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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. He deserves the goal. Look at how much faster he reacts than the Liverpool player right next to him.
  2. He managed the final 5, Houillier was admitted before the Stoke game. Won 2 (Arsenal and Liverpool), drew 2, lost away to the baggies.
  3. One that's a reasonably common allergy as well. Genius.
  4. More money, and 6+ hours a week being spent doing your own thing instead of sat in traffic? I'd bite their hand off.
  5. Blows my mind as well, but the amount of times I've booked an appointment and they don't bother showing up pisses me off. More bafflingly, I had a couple to show up, look at the problem, give me a reasonable quote, then never bother showing up to actually fix it. They just wasted their time coming out and not getting paid for it. Seems to be a general tradesmen issue though, I had the same with plumbers and roofers. I guess there's so much work, they don't worry about just ignoring custom if a better job comes along.
  6. Davkaus


    I've done the same, after my gf ran it this year. She didn't get anywhere near the time she wanted due to a couple of hospitalisations interrupting her training, so she wants to do another. We've both entered the ballot, and have also both entered Nottingham half.Training started for the half today, and it was brutal. I play a bit of football and badminton, so thought I'd be alright just running for 2 miles. Nope. On and off sprinting really doesn't prepare you for constant running, even for a short distance, I was absolutely knackered. It's not until October though, which is absolutely loads of time to prepare for a half. If I don't get in to London, and it's about 25/1, I'll enter another one next spring instead.
  7. Surely they'd show that if it was meant to be the case.
  8. Another slightly amusing point, Ghost clearly being edited in during post, being a variety of shapes and sizes, and no characters acknowledging his existence in any way
  9. I presume that was meant to highlight how easily she could sneak around and avoid detection when the wights could even hear tiny drops of blood to try to make her sneaking up for the final attack a little less implausible. Which was then slightly undermined by her roar when she leaps to attack.
  10. I guess you could attribute it to overconfidence. I mean, he'd just stood in an inferno with a smirk on his face. They'd established him as this almost omnipotent being.As soon as you realise that all the northern defenders had done was make his army bigger, it was GG. There was never going to be a way to end that fight that didn't feel incredibly cheap. I found Arya's part in the episode to all be a bit silly even without that. I know she's had all of the training and she's meant to be a bad-ass assassin, but doing acrobatics over the dead, and the whole "she's so bad ass, she has to design her own weapons because there aren't any good enough for her" thing? Eugh.
  11. Considering she was only ever meant to have a minor part in one scene, a couple of seasons back, what a way to go! General discussion...Do we really need to all use spoiler tags in a topic that's almost exclusively about spoilers? If you're daft enough to come in to the topic without being up to date, you get what you deserve.
  12. I've seen a lot of very angry posts about the assistant ref suggesting the red, but I agree with this 100% Some have said "he didn't clearly see it, he can't give the red", and on the face of it, this seems compelling. However, can you imagine the absolute fury if one of ours took a punch, or an elbow, or a kick, with a player's body slightly obscuring it, and the ref didn't give it because while he saw the punch/elbow/kick, he didn't 100% see the contact? If there's a swing, and a player hits the deck, you may well need freeze-frames to actually be 100% on the contact. It was a little naive to let his arm swing like that, but I give 100% of the blame to the player who hit the deck.
  13. That was the **** business, I loved every second. The question is, where do we go next. The North is destroyed, Dany has no army left... Cersei surely wins by default unless she does some seriously mental shit.
  14. I think you're in for a shock. It was essentially off the table for a generation until Brexit revealed just how fundamentally at odds the Scottish and English are. The most disappointing thing about Scottish independence will be that I'm currently on the wrong side of the border.
  15. To be fair to him, it took him a while to run off the limp, and I'd it wasn't for the fact they'd used 2 subs at the break, I'm sure he'd have gone off. It wasn't deceptive, imo.
  16. I agree with most of the rest, but good tackle, really? They're both very lucky to have stayed on the pitch after that.
  17. Davkaus

    Dash Cams

    It depends on your car really. With my old car I could literally just push the wire in to the gap between the a pillar and the windscreen, then drop it in to the fuse box. In my current one, to get the wires properly out of sight I had to unscrew a couple of panels and feed the cable behind them. Not a big job at all, really, but a little more involved, took about 20 minutes. I wouldn't have had a clue which order to take some of it apart though. If you Google dashcam install + your car model, there will almost certainly be someone who's recorded a step by step video guide.
  18. The second team to disgrace themselves on the international stage against us this season. What an absolute bunch of scum.
  19. I don't think I want to be anywhere near Wembley if we end up playing them, it's going to be a very nasty atmosphere.
  20. I've never been so disgusted by a game of football. What an absolute farce.
  21. I don't think I've ever seen him have a good game, I certainly hope we have better next season.
  22. Could be posted pretty much every time he touches the ball.
  23. Who's this "City" you guys keep talking about. Do you mean Bristol?
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