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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. He wont. Hes publicly set the price. Even Whelan would find it hard to justify upping the price again. The fee is 10m. Not going to change now. Hypothetically then. What happens if we then says £11m publically? Do we just go another £1m higher?
  2. :nod: And every single one will claim they'd happily go out with a nice guy when they wouldn't.
  3. Yarp. He nailed his "I'm not arsed" flip flops to the mast when he stayed at City behind Hart. He may turn out OK, but we're putting it down to complete chance, he's not played more than 10 competitive matches in the last year. What would people say if he was an outfield player?
  4. Mmm Ritzy. I'm fairly certain I'm in love with her. Met them all after a few gigs, really nice bunch. She will be my queen one day!!
  5. Awesome Too **** right. I think Redemption is my fave. I can see Glory Hallelujah being rather popular on these boards!
  6. The Joy Formidable - The Big Roar They are something else live. Glad I knew about them before the drongos who were there the last time I saw them did. In front of about 150 people at the Sugar Mill, **** ace. Read a review somewhere on it and it had a great line that was something like "If you try and listen to this album half-heartedly, it'll rip your head off and shit down your neck" Whirring - described by Dave Grohl as "song of the year"
  7. Dexter is brilliant as well. Season 1 is awesome, and when you get hooked, I urge you to get thru to season 4 ASAP. Easily the best 12 hours of TV I've ever seen.
  8. Stupid people. I should leave them to be, but I can't help try to help them, then I realise they're morons and am left peeved that I've wasted my time on them.
  9. Could do with someone dynamic next to him. Delph, Makoun and Milner would be **** ace. Maybe Delph, Makoun and Adam?
  10. Don't fancy Ancelotti. I don't have a clue who I would like, that would be gettable, so I wouldn't say no though. Seems to be like Capello, won loads elsewhere, but doesn't seem to be able to actually speak English and wouldn't work with players not up to the standard he's used to.
  11. Halls were amazing for me as well. But it is who you end up with. As a general rule, it was the shitter the halls, the better the the people, so don't worry at all where you end up. Rich kids who aren't paying for anything themselves go in the most expensive halls and come with a stinking attitude. I've had so many phenomenal nights because I lived in halls. Either through deciding to go out at midnight cos we were bored or thru coming home at 4am and carrying on pissing around till the early early hours.
  12. The use of the word 'respectively'. X & Y finished 4th and 19th in the league respectively. U & V paid £5 and £4,000 respectively for their cars. I HATE it! Not needed any time. Ever.
  13. Damn, Shaun White is only 24. I've not got long to become the best snowboarder ever at a younger age then.
  14. Dexter is miles better than both for me.
  15. Still can improve for me. When we were trying to look after the ball and put pressure on yesterday he lost it at least three times in good moves before the goal. I want to see him busting a gut and playing well when the team isn't, dragging us on, he's good enough. Then he can count himself a real player, far too often he goes with the flow and either shines when we're on top, or hides when we're under the cosh.
  16. Delph has an insane amount of talent and is missing nothing to be a top player. He just needs to chill out a bit when he's on the ball, can get a bit panicky and start rushing things. I want him to start popping some shots off, he scored a boat load at Leeds.
  17. Yeah, wouldn't be the worst thing. Petrov and Makoun can get the passing going, Delph can bomb around like a hero. It's going to click for him sooner or later. He has so much talent, he just needs to learn the right times to take his man on or lay it easy.
  18. I'm going to be depressed watching Barton dominate the match. We need to grow some balls and be willing to pass. It takes bottle to put a tackle, but it takes even more to have the ball under pressure and keep your head. Fried Walker Cuellar Collins Young Downing Petrov Makoun Young Agbag Bent
  19. Your mate's stupid girlfriends. Boring wenches.
  20. Take the drugs out of Maradona and he wasn't up to much though :wink:
  21. Shocking game. Scrappy as anything. Could be a 1-0 this.
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