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Everything posted by VILLAMARV

  1. What is the club who have been put between Portsmouth's badge and Reading's?
  2. As Ive already said, I'll personally reserve comment on specific events until they have been confirmed/corroborated. Im well aware of the conversation. You're just repeating the last post I quoted just in longer form. The thing I asked you about was the bit about you claiming people saying it 'didnt matter'. There are different ways of wording things if what you were referring to was what they were saying - that the method of the murder is inconsequential in establishing horrific murders have taken place. Saying 'people' said 'it didnt matter' has more than a hint of minimisation added in to what was being said. Backed up by your assertion that the posts were made "as if it doesn't matter either way whether it actually happenned" That's not what people were saying at all. They were saying their level of disgust would remain constant regardless of the method. You're either disgusted or you're not. There's no other way to reply to this other than to just say no you didnt. You made a statement. And you constructed a fallacious argument. The extreme bit being the beheading of children, the hypothetical being the Israeli troops doing it to kids in Gaza, the invented response being the thing you said 'they' would say and the vague group is "people". Moral purity has precisely FA to do with it. You can base an argument or point or response around such things if you choose but I'll call it out for what it is every time I see it or hear it. Not being a psychopath or sociopath or suffering from psychosis the answer is obviously yes, but I dont need a hollow man argument to know that. Everyone else who posted about the method of killing would answer yes too. It's a rather obvious question. What about the point raised in response to you about intentionally killing people? Is premeditated murder A better or worse than premeditated murder B? Actually I didn't. What I said was that it is part of the sentencing structure of our legal system. I'm not sure what our ethics system is? Apples are different to oranges though that much is true. I think you might have the word morally confused with the word legally though. As above, Is intentional murder A worse than intentional murder B? If your response to this is to appear to respond to my argument but in a way that you construct your own point and answer that instead, it has a name. If we don't know the rules of your moral calculus how can we follow them or interact with you about them?
  3. Agreed on High Hopes. Coming Back To Life is a bit special. What Do You Want From Me and Keep Talking are great aswell. Gilmour's guitar does weird things to me. The only other guitarist I put in the same category is Stevie Ray Vaughan. There is something in the construction or the tone or something when those two play the guitar into my head that makes me kinda understand our resident Barryite when he says music can take him to some weird place totally unaided by narcotics or booze or whatever.
  4. I've run out of likes again but as an ex publican I've seen the drink up close and it effects people differently. One of my dearest friends is a really horrible drunk - the kind where everything is really fun until - click - switch flipped, eyes are gone, just horrible to everything and everyone around him. He confronted it years ago and even had those pills off the doctor that make you wretch when he touched a drop of it and was reformed for many years. 2 of his closest friends and his mum died in quick succession and that christmas his brother in law got mown down in a car accident. He inevitably hit the bottle again and I don't condemn him for it or even judge him harshly, I kind of understand. But it's so sad seeing him back where he once was. But like you say, the first one.... Stick with it man, life is so much more than a few lagers. But also don't give yourself too hard a time if you falter, just get back on the bike as they say. I've never been an exercisey person at all, but Ive recently started doing a bit of training on a saturday morning. Gym life would scare the life out of me but luckily round here it's a bit more agricultural. Flipping tractor tyres and the like Although if I'm totally honest it's the skipping that kills me. just being able to time it right is a start but cardio wise Ive never known anything like it! But yeah, I'm kinda getting into it and even looking forward to it tomorrow in a weird way.
  5. For me today it's an unexpected half day, when you're roofing but the rain is pouring so hard at midday that the boss declares an early end to the day. Like you said, money down, but on the flip side Friday to do with as I please. Unlike you I ended up testing the odd Guinness down the local boozer and I'm nicely drunk. Not wrecked, not sober, just nicely drunk. But, without being overly sentimental, or without wanting to be rubbing temptation in your face as it were (talking about post-work beers n that) I just thought I'd say that as I left the pub and walked up the lane I thought of you in as much as I was well proud of your post last week about leaving your colleagues mid session when you did. Much respect. It aint easy.
