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Everything posted by VILLAMARV

  1. Great performance. Nice little cameos from Bailey and Youri. Remember that massive deflection when some commentator tells you how many goals we've conceeded at villa park in open play.
  2. better bloody win this, been ages without us winning a game of football n that, boring old international breaks. Go sports team
  3. I appreciate you're talking about this week with OBE there, and taking us down the route of bombs and collateral damage, but they have though haven't they, Israel, targetted innocent Palestinians. And the UN and (talking of charity) Amnesty (amongst others) have called them out on it too. Doesn't your accusation of minimisation ring true with your own post?
  4. I think the pro's make it look easy to be fair mate. It aint. Amazing kicking tonight England should look closely at the last few phases, they looked decent with the ball in hand. What could have been..
  5. Aussie drama Stateless. Not gonna win any oscars and has a tv drama feel, but good story - especially if youre aware of naurau and manus stuff and an old Aussie state soundbite of.... drumroll....... STOP THE BOATS! Cate Blanchett, Dominic West and the crazy wife from handmaids tale
  6. Whoever he is he signs off with "don't talk to me about reality" This is why I hate group identities and strawmanning so much.
  7. I suspect we may get moved to VT's bin thread but yeah, much the same. Swansea was weird after many years of Cardiffs one bag for all the recycling thing but because the plastic was seperate and every 2 weeks we needed somewhere to store it - which was ok as we had a 2nd shower that didnt work but off the back of that we just try not to buy stuff in plastic anymore and its stuck. Supermarket and recycling tip take the soft plastics so we have a bag we stuff that into, food in the same system as you (Wales innit). Powys has coloured plastic tubs for household kerbside collection but we have larger coloured wheelie bins here in the flats. So everything in the same bin inside and sorted on the roadside. It's rare we'll fill a black bag in 3 weeks in the other bin. But then I have no kids etc. I think there's a different thing for nappies n that for weekly collection for those that do. Like you say food bins the norm over here for more than a decade I'd say.
  8. They're the only ones that get picked up every week in some places I've lived. Here everything is weekly apart from Black Bags which is 3 weekly
  9. @chrisp65 was probably there. As much as Franchise FC are no one's favourite Welsh League team perhaps a little sweetener for a tough day at the office?
  10. All joking aside, I certainly agree with this. I think it's plain as day in the vast majority of the western media. Other viewpoints are available.
  11. And we wonder why people pick up right wing talking points about it being illegal to offend people in this country. FWIW there's 2 up in my town. I don't think anyone's had a knock on their door about them. In further flag news the council offices are still flying the Ukrainian one but it's not up on the flagpoles at the war memorial anymore and I think I'm right in saying all but one of the shops have taken them down too. Perhaps the Council will be getting a visit from the perception police too.
  12. he had his second kid over there so I know the medical costs were a bit eye opening to him. I know life is getting more expensive over here every day and energy bills have gone through the roof since those conversations but just things like not paying for a bank account, not paying directly for healthcare, food bills overall being cheaper. Admittedly he doesn't drive - and obviously fuel is loads more expensive over here. You're right about the cost of housing in SF and he is one of them tech types making silly money. On a personal level, when I've visited the states I couldn't get over the comperable price of fresh fruit and vegetables and meat/fish etc. The penny soon dropped as to why there's such a big eating out culture over there if you pay more to eat in your own home and cook it all yourself!!
  13. Can't speak for Brum particularly, as you know I'm in da Wales. But I'd say rather comfortably @TheAuthority. All I wanted to chime in on was that my BIL spent a few years working in San Fransisco and moved the family over there. He has since moved back and he reckons life is cheaper here than in the states - in like a daily basis type way. He often jokes that his employers didn't realise this when they ok'd his salary ("They're paying me american money to live in the UK")
  14. I'm amazed people havent had food waste bins until now. Chuck it in them bio-gas generators.
  15. I absolutely agree about the formula not being that hard. Most of it is cleaning. Clean pipes/nozzles/optics religeously, clean tables clean toilets, clean glasses, clean cutlery. A subtle blend of friendly, attentive, yet liassez-faire staff. Decent products at fair prices. Genuinely caring is the key. People can tell if you're trying. Having said that I think what we were chatting about in another thread is that in our lifetimes the formula has also changed a whole lot around those principles remaining the same. What I mean is, if you are a big pub, with a car park in a nice location that does food well (basically the harvester/carvery model) there's still expendable income out there and a nice living to be made. There are still a handful of lifestyle business type boozers that don't do food that can earn the person living there and running it every day 20-30k a year. I think the rise of the old retail unit craft beer bars is testament to this. Low overheads, high turnover of low profit items. We've seen the drinking culture change before our eyes and I suppose I'd argue that good pubs but in the wrong location or without decent car parking have closed. I'd argue good pubs surrounded by wetherspoons/punch etc in city centres have closed as less and less trade gets shared between less and less pubs. But also customers have changed. The idea of being in a city or big town having to throw coked up morons out of my pub does not appeal. The one thing I still ponder to this day is about swearing in the pub. Where is the line? No one wants to sit and eat sunday lunch with their kids with all effing and jeffing going on, but at the same time when people are drunk.... you know... standards can slip. Was always a fine line. I recently ended up in the local con club (hey it was a funeral) and one of my friends after a few pints, just couldn't stop swearing no matter how many times the bar staff asked him. I mean we found it funny, as a bunch of 40 somethings. But being al things to all people is tricky.
  16. I was going to press the shocked button but then realised it's you so I questioned whether I really was. kinda like a prog - folk - disco radio play with the guy from Manfred Mann and the guy from the Moody Blues amongst others. As much as it scared me as a kid, it's a great concept album.
  17. As a seventies kid my yoof spanned 2 decades namely 80's/90's. So there's a definite afinity for late 80s/90s /00s stuff of my younger days. Having said that when I've made a spotify playlist by decade in the past, the 70s one had the most tunes. If I go through my album collection there are more albums from the 70's than any other decade. When I think about the golden era in a lot of acts careers (like the Floyd chat the other day) it was in the 70's.
  18. I suppose in that sense it's an increase in greatness as time goes on
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