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Everything posted by Stockport_Villain

  1. Whilst I agree with this point Green cost Leeds a result against Newcastle a few weeks back so he's not the best example.
  2. This will be a good pointer to how we will do against teams in the top 6 at home for the second half of the season. Leeds are doing well at the moment, and playing well, unlike us. Think they will nick this 2-1.
  3. Don't care as long as its 3 points to the Villa.
  4. Home form to continue. Villa to win 3-1
  5. When he was playing his first touch wasn't the best and got him into trouble on a number of occasions. Good engine but not the most skilful.
  6. The worm will turn and McCormack loves playing against QPR. We have to start winning away and why not tomorrow in front of the cameras. McCormack, Tish and Bacuna to start.
  7. After watching the game I would suggest Ayew who just coasted through the game.
  8. This doesn't make for good viewing after a hard day at work!
  9. Can't quite believe how poor our first touch is, Grealish excused. Never get the ball under control therefore never get a good pass away to create options. would actually like to see Bacuna on.
  10. 4 points from the next 2 away games would be a decent return. 6 would be better though. #COYL
  11. Don't think he brings much to the team currently. His decision making is poor, slow over the first 3 yards so won't beat his man on the outside which means he is easy to defend against. Always stops and comes inside on his right foot, easy to read and defend against. When he dribbles across midfield doesn't know when to pass and gets caught is possession. McCormack needs to be given a chance at his expense on current form.
  12. Plenty of positions need fixing before GK. I like him and think he gets stronger every game. A definite keep as far as I’m concerned.
  13. So he's supposed to cover Westwoods and Chester who follows the ball instead of his man who then scores the goal!! if you want a scapegoat you've got one, but he's not to blame for the goal on this occasion I'm afraid.
  14. You should be able to trust your players to do their job!
  15. 1st half was very easy on the eye, only messed up by Westwood's error that resulted in a goal. Even though he messed up he didn't go hiding and was very effective in the middle and work rate was great throughout all the team. It only seemed a matter of time before we got 3 and 4. 2nd half we didn't come out at all and on another day 1or 2 of Cardiff's chances could easily have ended up in the net. I suppose some of that is down to our new found resilience. Thoroughly enjoyed the day out and has made we want more which is what it is all about. Onwards and upwards and in Bruce we trust. Loving it.
  16. Not disagreeing with your upgrades but we are already making a run for 2nd. Undefeated in the next 4 games with a couple of wins and everyone will take notice of the mighty Villa!
  17. Surely that's because the opposition we're tiring so they had time on the ball and being fresh against a team who had played 60 minutes already took advantage of it. Bloody good management if you ask me!
  18. Excellent tactics, well executed by everyone including gabby. Subs were great and we dominated away at the team 2nd in the league. Onwards and upwards.
  19. I have a good feeling about tonight. In Bruce we trust. Come on you Villa Boys.
  20. I like this smiling feeling, getting used to it and long may it continue.
  21. I think that he is starting to get back to what we saw pre-injury. I was impressed by his leaping ability and the number of headers he won. In time his positioning will improve but his pace will get him out of trouble more often than not. Based on that performance he offers more than Cissokho at the moment.
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