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Everything posted by MMFy

  1. Chrome here, although the stock browser isn't that bad...
  2. Take Guzan out of the team now and you might as well sell him. He confidence would be shot to shit. He is still a better goalkeeper than Shay Given, and is also 8 years younger. Stick with Guzan.
  3. Just seen this on the OS through the Facebook feed. Terrible news. Condolences to his family...
  4. That'll be the CPC then, circling like vultures, waiting for their best opportunity to throw this bunch of crooks in the Qincheng Prison...
  5. A high profile suicide of one of the original Radio 1 presenters. Can't put a name on who though. http://www.radiorewind.co.uk/radio1/presenter_group_pics.htm
  6. From Football365: Do these people not actually watch our matches? We have been on our longest unbeaten run with fewest goals conceded prior to Sunday (under Lambert's stewardship) without these three players in the team.
  7. Ah, bastard! Still five weeks till I get myself out to the snow...
  8. It's not the end of the world and we will come back from it. It was one game in a season of thirty-eight. Time to sup up some Leffe and enjoy a couple of days of eating too much...
  9. MMFy


    Arsenal conceded 8 in a game last year. Let's not let two concellation goals get in the way though...
  10. This is not the definitive truth, it is just your opinion. I have seen Bannan rule games, and he has picked up a few MOTM awards. I rate him and think we would be **** without him.
  11. 8th to 14th. Steady mid-table, I reckon we will pick up around 47 points. I'm happy for people to use this as a stick to beat me with if I am massively wrong.
  12. A couple of months ago I would have said yes, but now there is no way back. He is damaged goods now he's been in Liverpool, and he has failed massively up there. I rate him as worth no more than £5m now, he offers next to nothing to a team. The other stumbling block with Downing is attitude. We signed him when he was injured, gave him a couple of seasons then he **** off at the first opportunity. Say we resigned him for a nominal fee and he turned his career around again, providing many goals and assists - how long do you think it would be before he was looking at other clubs? The thing Lambert offers Villa in comparison to MON is that he appears to be signing players who are hungry to play, who will give their all for every minute they appear on the pitch. There is a work ethic we have not seen for years, and there is a solid unit of players which extends beyond the first 11. Downing does not fulfill the new criteria.
  13. Not good news, wish the guy well. I fell off my bike in the summer and almost ended up in a semi colon...
  14. MMFy


    Liverpool fans can't see past the end of their own nose...
  15. MMFy


    @ PieFacE - that post is epic. Brian Blessed epic!
  16. This was Gary Gardner's first proper test after his terrible injury. IIRC, he set up six of the goals in that game and scored a coupe as well. I'm keen to see how he does when he comes back from his current and extremely unfortunate injury.
  17. This. He is a good player but not Barca standard. Neither is Gareth Bale, despite playing a blinder against Real a couple of years ago...
  18. Didn't Villa release him because he had a Billy Big Bollocks attitude? And is Brentford really back on track? And isn't this in the Mirror? Ah, that figures...
  19. MMFy


    Quotes taken from RICO's post on the previous page. This is the problem with Liverpool fans, and the difference between us and them. They saw us as an easy pushover and predicted ridiculous outcomes for the match. Most of us weren't really that scared of Liverpool before the match and some of us don't see it as a massive achievement that we beat them. Yes,it was nice to go 3-0 up at Klanfield but they are a mid table club now and we should be able to beat a mid table club now and again. The fact they wrote off our result against an in-form Norwich side speaks volumes for the average Liverpool fan. They see themselves as though they are leagues above Norwich, yet they sit below them in the league. They thought they could walk over us and they got **** in the ass. I'm not going to sit here and say we are better than Liverpool as if that is some sort of achievement; it's not. We are both currently mid-table clubs. We are a club that has just pretty much started afresh with an entire new team, and after three months of building and gelling, we are starting to show we have turned a corner. It had to be done this way - changing it one or two players at a time will not achieve anything. Liverpool are not going to turn into contenders for the top third of the league until they get rid of their trolls in Gerrard and Carragher. I just hope Gerrard and Carragher stay in that team for years to come. Their presence will hold them back, and the manager that drops Gerrard will most likely get death threats and then sacked. So beating Liverpool for me is not so much a gloat as a looool.
  20. MMFy


    Excellent summary. Only issue with that is they won the league cup last season.
  21. I guess there's no point putting EX38 in then...
  22. I believe Gabby is far more successful already than Vassell was. Vassell scored a massive 35 league goals in his Villa career. Gabby already has 54.
  23. Jeremy Peace - Chairman of small but successful Premier League football club. CI - Internet troll. Make up your own mind.
  24. MMFy


    And 159 pages of it are ridiculous posts like this, bulking up the thread with no substance, or just simply trolling. It says nothing about nothing. You could start a thread about Fred West and get the same number of pages in the same time. It doesn't mean he is going to be resurrected...
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