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Everything posted by MMFy

  1. It's a load of cock. Nothing will happen. I neither have the time nor inclination to research this topic; so here is a list of the top ten failed doomsday prophecies courtesy of LiveScience: http://www.livescience.com/7926-10-failed-doomsday-predictions.html
  2. Is it right to pop the question when you haven't got a ring?
  3. MMFy


    All drugs should be reclassified as either recreational or habitual. Controlled manufacture and licensed/monitored supply of recreational drugs would eliminate a large part of the black market. There needs to be a definite differentiation between recreational drugs and hardcore habitual drugs like heroin, crack and meth.
  4. Hmmm, not sure if serious. $100 at today's exchange rate is £63.
  5. This. Chang will not give you a bit of arrogant bravado unless you're after a girl who has a bit of a chang habit herself. Chang may make people feel great about themselves but it generally makes everyone else think they are a cock. There's a reason it carries so much politics with it,even within it's own circles. However, if she is into it herself, you have to DHUTWU. It's practically the law.
  6. This. Hoovering up some chang is going to make people dislike you more than anything...
  7. MMFy


    Drugs definitely need reclassification in this country. I'm not sure I would legalise everything, but I believe the current practices of drugs awareness education are entirely responsible for the situation we are in. When I left school in 1992, the drugs education was pretty much as it was mocked on South Park (drugs are bad, m'kay). There is no differentiation drawn between a drug with no addictive personality and little to no side effects and a drug that will draw a person into a downward spiral of soul destroying addiction. By the age of 14, most people know someone who has or does smoke weed, so when it is communicated to kids as little different to heroin, yet the people they see smoking it appear to be fine, they ridicule and mock the drugs awareness education as scaremongering and propaganda. To classify MDMA in the same bracket as Heroin, Crack and Crystal Meth is just ridiculous, and the try to classify all types of cannabis in another bracket, despite it's many guises and stages of technical development is equally as bad. 20 years ago, cannabis was nothing like it is today. It was a bit of fun as opposed to a super-strength psychological rollercoaster. I know a lot of people that have taken a lot of MDMA over the last 20-25 years and none of them have any issues from it. Most are happily married with kids, owning nice houses and having great careers. Whereas I know people who smoked weed religiously who still live with their parents and cannot hold down a job.
  8. Benteke has almost scored half the number of goals in just two months that Heskey scored in three and a half years!
  9. MMFy


    I've seen some people get in quite a mess from smoking super strength weed. Out of interest, how do the psychological effects compare to those who use MDMA? Not that I would use either, just interested in the legal position of both substances...
  10. I thought it was quite a good analogy. As a former owner of two Audis and a current BMW owner, although BMW traditionally held the marque, Audis are far better cars. Mercedes used to have a poor reputation for quality and reliability; a trait BMW appear all too happy to pick up. For the money, BMWs are poorly built and overpriced. Similar to Apple products, one might say. I'm desperately trying to shift mine!
  11. Bent already believes Weimann is a better finisher than him. He was quoted as saying Weimann is the best natural finisher at the club. With Bent, Benteke, Agbonlahor and Weimann, we have a particularly good set of strikers. I suspect after yesterday's game it is becoming more apparent the team are gelling together and performances are improving, and long may that continue.
  12. I doubt you'll get anything more serious than a few points, a fine and a course. The courses are a pain in the arse. You'll probably have to do it on a Friday/Saturday morning and it's going to set you back at least £150. That on top of the fine (which should be nominal) and points is going to be a pisser, especially when combined with the rise you're going to see in your insurance premium. Out of interest, how much damage was there to your car/the other car?
  13. These two posts sum it up pretty well. You're going to get points on your licence, for not reporting the accident and/or driving off from the scene of an accident. For driving off, you can expect more than three points. A friend of mine had an incident a few years ago which did not involve another vehicle or personal property but involved the vehicle he was driving leaving the carriageway and rolling down an embankment. He went home, with the intention of having the car recovered int he morning, but the police found it and recovered it first. Then visited his house, arrested him and he ended up getting 8 points on his licence for it. And a fine and a course. Have you got any points on your licence at present?
  14. This. However, you are a cock for driving off. If it was your car and someone else had done it you would be furious. Take the punishment and accept the responsibility, then move on and learn from it.
  15. MMFy

    GTA 5

    This was exactly my experience with COD. Blokes I was working with (when COD4 was still newish) were all playing on a Friday night and told me to get online. I bought it, played a bit then went online. I got the shit shot outta me, again and again and again and again. Not fun at all. I thought Red Dead Redemption on the other hand was excellent.
  16. MMFy

    New York, New York

    Well, all booked (a few weeks ago). Staying in an apartment on 110th St. Dinosaur Jr playing with Johnny Marr and Kurt Vile the night I arrive? I think so...
  17. I've got nothing against Hearts as a club, but sectarianism is rife in that league. There's no need for bigoted racism and religious supremacists in football. It's kind of like when Leeds fans were all over the internet, and on this very board, pleading for support to have their points deduction quashed after parading the greatest arrogance of pseudo-success in everyone's faces for years. They acted like cocks on whole, so there wasn't much chance people were going to lend their support.
  18. http://www.sportingintelligence.com/2012/05/14/its-the-economy-stupid-how-wages-aid-success-in-the-premier-league-140502/
  19. Middlesbrough paid phenomenal wages in their later seasons in this league and they were gash. These situations are not isolated by any means.
  20. Is Scottish football not charged with hate though?
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