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Everything posted by Stockport_Villain

  1. Same old, same old.... draw conceding in the last 5 mins.
  2. Accordng to an article earlier in the week he's got his own business now and doesn't feel physically up to returning to football full time so think we'll be looking at another option.
  3. Well we've been through the up and coming mangers with no success, the trendy continental ones with no success, the idiotic one with no succes. So now we have a bland one that no one is overly excited about. Maybe it will click! Keeping my fingers crossed.
  4. i used to love bellowing that out at home and away. Fab song, just can't understand why it faded away.
  5. Very nervous about this game. Win and we're on our way, lose and it doesn't look pretty. keeping fingers crossed.
  6. 3-1 win. Coasting 3-0 then Forest score in the last 5 minutes.
  7. Got mine with the nipper in tow #COYL
  8. Nov 76 Villa 2 - 2 Coventry Dont remember much about the game itself, just walking up the steps on the mid left of the Holte End to be greeted by a volume of noise I'd never heard before and a magnificent stadium. Hooked for the rest of my life.
  9. If he scores 20 goals this season I'll be happy. Welcome.
  10. If that was aimed at me nothing at all. I just played, in my mind the way Delaney did!
  11. Gotta love this guy, wears his heart on his sleeve which is fine by me.
  12. Hope you more like Delaney than Hutton and if so you're good enough for this league.
  13. Agree with a lot of this, right team, right decisions at the right time. He's still learning about players in game conditions and still has players he wants to add to the squad. The future is bright.
  14. Loved his run but blimey he's got one hell of a lot to learn. Constantly hogs the touch line even when the play and long balls to gestede are on the opposite side, no anticipation on where the ball might be and how he should be involved. At one point he had to be directed from the touch line to get himself move to the middle of the pitch. if he can learn he will be a good player, if he doesn't he'll only ever be a bit part player....in my opinion.
  15. He had a very good game today. Steady in the 1st half and very positive in the 2nd. He's not the best defender in the world but for what we need in the Championship he could be the player we need.
  16. Whatever his background good or bad, no one really knows. We can only surmise from the tit bits people dig up and listen to their opinions and make our own decisions based on this information, no matter how substantiated it is. I knew nothing about him when he took over and am learning all the time but I've got to say he is a breathe of fresh air. Just for his enthusiasm and engagement with the fans I think he is exactly what we need at this point in time. What happens in the future, who knows, but for the moment enjoy the ride, the ups and downs and know that it won't be from a lack of trying on Tony's part that it will fail. I think he's just the man for us #UTV
  17. Good signing. Hope he plays as well for us as he did for Wales and we'll be set.
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