  6. I find Syd Barrettt era a bit much personally, and I agree with the sentiment of everything up until half of The Wall, but for my sins, I do very much love the Division Bell. Meddle is and always will be my favourite.
  7. Its ok, I meant that welsh nationalist and that panda guy
  8. All the animals come out at night. Whores, Skunkpussies, buggers, Queens fans, fairies, dopers.....One day a real rain.....etc
  9. Bickster's List is probably shot in black and white though amirite? Just one red cab or something
  10. Oh me and @Pelle are with you, but you just made @bicksters list my friend
  11. I think you'll find it has something to do with the mendacity of the UN.
  12. You dub heads out there might enjoy the Easy star All Stars - Dub Side of the Moon more perhaps. Oh and philistines the pair of you
  13. Perhaps it's more of a hollow man on reflection. either way you've constructed a fallacious argument here. An extreme hypothetical scenario with an invented response to it from a vague group. Where have people said this? especially the bit about it not mattering Firstly, personally I'll reserve any comment or judgement on specific events until there's some verification. Secondly, and I accept this is just my personal view, but the thing I find distasteful is playing one upmanship with people's trauma. I accept in a court of Law for sentencing purposes we have harsher sentences for 'worse' crimes but I find it hard to understand the metrics of what you call moral calculus. How does one equate (assuming it's all happened as reported for arguments sake) the grotesque actions of Hamas this week, on top of all the other grotesque actions of Hamas and all the other atrocities committed down the years by Palestinian terrorism with the grotesque behaviour of the Isreali Government and military and the daily systematic torture of millions of people over years and years? That's one hell of an algorithm.
  14. I definitely agree to the extent that we all carry an internal bias by existing as ourselves. But it isn't about a scorecard or tally, it's solely about stopping human suffering. That's not mutually exclusive to the political, geographical, ideological issues being addressed just, as you said, the solutions have to come from within the two sides. The International community has been poised for some time to start this ball rolling as it were - or at the very least to attempt to do some good, but that UN veto is the thing that stand in the way of meaningful diplomatic pressure being applied. I think from a hunaitarian viewpoint though, you' still have those issues to address once the killing stops and the blockades cease. I appreciate this is easier said than done when we face many, many years of picking through the trauma and the learned behaviours of the last few generations involved.
  15. I don't share this opinion. I think using recorded factual accounts from a humanitarian POV retains some objectivity. I think most people are appalled at the death and violence. I don't think most people have picked a side at all. There are plenty of people that think Israeli death is equal in every way to Palestinian death and vice versa. It's death. and to the 'argumments' bit - I think there's a massive difference in using that recorded information to justify acts of violence or to voice support for others doing acts of violence and using that information to challenge fallacies. I appreciate you've avoided an absolutist statement, and I'm not picking an argument, but I disagree.
  16. Thing is, if we dont do the strawman thing, we'll only be left remembering the reality - that when the IDF intentionally shoot children, journalists and disabled people the world is mostly silent and the oppression continues unabated.
  17. he had such a brilliant mind
  18. about 8 mins in and onwards is the famous bit about Chomsky explaining to Marr why he and his channel are not unbiased. But there's worse ways of spending half an hour than listening to this again.


    I love a good hat me. I have quite a few. Some for winter warmth, some for summer sun shade, some for work, some for fun.
  20. AFAIK, events planning legislation dictates it. They're supposed to have minor and major incident plans in place. If they did and they followed them and tragedy strikes then accidental it will be. There's supposed to be a registered first aider on site. Any for-profit organisation has a duty of care over attendees.
  21. I'm out of reactions but a rather hollow how sad will have to suffice. How horrible for everyone involved. Imagine having suggested it for the agenda
  22. Legislating for single home ownership doesn't really solve the problem imo (people would game the system) and creates a nightmare around inheritance. If you've saved and bought your own home it shouldn't become a legal problem to inherit another if your parent/s croak it. No-one needs another headache when dealing with grief. Like @chrisp65 says you need the will to make things better. The rest is pretty easy.
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