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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. Probably, but not until she had his ships. Remember Euron's assault on Dany's fleet at Casterly Rock? Dany's essentially unbeatable if she has the iron fleet as well. She'd have the biggest army and the biggest fleet, plus 3 dragons, and Cersei wouldn't have been able to buy herself an army. Dany would have been on the throne by now. They could have, it would have been a bit out of character for Theon though, he was still a broken man at that point. I don't disagree Yara is a little thin as a character though. A lot of the fringe characters get a lot more attention in the books, and they have far more relatable characters and motives. Yara doesn't even get the right bloody name in the TV show. The Greyjoy's story at least gets a bit more love than the Dornish storyline, which were absolutely butchered by the show writers.
  2. Is that some sort of Christian news show? What exactly do they think the CIA do?
  3. Euron is a little more interesting in the books, but he's fairly important to the story. Even if you don't have much interest in the Greyjoy arc in general, he's the only reason the Golden Company was able to travel from Essos. If it were not for Yara, Euron would probably be allied with Daenerys.
  4. He's managed 12 appearances at Wednesday this season, including an anonymous starting place yesterday I still can't believe how much match time he got for us, he was and is absolute dog shit.
  5. Davkaus

    Keinan Davis

    He's certainly not good enough to be starting regularly for us, so I'd have him out on loan no matter what level we're playing at next season. He's not going to improve sitting on the bench, ship him out, let him get some proper game time, and reassess next summer, imo.
  6. It's a big bloody if, isn't it? 2 goals in something like 35 appearances? Doesn't get assists either. He's going to be limited at best if all he can do is come on for a bit to hold the ball up when we're winning.
  7. I really don't get what the point of Davis is.
  8. Fantastic assist from Grealish, he never gives up.
  9. Bristol vs Derby is shaping up to be one hell of an important game for us.
  10. Only saw them last month on their 50th anniversary tour. They were in damn fine form at their age!
  11. Whoops, yes it is. So Monday this year, but as I said, Saturday last year. Then I got mixed up on which year it was
  12. Are they as bonkers as thinking we can meet climate change targets by changing our lightbulbs and recycling crisp packets?
  13. Even 5-10 years ago I'd have strongly suggested manual. They were far more common, cheaper, one fewer system to break, and more satisfying to drive. These days? Electric is the future, and it's coming bloody fast. There are plenty of decent affordable, reliable petrol/diesel automatics available in the short term, and in 10 years time, I think outside of the enthusiast and bangernomics markets, you won't find many people driving a manual. Electrics and hybrids are really catching on, and it's going to kill off the need for a manual license. If you don't enjoy driving manual, I don't think I'd bother.
  14. It was on Saturday last year, 26th May. It's on a Monday every even year, and on odd years it's the Saturday, which is pretty bloody weird.
  15. Most times over the last 10 years, I'd bet my house on Villa bottling it to break an almost-defunct team to get a nice little bounce. It'd just be typical. Not now though.
  16. Davkaus

    Global Warming

    Presumably when they say "Premium Content", they mean that it's printed on quilted paper?
  17. It's hard not to suspect that this could be a step towards justifying turning their attention towards VPNs for the benefit of the intelligence services. Think of the children, they're a dangerous tool run by disgusting companies to allow children to access pornography.
  18. There's so, so much wrong with it. The unnecessary storage of inherently sensitive information Conditioning the population in to unthinkingly providing their identification documents to an industry with no lack of unscrupulous operators. This is an identity theft scandal waiting to happen. It literally doesn't solve the problem of vulnerable youngsters stumbling across pornography. It doesn't apply to sites that host some pornography, only where it's more than a third of pornography. So twitter, reddit, imgur, and other sites like that are completely exempt. Where are unsuspecting vulnerable individuals more likely to stumble across porn? Nobody has ever unintentionally seen porn on Pornhub The developer of this solution? The owner of Pornhub, they've given them a huge competitive advantage. At what point did it become the government's place to be responsible for parenting? ISPs already have opt in (and in some cases, opt out) porn filters, that any parents can enable. Remember when the tories used to shriek about the nanny state?
  19. Saunders is a bit of a nob, but I am bored of every goal of the month/season candidate being a 25 yard thunderbolt.
  20. Is it very big, or is it very close?
  21. Or if they just get fed up of supporting it. I certainly wouldn't expect Logitech or Nest to go under for example, but if it's not a profitable venture in a couple of years they'll turn it all off without a second thought.
  22. I don't disagree with that. But until he starts flailing around on the touchline like someone who's just discovered he has arms, and having a mental breakdown in press conferences, I think it's harsh to compare him with Captain Bellend!
  23. I was very careful not to suggest it was anything to do with other posts on VT.
  24. They lost to Barcelona ffs Nobody should have had any illusions that the current Manchester United squad was going to be on Barcelona's level. OGS has got them in a position where they are in with a good chance of qualifying for next season's CL, which looked like it was a long shot when Mourinho was sacked. If anything he's a victim of his own moderate success that he's got them looking like a decent time again so people's expectations were raised. BArce are clearly on another level to this season's Man United.
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