suggesting that a huge amount of insects and small animals are killed in the production of vegetables for human consumption. Far more vegetables need to be grown for animals to eat before they're on our plates.
  2. Are there any Croat gks playing at a higher level? Kalinic probably wouldn't be playing, no matter how will he did for us, if there were a dozen Croat GKs playing in the Premier League. The situations aren't equivalent.
  3. I'm sorry, but this is not a debate at all. What do you think all of the animals you eat live on? Far more plants are grown to feed the animals that omnivores eat than the plants that would be needed to directly feed people. Of course growing food for veggies leads to harm, living causes harm, unfortunately. I'm not having this "vegan food kills more animals' nonsense, though.
  4. I heard he had an ingenious plan to get out, but ended up stuck in the u-bend.
  5. Never heard of him before, but that's his account he uses for his professional image...toadmeister?
  6. Flimsy?! It's flimsy that England tend to expect more from their players than Australia or Ireland and want them to be playing at a higher level? Curacao have a player in League 2, maybe Southgate needs to get down to Oldham to see what other talent they have.
  7. Brexit has exposed how weak the consensus is in these huge political parties. If they broke up, and we had PR and a government through consensus, it'd almost make all of this madness worth it. that's about as likely as May admitting she's made a mistake though.
  8. And you don't think the England manager telling him he needs to be playing in the PL cements his departure? If we don't go up, I expect him to leave.
  9. He's like a treacherous mr bean. I'm surprised Hammond isn't getting a mention, he's the only member of the cabinet that doesn't seem completely mental. Maybe that's why...
  10. Vegans are not a club, or a cult that have a single perspective. Even within your categories (which I mostly agree with) of why people are vegan, there'll be a split between people liking meat-like foods. Some do feel this way, certainly. I have a mate who's been veggie his entire life and isn't interested in any fake meats at all. My partner is veggie (mostly vegan, i'm working on it ) and likes some, but there are a few like the "beyond burgers" that she thinks are too realistic and they turn her stomach. Me, on the other hand, it's mostly reason A, but the night before I jumped straight in to being a full-on sanctimonious vegan prick, I went out for dinner in a barbecue/steak place and had the most ridiculously delicious burger I've ever had. Close to half a kilo, and 4 different types of meat in it. I bloody loved meat...Just not as much as I hated the idea of animals dying to create it. I mostly eat meals made from scratch at home, but occasionally still like a nice greasy, dirty burger loaded with toppings, for example. Or a shameful Greggs sausage roll. If harm-free lab-grown meat does become a thing, that perfectly encapsulates the properties of ordinary meat, I'm in.
  11. ...I...This doesn't happen on the internet, I'm confused. I was coming in to this expecting an argument
  12. This has been covered several times over the last 48 pages, but very few people are vegetarian/vegan simply because they don't like the flavour, so what's the problem with creating similar flavours/textures and using a language that'll let people know roughly what to expect? It's not confusing anyone, it's not like you're going to ask for a chicken burger in a mainstream restaurant and end up with the vegan option.
  13. That looks spot on, nice. I'm willing to have a crack at some stuff, but I know I'd just screw up bodywork, so I'd be looking at paying a pro to take care of it. Unbelievably, they haven''t really learned their lesson, the mk2 still has issues with the sills rusting from the inside out, which is still not a particularly expensive job, but they also have problems with wheel arches (still fairly cheap), but more worryingly, the chassis rails which is often an economic write off. I think the mk3s are meant to be better but still have issues with the wheel arches, kind of disappointing it's been such a persistent issue for them. It is perhaps madness to spend so much money on a relatively new, still depreciating car to avoid issues with older cars that could be fixed for the depreciation costs alone, though. Certainly something to think about. Keeping an eye on the OC for sales of well looked after ones might be the way to go.
  14. See, I was leaning towards the 2.0 because it has the limited slip differential, and there's a special edition for sale near me with Recaro seats... Then I remember that until a couple of weeks ago I was driving a 75bhp peugeot shitbox that didn't like going above 60 unless it was downhill, I'll probably be impressed by anything
  15. Tbh, the endemic rust issues put me off any Mazda over a few years old. The damn things rot from the inside out, and the daft bastards don't do anything to properly treat the bottom of them. I guess with an Mk1/2, they're so much cheaper I could afford the body work without coming close to the cost of a mk4. Plenty of cash to stick in a half decent set of speakers and infotainment system too....Hmm.
  16. I'm waiting for the insurance to pay out so at the moment I'm driving an '18 plate Fiesta, which is actually not horrible. I've swayed back and forth several times in the last couple of weeks. I was going back and forth on the GT-86 vs MX-5 2.0l sport. Both rwd, both incredibly chuckable, neither very practical. I'll be trying out the odd track day in whatever I get so the fun factor needs to be there. I'm more towards the MX-5 I think, because while the GT-86 has the edge in hooligan slides around corners, driving along country roads with the top down is always going to put a smile on my face. However, the spec of MX-5 I'm looking at is probably going to set me back somewhere from 12-14k depending on the exact year and condition. For that price, I could have a 10 year old Boxster and enough change to keep on top of maintenance. And the insurance is the same, mind-bogglingly. I shouldn't. Should I?
  17. It ought to. It probably wouldn't. People apparently thought AV was too complicated, ffs.
  18. This is genuine madness. 8 days? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/mar/22/secret-cabinet-office-document-reveals-chaotic-planning-for-no-deal-brexit That bloody cabinet, with their Project Fear. I'm surprised we're not seeing panic buying in the shops yet.
  19. Davkaus


    People will put up with inferior resolutions and the console's appalling frame rates because they don't know any better. It's one thing being used to poor performance because that's what you're used to, but I don't see people putting up with noticeable input lag that wasn't there with their old system. Call me a luddite, but I won't be buying in no matter what, for no other reason than I like to be able to keep playing my games when the developers go bust or otherwise stop supporting them. Not being able to run your own media locally takes far too much power to the businesses IMO. I could be playing something and then it just...disappears, in the same way Netflix takes series offline?
  20. Davkaus


    I think the argument gets more compelling each generation. Comparing now to the launch of PS4/Xbone: Neither launched with backwards compatibility, and it's a given on the next iteration Online play is now far, far more prevalent It's likely to be a longer generation, more games in the library, more friends on the list We'll see, maybe I'll look like a damn idiot in a few years, but frankly, I think this is a rubbish solution in need of a problem, I don't see cloud gaming ever being more than a niche activity, and even if it does, I doubt Stadia will still exist in a few years' time.
  21. Has there ever been such a disgraceful leader of the opposition?
  22. Davkaus


    A further advantage they'll have is the social aspect, combined with backwards compatibility. Google can throw as much money at the problem as they like, but they need something truly compelling for people to switch, when all of their mates are already on PS/Xbox.
  23. So a 3 month extension it is. We can get another 3 or 4 meaningless votes in that time, problem solved.
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