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Everything posted by Stephen_Evans

  1. One of the great mysteries in Villa history is why Bendall sold his shares to Ellis.
  2. Please, there is no need to conflate Pinocchio with Wizard of Oz like that!
  3. Indeed! Look at the non-handball decision against West Ham. The defender handled it more than once in the same incident!
  4. He's clearly has his wings clipped and is out of favour with the owners.
  5. 52,190 is pleasantly precise, which suggests a detailed plan has been made.
  6. A few "olays" from our fans towards the end of that game would be marvellous!
  7. He had a perfect record against Southampton comprising two home wins (4-0 and 1-0). Edit: I would like to add that I am not an apologist for the slippy one. My disappointment concerning his sacking was that they didn't let me do it!
  8. I'm not sure if "weird" is the right word, but 3 league wins and 17 points in an entire season (2015/16) is not something I would have contemplated in my worst nightmare!
  9. Aspects of the new badge that I love include that, at a glance, you know it's Aston Villa. And it does provide a link to a successful era while being sufficiently different, eg the extent to which the letters extend round the circle and the lion turning round.
  10. It's extraordinary when you consider that in other walks of life people lose their jobs simply for expressing the wrong opinions!
  11. A small cosmetic detail, but if they are noticing and fixing cracking in the brickwork, at least that shows they walk around their ground with their eyes open. A certain former chairman had a lot of trouble with that. Perhaps they'll look upwards while walking down Trinity Road and notice some other "imperfections" (e.g. the whole flipping stand!)
  12. A lovely video. It's not the approved design judging by the roof.
  13. Agreed, Chuk reminded me of Onoma in many ways. Body language plus that sense that what he was doing was about looking good himself rather than helping the team.
  14. Clearly Lerner was not romantically nourished enough to say, you know what, I screwed that club big time, maybe I don't deserve another £10m for other people's hard work.
  15. A Steve Bruce or Martin O'Neil right back perhaps?
  16. I think Emery will have been unhappy in particular with the playing out from the back. Not the principle but the choices made. There were times when players made what was a safe choice for themselves but not for the player they were passing to. We would play back into the high press rather than around or through it. Which must have been what Emery was talking about when he referred to being braver or words to that effect.
  17. More likely to get rid of anyone he doesn't need.
  18. If this guy is worth £70m, all I can say is that kind of money doesn't buy much!
  19. I buy it because I always have but it is truly a shambles compared to what it once was. The content is banal and there are countless errors. I suspect the powers that be at the club don't pay much attention because if they did, there would be a radical overhaul.
  20. If ever there was a season which proved the game is not played on paper, that was it. I completely overestimated the ability of that squad as a collective to do well. My Villa supporting Grandad died in the July and I just told myself that Villa gave up without him.
  21. "Sell to buy" is always a tough sell (ahem) to Villa fans because it is a reminder of harder times. In the present day I suspect it is all about FFP rules and making room in the maximum budget. The money itself is undoubtedly available.
  22. Carbone against Wimbledon. Luna against Arsenal. You never can tell how it will go longer term!
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