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Everything posted by veloman

  1. I have a feeling that the late Bob Woolmer (brilliant for Warks) started off as a swing/medium pacer and then moved right up the order. I think he may have opened for Kent in limited over games - but it was a long time ago and could easily be wrong.
  2. https://nyti.ms/2vKdBmd Perhaps I've misunderstood it or the New York Times is wrong.
  3. New York Times reporting that the offender was running down the street shouting 'God is Great' in Arabic. So some slight chance of being Islamic related I guess.
  4. I may have misheard but I think it has been reported that a now 'scrapped' plan to build a new bridge over the Thames in LONDON ('natch) has already cost £37m. What !!! And there are people that say this country is not 'Londoncentric'. PS Shouldn't start a sentence with a conjunction !
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Village of the Damned from The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham perhaps ?
  6. Hmm.. Always liked him but... he must be nearing the end of his career and a 2 year contract is probably a good deal for him. OR ... Does he not want to play in Div 2 next season where I can see Warks heading( I realise you don't have to be prescient to work that out). My main worry is that they might lose Jeetan Patel to a Div 1 team .
  7. Purdie I think. Bernard 'Pretty' Purdie. Inventor of the Purdie shuffle
  8. Yes that's a great point and probably best illustrated by The Beatles.
  9. Well to a certain extent surely. For instance, take the U2 blokes; Larry Carlton could play anything that The Edge(?) could play I guess. Steve Gadd could play anything that whoever the U2 drummer is .. but they couldn't play what Carlton and Gadd can play. So I guess that makes the latter 2, better musicians. Vocalists - definitely subjective.
  10. Yes , yes "deleted" very amusing ! No ' I just felt that posting personal opinions which run so counter to popular opinion isn't a good idea. Particularly as I was never famous myself but did play with some ace musos (2 or 3 in chart bands). So I deleted it. What's that about 'better to be thought a fool ....'
  11. or it could be that the poster is just damned good at his/her job and non-judgemental.
  12. Views on Boycott are often polemic. Yes he could bat but :- ducked out of the Trip to Australia so didn't face Lilian Thompson (left to Denis Amiss from memory) and ran out one of my favourite (non Warwickshire) players Derek Randall on his home ground with a totally selfish piece of cricket. Realise it is just an opinion though.
  13. I may be the only person on here old enough to remember this but .. when we were in the old Third Division we signed a centre half from Coventry called George Curtis. He was probably past his best for Cov but (IMO) he made a huge difference to our leaky defence at the time. Surely there is a possibility Terry could do a similar job ? I think George invented the expression about taking no prisoners !!!!
  14. Surely it could be argued that he is just sticking to his principles in much the same way that Corbyn does. One difference seems to be that Corbyn gets lauded for doing that.
  15. Paul Rogers of 'Free' and 'Bad Company' ?
  16. Gregg Allman gone. Great exponent of 'Southern Rock'. Once married to Cher I think. RIP
  17. A significant number of prisoners would not be eating hotdogs I think !
  18. Sounds like me and "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover".
  19. I had you down as a more 'Classical Gas' (Mason Williams) man.
  20. Albums:- Can't Buy a Thrill - Steely Dan; Countdown to Ecstasy - Steely Dan ; AJA - Steely Dan ; Best of Kanye West (this latter one to help start the campfire which will doubtless be required) Books:- The Bible ; Wind in the willows ; Bleak House ; Neuromancer (William Gibson); The Life and Times of Dolly Parton (illustrated) Boxset - Bugs Bunny Object - large, signed photo of Ant and Dec + set of darts.
  21. Kraftwerk doesn't count as proper music - no acoustic drums !
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