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Everything posted by veloman

  1. How do you turn a fox into an elephant ? Marry her.
  2. Of course !! You are right - although Kent are second rate compared with The Bears . So … who would you all have ?
  3. That would be interesting but, personally, can't see it. Would the great Alan Donald be a suitable candidate do you think ?
  4. Well while we seem to be telling musician jokes: A drummer goes for an audition with a 'reading' band. MD dishes out the music and the first number is a pleasant ballad. About half way through the drummer launches into an incredible solo; MD waves his arms and asks him what the hell he is doing. Drummer replies, "Well , on the music it says 'take it'!' ". MD has a look and says ,"That's not 'take it' …….. it's Tacit".
  5. From an array of Seasonal jokes I heard when backing 2nd rate comedians (I was a second rate drummer btw) :- 2 kids discussing what they are having for Xmas; "I'm having a puppy" say one. "Dad's keeping it in the bedroom". " How do you know ?" says other. 'Cos the other morning I heard him say to Mom, Grab hold of it , it won't bite you". Father says to son " What do want for Xmas son?" Son replies " I'd like something to wear and something to play with". So father buys him a pair of trousers and cuts the pockets off. I thank you.
  6. What a brilliant clip Mr Mooney. Interesting on a number of level: lovely Ludwig kit - worth a fortune now; they cock the count-in up - I thought only I used to do this !!! That is a fast shuffle he is playing and notice that his ride cymbal slips - that happened years ago but todays' hardware is much better. And what about those Gibson guitars !!!!
  7. veloman

    Do you read?

    Has anyone read/heard of this book called 'Ticket to the Moon' ? Apologies if it has been discussed elsewhere. Among other things it claims that Graham Turner had a 'wish list ' of players to replace the Saunders team which he swiftly broke up. I am told some of the proposals included :- re-signing John Gidman, Alan Smith (later of Arsenal and a Villa fan) and Gary Lineker was would still have been at Leicester. Quite a list - anyone come across this book?
  8. Was that the instrument used in a cult 60's number called 'Do you Believe in Magic' by the Lovin' Spoonful' ? Probably before most people's time on here !!!
  9. Glad someone mentioned him. Takes me back to old Channel 4 coverage with him and Phil Liggitt (sp). Top road man too - saw him win National Road Race Champs at Newport (Shrops). Must have looked after his money really well as he had acquired substantial mining interests in Africa. A good friend of mine was a pro mechanic and worked with him on one of his teams. Said he was first class bloke and pretty intelligent too. RIP.
  10. deleted - not the right place
  11. I may be wrong about this but I don't think the wickets over there are particularly conducive to spin. As a hell of a lot of wickets have fallen to spin in Sri Lanka, I just wonder how our (slightly ageing) pace attack will get on. (and more importantly - will Woakes get a chance !!!)
  12. " Black Friday" Excellent !!! (Lead break on Fender 'Telecaster.
  13. Bill Ward got a lot of coverage and was interviewed at length - I think you are a Sabbath fan aren't you ?
  14. Did anyone watch a series on Sky Arts recently called 'The Art of Drumming' ? I hate having to pay for Sky but it's the only place to see cricket and 'The Classic' bike races (Paris Roubaix etc). Anyway , sometimes they come up with a nugget like this - so any opinions if you saw it. All subjective (to a certain extent) but Buddy Rich named as the greatest ever drummer - which is hard to argue with IMO.
  15. I only recently discovered that our Prime Minister is married to Phil May. Possibly lead singer with 1960's R & B band 'The Pretty Things ?
  16. I realise that this is a fairly academic topic and don't know if it has been discussed on here before but ……. when pet food manufacturers claim that their latest product has 'new and improved taste' , who is the geezer that performs this operation and what sort of salary do they receive ?
  17. No not used for gaming at all. Mainly surfing internet and a bit of Microsoft Office. What is the difference between a laptop and Chromebook please? (cycling to Costa !!!!)
  18. Am considering the above purchase. Due to a rather expensive re=spray and renovation to one of my bikes, there is currently an adverse variance on the Expenditure Budget …. so price will be important. But what should I look out for . what is desirable, memory , processors etc. I am rather ignorant about computers . Advice welcome please.
  19. Wah Wah Watson passed away a couple of days ago. Possibly an 'aquired taste' and probably not very well known; but if you liked PFunk, Parliament et al then he was up there (IMO).An example here. Probably with 'The Mother Ship' now .
  20. I have on of those 'souvenir' footballs signed by the squad at the time that has Mark Draper's signature on it . "Draper for England" !!!!!
  21. Well, went to see guitar master Larry Carlton at B/ham Town Hall on Tuesday. Obviously a lot of Steely Dan fans there judging by the reception 'Josie' (AJA Album) got. One thing that struck me was the small amount of gear on show. He played a red Gibson 335 all night - no racks of guitars behind him. The drummer (a fabulous , subtle player) had a 5 piece Yamaha and perhaps a ride , a crash and maybe one other and the keyboard player just had 2 Yamaha keyboards. I guess if you've got that talent you don't need much else. Roll on Steely Dan in Feb. (bass player had a 5 string I think)
  22. veloman

    The NSWE Board

    I really can't vouch for the veracity of this but has anyone heard anything about a new Director of Football ….. from Portugal ?
  23. What a dreadful shame ? Wonder what that erudite ,self-effacing David Lloyd will have to say about it ! Warks could have batted Kent out of their match; pity Trott couldn't have got a decent score.
  24. There is at least one other person on here that knows Chas Hodges was much better than the rather trite 'Chas and Dave'. He played in a cult band of the late 60's early 70's called 'Heads, Hands and Feet'; they never really made it but released a great 'turntable hit called Warming Up The Band' which I always found really tricky to play (on drums) but then I wasn't much good ! I guess he made more cash out of Chas and Dave but it is often surprising what musos have done in the past - like ace session bassist Herbie Flowers wrote the dreadful 'Grandad' for Clive Dunn.
  25. Agree with VILLAMARV's team …. apart from Rashid. I realise he isn't a leg spinner but I have always liked the look of Danny Briggs - even when he was at Hampshire - and he is left arm. Denly has had a great season. And Warks finally promoted; wonder if they will release anymore from their squad or is that it. Finally, I wonder if Stokes will stay at Durham; aren't they in a spot of bother financially ?
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